Chapter 4

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So, this chapter is gonna deal with some self harm. You've been warned.

Small cuts littered the raven haired boy's arms. In his hands, was the knife he took a couple days ago. Skeppy clenched his teeth, hoping to make as little sound as possible.

Zak places the blade to his wrist once more. He dragged the serrated edge across his flesh. It glided across his skin as if it were paper. A small yelp pushed its way past Zak's lips. He quickly slammed his his jaw shut. Gingerly, he placed his knife under his bed. "That's enough for now." He muttered.

Skeppy threw on a large hoodie. He pulled the sleeves down past his wrists. He made his way out of his room. Zak walked into the kitchen and grabbed himself some cereal.

Darryl walked into the kitchen. "Hey muffin! Whatcha eating?" He asked. Zak whirled around, gripping his sleeves tightly. "Oh. H-hey Darryl." Zak responded. His brown eyes darted around nervously. "I'm just getting some cereal! You know, getting out of my room and stuff is nice." "Oh ok. How's your throat? Those thorns seemed like they make it raw." Zak opened his mouth to speak but couldn't. A small cough spewed out several small roses. The crimson red petals fluttered slowly down while scarlet drops of blood dribbled down Skeppy's chin.

Bad stepped back nervously. His eyes widened a bit. It was still horrifying to see his friend make roses come out of seemingly nowhere. "Does that answer your question?" Replied Zak, "I'm going back to my room." Before Darryl could respond, Skeppy was gone. Darryl shook his head. "Oh Zak, how can I help you?"

Zak retreated back to his room and sat down. He looked at the spot he hid his knife. It was barely visible under the mattress but every now and again the light would hit it just right.

Why he was cutting was an amalgamation possible answers and truths. It was because he wanted control over his own life. If he was going to hurt, it was going to be on his own accord. Another reason could be just to bleed.

Zak knew he was probably going to die. Unless he told his crush his feelings and had them reciprocated, he would keep coughing up flowers until he choked himself out. Telling Darryl how he felt was going to be rough.

It didn't take a genius to know who Skeppy loved. His stomach did flips whenever Darryl smiled. Not to mention, Zak had more 'attacks' whenever Bad was around. Zak knew who he loved but it made no sense.

Skeppy always felt he was straight or at the very least asexual. He'd never fallen for another guy or any girls. Now, however, he wasn't sure.

The raven haired boy shook his head. He dug into his cereal with such fervor, you'd think he hadn't eaten in weeks. He placed the bowl on his desk before hopping into his computer. He joined Invaded Lands and quickly nicked.

He played some Kit PVP and SkyBlock. His KDR dropped a bit after he played. For the first time in a while, Zak had a genuine smile on his face. He spent a good couple hours playing. Afterwards, he took a nap. A smile on his face the entire time.

Sorry this is a bit short. I just started up my summer job. I'll try to make the next one longer. Love y'all.

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