The stars will guide you home

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Ezra sat on the nose gun and looked at the stars. He smiled. Somehow they were the only constant thing in his life. The only ones that never left him. The only ones that would never die.

Ezra sighed as he rubbed his temple. He really should be heading to bed. It was a long day tomorrow. But it was a long day today too. Maybe he was overthinking it. Everything he saw on the Jedi temple were nothing more than visions, a twisted test the force put him through. And he had passed.

So why did he feel so terrified?

He put his hand through his pocket and wrapped his palm around the small crystal. He knew it was glowing even thought he could not see it through the fabric of his pants.

He took it out of his pocket to look at it again. It was beautiful. And it was his. The light, the warmth and the peaceful energy emitting from it made the crystal seem alive.

'Maybe it is' Ezra thought 'In a weird sort of way'

Ezra smiled.

"It really is beautiful" Kanan's voice startled him, making him hiss. Out of breath he looked down to see Kanan with his hands slightly raised, showing Ezra that he was coming in peace.

"Kanan!" Ezra whispered harshly. "You can't creep up on people like that. I've had enough horrors for one day!"

As soon as he said it he regretted the moment he saw the guilt in Kanan's eyes.

"Yeah. I'm sorry I had to put you through that. I just...I didn't... didn't know any other way" Kanan leaned on the stairs momentarily his eyes stuck on the floor.

Ezra hurried to say something. What?

"No...I didn't mean...I just... It's okay. It-it wasn't anything I couldn't handle"

Kanan frowned. "You shouldn't have to handle anything"

"It's okay Kanan" Ezra said shaking his head "I knew I would have to face some consequences know...what I did?"

Kanan snapped his head towards him looking him directly in the eyes. The sudden movement along with Kanan's upsetting expression made his blood run cold.


"Ezra this wasn't a punishment. You know it right?"

Ezra didn't answer but he looked sideways, avoiding Kanan's eyes.

"I wouldn't be angry with you if it was" he said.

Kanan groaned in frustration. "Ezra..." but soon his expression relaxed and Ezra was relieved to see the fondness as he looked at him.

"You are going to be the death of me, you know that kid?"

Ezra tried to stop from smiling but he couldn't.

"Don't joke, I am trying to be sad" he said a small laugh escaping as he spoke. It made Kanan give a shorter but sharper and certainly louder one. He quickly covered his mouth and they both stayed perfectly still, listening for the tiniest of sounds.


Everyone was still asleep.

After a few seconds of death silence they both covered their mouths to try and contain some of their laughter. It took sometime for them to calm down and when they did the mood was lighter. Now they were both looking at the stars with a smile on their faces.

Ezra looked down at Kanan, leaned on the stairs, looking at the stars, smiling.His life had changed so much ever since he had met him.Thinking back at the temple he felt a needle in his heart as the image of Kanan falling to the void came back to hand him.

Kanan sensed the terror that  wrapped around Ezra and looked up.

"Ezra?" he questioned but the boy didn't reply. Kanan didn't press him. He knew by now that the best way to get Ezra to open up would be to give him space. Let him come out on his own time. Soon enough he heard him sigh.

"Kanan, you're not going to...leave right. I mean, I've seen you get injured in missions but you never...I just...Your not going to die, right?" Ezra asked and looked at him expectantly. It was Kanan's time to turn his gaze elsewhere.

"Look kid *sigh* the truth is I am not going to be here forever. And in the kind of job we's always a possibility"

Ezra felt chill run down his spine. Kanan continued.

"I am not going to be around forever, that's for sure. But, it doesn't really matter. I don't plan on dying anytime sure. I care about you, all of you and right now, what matters to me, what should matter to you and everyone else, is relishing the time he have together" Kanan smiled.

"Like this moment" he continued "One day, after I am gone, if you're still alive, and trust me I will make sure you're still alive, you are going to look back at this moment, and for a while you are going to feel sad" Ezra hugged his knees, the cold crystal concealed on the safety of his palm was soothing him a little.

"One day thought, when you think back at this moment, you will feel happiness. Because it was a moment we shared together and it was a moment when we were both happy. You will look back at this moment longingly and then you will put it aside and concentrate on the people you will have around you then"

Ezra looked at him for a long time.

"You say it like it's something certain. Like you know you are going to die"

Kanan smiled "I'm just answering a question, a question you asked" he said teasingly before turning serious again.

"Don't get any ideas, I don't lie awake at night thinking about my death. I'm just talking from experience. All those memories with my master and my friends from the temple, it used to by painful to look back at them. But ever since I started teaching you, I look back to those time grateful. I like to think that it was the pain of the past that led me to the people I love now. Do you understand Ezra?"

They boy smiled, the calmness emitting from the crystal felt like a reassurance.

"Yeah, I think I do"

Kanan smiled and knocked on the stairs.

"Come on, nap time" he said and Ezra's smile widened. He jumped down and Kanan wrapped a hand around his shoulders.

"So do you have any ideas about your lightsaber?"

"Yeah, but I'm going to need some parts. You're never going to guess what I have in mind"

"Don't challenge me to try and read you mind Ezra"

"But you'll ruin the surprise"

"I have had enough surprises to last me a life time" and just like that they disappeared into the dim hallway of the ship. But the stars stayed there, always there, always there to lead them home.

Another lovely recommendation by @Harrichristy123456. Sorry it took so long buddy. I'm working on another recommendation now by @USMC4Lif3. So, yeah, I guess, look out for that one too. Also, check out my friend's @nerdygirl260 story Radio Rebel. It's pretty good. Seriously though guys,  I have been so busy and tired with school that I bleed caffeine and I have had so many energy drinks that I can see sounds and taste colors. Anyway. May the force be with you. Always.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2021 ⏰

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