Part 1

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Roughly one month had passed since Skeppy, A6D, and BadBoyHalo agreed to move in. They'd saved up some money and taken out a loan for the rest. Skeppy had found a three bedroom house not too far from Lake Michigan. They all packed their things and began the moving process.

Over on Skeppy's end, he was feeling sick. His cough had progressed to the point where making videos was even more of an ordeal. His upload schedule was practically nonexistent at this point. He'd make half finished videos and have to scrap them because of his coughing fits. That wasn't what made him scared though. He was scared of the petals. Small petals would come out of his mouth every time he coughed. Some were larger than others.

After countless hours of panic, he decided to search up his symptoms. "A-alright. Flowers. Coughing up flow-" He was cut off by an abrupt coughing fit. His throat felt raw and red. A handful of ruby red petals made their way out of his mouth and into his hands. Zak was now shaking. He continued searching with shaky hands. He eventually found an article that wasn't about botany. He opened it and began to read aloud, "Hanahaki disease. A disease in which a victim of one-sided love begins coughing up flowers. These flowers will grow inside of the infected until they feel as though their crush loves them back or until they die. The symptoms will begin as severe coughing, petals exiting their mouth, vomiting, etc. Eventually, symptoms will progress until the victim is coughing up full flowers and blood. Once they reach this state, it is unlikely they will survive. Some records show that the diseased will cough up their crush's favorite flowers or, more commonly, red roses. Roses are particularly dangerous as the thorns tend to shred the throat, tongue, and lungs of the infected. Once their feelings are returned, the infected will begin to return to normal. It is not an instant process and may take a couple weeks before they are well enough to go back to life as usual." Zak leaned back in his chair. His mind was buzzing with thousands of questions. 'A crush? But I don't like anybody! Who would I even have a crush on?! I don't really go out often.' He rubbed his temples. 

With Bad, things were more calm. He'd just finished packing up his last box of clothes. A small smile was present on his face. "That ought to do it!" He chirped. He looked around his now barren room. His smile diminished a bit. 'I'm gonna miss it here.' He thought. 'But now I'll live with Skeppy and A6D. It's going to be fun!'

A6D was also finishing up his packing. 'Eh bien, c'est la dernière des cases.' He thought to himself. He nodded approvingly to himself. He was pleased with how fast he finished packing. He went over to his computer and checked Trivago™ for some good priced plane tickets.

A couple of days went by and everything was set in place. A6D was getting off of the plane he was on. Bad was waiting with Skeppy at the airport. Bad wore a light grey hoodie and faded jeans. Skeppy wore blue sweatpants and a white T-shirt. He also wore a face mask. 

Many people gave Skeppy some confused looks. Others made sure to keep safe distance. Coronavirus really messed people up.

When A6D saw Bad and Skeppy, he walked over to them. "Zak! Darryl! How are you guys?" "Pretty good!" Replied Bad. Skeppy simply mumbled a hello. Both Bad and A6D looked at Skeppy worriedly. His usual peppy attitude was gone, replaced by an empty look in his eyes. "Skeppy, are you alright?" Asked Vincent. "'M fine! Just haven't slept lately. I have a cold or somethin'" He replied. His voice was a bit slurred from lack of sleep.

It wasn't a total lie. Zak hadn't been sleeping recently. He was too busy coughing up petals or wondering who he had a crush on. He still wasn't sure who it was. He'd stayed up the entirety of the few days between packing and moving in. He had some pretty severe bags under his eyes.

They all walked out to a cab. They paid for their trip to their new house. Once they got there, they set on unpacking their bags. A6D was pretty messed up due to the jetlag. It was around noon and he was pretty tired. "Hey guys, I think I'm going to go take a nap. If you need me, you know where I am." He announced. 

This left Skeppy and Bad to unpack their respective boxes. Darryl was still worried about Zak. The latter had been coughing a lot and would even change out face masks every 20 minutes. He's heard mutters of "those god damn petals". He was scared. Skeppy was acting strange and his sickness didn't seem like a normal cold or even a flu. Bad continued unpacking in silence until he couldn't take it anymore. "Hey, Skeppy," He started, "Are you... OK? This doesn't seem like a normal cold." "Jesus, Bad! I already said I was fine earlier!" Snapped Skeppy. Bad flinched at his tone. "Alright. I'm just worried about you, Skeppy." With those words, Skeppy felt something inside him. He ran to the bathroom, holding a hand to his mouth. Once inside, he locked the door and ripped off his mask.

He threw up. The coffee he drank this morning? There it was. But food wasn't the only thing he threw up. Inside the toilet were rose heads. Not merely petals but the heads of roses. Some even had small pieces of stem still connected. Blood was also thrown into the mix. Skeppy threw his head back up and gasped for air. Another coughing fit wracked his body. From outside the door came a knock. "Skeppy? Is everything fine?" "Y-yeah Bad. Everything is fine. I'm just... not feeling too good." Replied Zak. His voice was hoarse from coughing. "Well, if you say so." Said Darryl. Another fit of coughing overtook Skeppy. More petals and splotches of blood flew from his mouth.

After Skeppy's coughs decreased to a normal amount, he began to clean up his mess. He threw a pile of bloody petals into the toilet and flushed it. The water mixed to a pinkish color. Skeppy turned on the sink. He scooped some water into his hands and gulped it down. His mouth tasted liked iron, coffee, and cheap perfume. He splashed some water on his face before looking at the mirror. Some blood was still present on his chin. He hurriedly put on a mask and left the bathroom.

It was going to be hard for Skeppy. He wasn't going to let anyone know about his sickness. Not if it costed him his life.

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