Keep me part 2

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Ezra had a hand on the wall to help him steady himself. Maybe he shouldn't have lied to Kanan about eating.

His vision was almost completely taken over by black spots. His surroundings were turning around, he felt unsteady and his legs were weak.

He walked down the ramp and the bright light if the early morning sun and the spaceport lights blinded him, making his vision ever worse. He hid his face in his hands until his eyes stopped hurting.

Kanan and Ahsoka were standing with their backs on him and seemed to be in a deep conversation. Ezra gulped as he walked up to them. They were talking quietly, not whispering, but their tone was really low.

"But you are his master"

"I know but this..."

"Are you sure I'm the right person?"

"Yes. And even if you weren't, I don't exactly have any other options"

Ezra froze. He could feel the color leaving his face and cold running through his body, making his insides freeze, especially his heart.

He had thought Kanan might want to dump him on Ahsoka but he hadn't dare to imagine that Kanan had already made up his mind.

"Ah, great, you're here" Kanan said as he turned around. Ahsoka did as well smiling at him. Kanan's smiled turned to a frown as he looked at Ezra's heart broken and full of fear face.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Kanan asked walking closer to Ezra. Ezra stepped back and shook his head. He smiled widely, and it was so obviously forced. He was sure that both Kanan and Ahsoka could tell. Ahsoka had her hand extended, as if she wanted to approach Ezra but she was afraid to.

Kanan sighed.

"Why don't we start with a little meditation. Sit down and find your center. Try to feel the force around you. Then, well work on your blocks and review the basic forms" Kanan explained as Ezra nodded.

Ezra dropped on his knees and closed his eyes. He tired to keep his breathing even. He felt like he was out of his body, he was part of the force, which was calm, like gentle waves pushing him back and forth. He felt the  signatures of the people and the animals present in the area and even the force that surrounded the exist and it self. In the air, the sun, the shadows and himself.

He didn't know what brought him out of his meditative state. He heard mumbles coming from just a few metres beside him.

"This is exactly why I want you to take over. I can't have a padawan constantly on the edge of a panic attack"

Ahsoka sighed.

"Perhaps you are right"

Ezra felt the cold overwhelm him again. He was so stupid. He might have ruined his only chance of Kanan keeping him. But, he wouldn't quit, not yet. Fear, anxiety and determination mixed together, as Ezra made a promise to himself. Even if Kanan had already made up his mind about giving him to Ahsoka, he would do anything in his power to change his mind.

He felt a hand on his shoulder and opened his eyes. Kanan was smiling at him and motion for him to get up and Ezra did.

"Now, we'll work on your blocking techniques. Are you ready?" Kanan asked.

Ezra nodded not trusting his own voice to answer. The last thing he needed right now was to start crying in front of Kanan.

They started slowly. The blades collided with one another and Ezra blocked all of Kanan's attacks. Then they picked up speed. Ezra kept blocking his Master's attacks. Until...darkness.

He was back on the station. Pain was going through his body, especially his mind. He felt tears roll down his face as he kept raising mental shields and the inquisitor kept tearing them apart. There was no hope,  no way out.


Ezra gasped, his eyes shot open, causing even more tears to fall down his face. He was sobbing hard and Kanan had a strong grip on his shoulder. He looked confused and worried. He remained like that waiting for Ezra to calm down and eventually he did. He helped Ezra to his feet and then he turned to Ahsoka.

They both nodded and Kanan turned back to Ezra. He placed o hand on his shoulder, as he always did, and the he spoke.

"How about you continue the exercise with Ahsoka. After all she is way better in sword fighting than me" Kanan said as he walked away from Ezra and Ahsoka walked on his spot.

"Don't worry Ezra" she said "Well just do the basics"

Ezra looked between Kanan and Ahsoka, in genuine fear. He messed up. Kanan was leaving him. This couldn't be happening. He started taking slow steps back from both of them.

"Ezra?" Ahsoka tried to walk closer to him and Kanan took a step forward. Before any of them could say anything though, he ran.

Kanan and Ahsoka were both shouting at him to wait, their footsteps kept following him. Ezra didn't care. Too much. It was too much. He had to get away from them.

He took as many turns and alleys as he could. Kanan's and Ahsoka's footsteps had, at some point, stopped following him. Ezra didn't care. He kept running and running and running.

Until he tripped. He yelped as he hit the ground, hitting his chin hard on the pavement. He tried desperately to catch his breath. He was soaked with sweat and his hunger and exhaustion from all the sleepless nights hit him hard. He just wanted to lay there and cry himself to sleep.

He groaned. Why was he so emotional lately? The fear, anxiety and fatigue had taken an enormous toll on his mental health. He was too tired to make any more shields, to keep his feelings inside.

He groaned once more as he sat up with great difficulty. Where was he? He didn't recognize that part of Garel. He couldn't have ran that far, could he? Fear consumed Ezra as he looked around desperately. Where would he go?

He didn't know. How long has he been running?

He looked up to the sky. The sun was now right above him. Which meant it was already noon. Has he really been running for that long?

He decided his best chance was to keep walking. So walk he did.

Kanan must be so angry right now he  thought. Now, he'll definitely shove him to Ahsoka. Let him be someone else's problem. He was getting really dizzy now. His stomach hurt craving for something, anything. Ezra moaned in pain as he clutched his belly through the suit.

He was no stranger to hunger. But it has been so long since the last time he had starved for days. Not since he met the crew. But now? He just wanted to get back to the Ghost, lie on his bed and forget everything. Forget the new inquisitors, his adventure on the abandoned Republic medical station, Kanan, Ahsoka everything. But going home meant facing Kanan. He couldn't already picture his face. Frustration and disappointment written all over his him.

The thought  made Ezra's stomach turn. He didn't know where he was or how to get home, or even if he could go home. And if he did, he feared his Master's reaction more than any nightmare. So he did the only thing he could. Keep walking.

I was supposed to only do two parts of this story aaaand that didn't work out. So yeah, next part will probably be the last part. Thanks again for the recommendation Harrichristy123456, I hope you enjoy the story so far. Let me know in the comments. May the force be with all of you. Bye!

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