Chapter 6

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Little homophobia trigger. JSYK.

Skeppy stood in front of Bad. "D-Darryl... I-I..." Skeppy took a deep breath, "I LOVE YOU!" Zak's face was beet red. The shorter boy twiddled his thumbs as he waited for a response.

Darryl broke out into laughter. "You love me? I'm your crush? You're so pathetic!" Darryl exclaimed. His emerald eyes glared at the raven haired boy. "You make me sick. Get out of this house, freak." Darryl spat. Bad shoved Skeppy to the wall.

"I hate you. Zak Ahmed, I hate you and want you to die." Zak felt his throat clog up. Tears streamed down his cheeks. Skeppy spat out several roses. "But you said that anybody would love to date me! You said anyone I was friends with might love me too!" He retorted.

"Pfft. And you thought I'd ever love a disgusting gay like you? We are definitely not friends. We never were." Bad replied. His voice was dripping with malice. "All you ever do is troll people and hurt them. I never liked you Zak." With those words, Zak felt his heart being squeezed.

His vision faded to black. Darryl stood over him, a cruel smile plastered onto his face. "Goodbye, Skeppy." He called. Then, everything went black.

Skeppy drew in a deep gasp after he woke up. His heart was racing. He quickly flipped on a light before looking around. He was still in his room.

The moon was in the middle of the sky. Skeppy checked the time, only to find it was 3:30. "It was just a dream." He muttered. The sound of Darryl laughing was still in his mind. This time, it didn't spark butterflies but rather fear. 'What if he reacts that way? What if he laughs? Would he tell Twitter? Should I really confess to him?' Thought Zak.

His breathing became ragged and unsteady. Zak quickly shook his head. "No. Darryl wouldn't react that way... would he?" Skeppy thought aloud. His voice was riddled with doubt.

Darryl was nice and all, but nice people could still be very homophobic. It was easily possible, albeit unlikely, that Darryl would look at Zak with disgust. It was also very possible that Skeppy was wrong. That Bad would accept and, potentially, reciprocate Zak's feelings.

After an hour, Zak fell back asleep. His dreams were no longer plagued by fear. Instead, they were nothing more than nonsense.

When Skeppy awoke, he felt refreshed. He threw the covers off of his body. Zak yawned as he stretched his arms. The cuts on them were nothing more than scars. The young man opened his closet and pulled out a long sleeved shirt.

All of his hoodies were currently either strewn across his room or scrunched up under his bed. Either way, there was no way in hell that Zak was going to wear them. He didn't feel in the mood to wear clothes that reeked of flowers and iron.

Skeppy sighed. "Just a couple months ago, everything was great. No disease, no crush, and definitely no roses. But, here we are." He muttered. Zak glanced at his bed. To anyone else, it would've looked like he was eyeing up his messy bed, but in reality, he was looking at the gap beneath it.

He looked at his door. It was still locked from when he went to bed. "At least I have control over one thing." Zak grumbled. Skeppy strode over to his bed. Without any hesitation, he bent over and fished the knife out.

At this point, the blade was covered in dried blood. He hadn't taken it out of his room since he stole it. To be honest, Zak wasn't sure he could take it out now. Darryl or Vincent would be overly suspicious of why he had a knife in his room in the first place.

Skeppy placed the blade to his forearm. Slowly, he dragged the blade across his arm. A small gasp escaped his lips. A large stream of blood dribbled down his arm. "This is all I have control over." He mumbled.

Zak grabbed several tissues from his nightstand. He stuffed them against the fresh wound, hoping to help stop the bleeding. Skeppy groaned lightly. The blood flowed sluggishly out of his arm.

"F-fuck. Did I cut to deep?" Skeppy wondered. As if that wasn't enough to worry about, several roses pushed their way out of Zak's mouth. His coughs were dry and they helped the thorns scrape his throat raw and bloody. A steady stream of blood trickled past his lips.

After an hour, his cut stopped bleeding. Cautiously, Zak examined the wound. It was deeper than he had anticipated. In fact, if he cut much deeper, he certainly would've died. Zak grabbed some bandages out of his nightstand and placed them gingerly over his cut. Skeppy pulled his sleeve down again and left his room.

Darryl was sitting in the kitchen. He hummed lightly as he ate his cereal. "Oooh cereal. So tastyy~! And better yet, it's got loads of healthy~~~ stuff." He sang quietly. Why he sang what he was doing was a mystery even Bad didn't know the answer to. It was just a reflex for him.

Darryl looked up when he heard a door open and close. His smaragdine eyes locked into Zak. "Hey muffin! Did you tell your crush yet?" Asked Darryl. "Oh,  I actually was just about to." Replies Zak with a smile. "Really? Who is it?" Questioned Bad.

The shorter boy blushed lightly. "I-I'll give you a hint. It's someone you and I have both talked to and about." Said Skeppy. His voice was quiet and a little shaky. "Oh! Hmmm. Is it Astelic? She's pretty nice." Suggested Darryl. Zak simply shook his head. "Ok. Well then is it... Jif? I don't know much about them but you seemed to make a lot of videos about them."

Skeppy scrunched up his face. "Darryl, it's someone BOTH of us know well. You know everything about them." Skeppy sighed. "Right. Zelk. It is Zelk." "NO!" Shrieked Zak. "Alright. One more hint. It's someone in this house." Skeppy offered.

Darryl pauses for a second. "Zak. Do you... like French men? Their.... special places aren't as long as baguettes. You know that, right?" Asked Bad. Skeppy's face flushed bright red.

"Darryl. It's you." Zak said. Darryl's jaw dropped. He made a low gurgling noise before shaking his head. "You're trolling. This is a troll." Darryl muttered. "Darryl, there is no..." "War in Ba Sing Se?" "Troll. The person I love, no, the person who I'm dying for, is you. Darryl Noveschoch, I love you."

"Skeppy... I don't...." The rest of the sentence was not heard by Zak. He heart felt squeezed. Tears filled his eyes. Suddenly, his world went dark.

"...think you know just how long I wanted to hear that." Darryl finished. But, it was too late. Zak Ahmed was unconscious.

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