Not left behind

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The guards walked him down the hallway which seemed to be getting longer and longer and yet not long enough. Somewhere in that long, grey hallway was the cell they would keep him in.

He felt his heart thumping. Of course Ezra was no stranger to being captured. But that was also the problem. He had been captured before, before the Phoenix squadron, before he even met the crew.

Memories flashed in his mind. He was small and hungry and battered, trembling and whimpering and silently crying and begging in the corner of a dark cell. He needed someone, anyone to come for him. His parents, Sybo, someone. But no one came and no one would come.

Ezra knew it wasn't true, that it wasn't like that anymore, that he wasn't alone. He knew the crew would come for him. He knew that Kanan would come for him. But it didn't stop the overwhelming fear treating to consume him completely.

"Move along rebel" the storm trooper behind him said as he hesitated for a moment.

He spotted his lightsaber hanging from one of the trooper's belt.
He took one deep breath and forced himself to put on a brave face and a confident voice, more confident that he felt at the moment anyway.

"Hey, just so you know when I escape I won't hurt any of you"

He could practically feel the storm trooper roll his eyes under the helmet.

"Yeah, that's great kid. I feel real safe"

Ezra forced himself to smile.

"You shouldn't"

And with the force he ignited the blade of his lightsaber. While the startled and confused trooper tried to detach it from his belt the other two opened fire as he jumped, grabbed his lightsaber as the trooper who had it on his belt fell in the ground and started deflecting the blaster shots back to the other two.

One of them got shot and Ezra cut the other ones blaster. Feeling it before it happened he turned to the trooper behind him cutting his blaster in half as he raised it.

"See, you're fine" he said trying to hide the fear on his voice.

"Why are you so scared? Kanan's on his way. And even if he's not, you'll just get Sato and the other and go. Stop being such a baby" He thought as he force pushed the storm troopers inside the cell and tossed them the hand cuffs.

Time skip

Ezra sat on the Ghost's medbay as Hera who was kneeling on the ground checked him all over. Kanan was leaning against on the wall just beside Ezra's bed, smiling at the scene.

"Hera, I've told you before. I'm fine. I was only captured for what? An hour?"

Hera didn't look up.

"Then how do you explain these bruises?"

As soon as Hera mentioned it Kanan sat a little straighter and frowned. Ezra ducked his head and turned his eyes to the floor to avoid having to look at both of them.

"Ezra" Kanan's tone was warning but still concerned.


"What was that?" both Hera mad Kanan asked the slight annoyance on both their voices had Ezra speak up.

"It's nothing. The troopers escorting me to my cell decided to...welcome me to the ship"

Ezra felt Hera's anger fill the room and for a second he thought it was directed at him. As soon as it came the anger was gone and warm arms wrapped around Ezra. The boy looked up and hesitantly hugged Hera back, a tear rolled down his face.

"I'm so sorry Ezra. I never should have sent you there"

"I volunteered, Hera. You didn't send me. And besides its nothing important, it's happened to me many times. I could handle it"

"You shouldn't have to!"

"It doesn't matter it's-"

"It does matter. You matter. Kanan help me out here"

Kanan who was looking at nothingness turned his head to look at Ezra and Hera.

"Hera's right. You're a kid. You shouldn't have to go through something like that nor dismiss it like something you can handle. I know you've gone through worse and as much as I wish I could change the past I can't. What we can do now though is treat those bruises" he looked at Hera and she nodded.

"We're out of bancta but I can take some from the med center in Sato's ship. I don't think he will complain. I'll be right back" she said to Ezra and then she looked at Kanan.

"Make sure he doesn't go anywhere"

"I will, don't worry" Kanan said softly as she left.

Ezra looked back on the floor as Kanan turned to look at him.

"So, will you tell me about the other thing?"

"What other thing?"

"The one that has been bothering you"

Ezra felt silent. Of course Kanan knew. He always knew.

"Just spit it out" he thought "you can't lie your way out of this. He'll be able to tell right away"

"Well, Uh...I-I..Im scared"

Kanan didn't say anything. He waited for Ezra to go on.

"I know you care about me and you wouldn't leave me behind but-its just that some part if me..."

"Has doubts?"

Ezra finally looked up at Kanan.

"Yeah. It'snotthatIdont'ttrustyouorthatIdontappreciatedeverythingyou-" Ezra said in one breath, in the verge of hyperventilation.

"Ezra, stop!" Kanan said grasping his shoulders.

Ezra gasped. "Sorry, I'm sorry" he whispered.

"Hey, it's okay. We knew it would take you some time to adjust and fully trust us"

"But I do trust you!" Ezra said hiding his face on his hands.

"I know you do" Kanan said keeping a hand on his back. "This is normal Ezra. You spent so much time alone and now it's difficult to fully believe that there are people who would do anything for you"

Ezra sniffed as he raised his head and lowered his hands to his knees. Kanan hadn't moved his hand.

"It's going to be okay" Kanan said and Ezra nodded and smiled. The door hissed open and Hera entered and rushed to put bancta in every single one of Ezra's bruises, not allowing him to leave before she triple checked to see if all of them were gone.

Ezra smiled as he, Kanan and Hera's walked out of the medbay. It was truly good to be home.

This was a recommendation by Harrichristy123456. I hope you guys liked it. May the force be with you. Always.

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