Chapter 10

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Hey guys! Before we jump into this story, just know that I'll be ending it soon. I'm already writing 2 new stories. One is a Skephalo story the other is a story I've come up with on my own. The original story is already published on my page if you want to read it. The next Skephalo story will probs be a Psycho!Darryl x Kidnapped!Zak story. Love y'all!!

Zak was happy to be home. The hospital was so sterile and blank. "Ahh. Good to be back!" He exclaimed as he fell into his bed. Bad had just drove them back a couple of hours ago. Skeppy was happy to be home.

His fans had been worried sick about him. As soon as Zak opened his Twitter, he was flooded with DMs and responses telling him to get well soon. The occasional Skephalo stan was upset when they realized he and Darryl weren't going to get together. Most were just telling the two of them to be safe.

Zak typed a quick message about what happened. "I should probably stream to let them know I'm fine." He thought aloud. Zak ruffled his soft hair.

His chocolate eyes scoured over every crevice in his room. Eventually, he looked at their small space between his bed and the floor. "My knife." He whispered.

Slowly, Skeppy walked over to the space. He reached until his fingers brushed against cool metal. Zak wrapped his fingers delicately around the blade and pulled it out. He stared at it, observing the tool that once was his salvation.

The handle was dusty from lack of use. Otherwise, it had a dark grey grip. The overall length was around 8 inches. The blade was coated in dried blood. It was tinted a light maroon color. It reeked of iron.

Zak stared at the knife in disgust. "I didn't even bother to clean it? I'm lucky I didn't get an infected wound." He muttered. He shifted his hand away from the blade.

Stepping out of his room, Zak noticed the difference. While muted, his room still reeked of roses. It was a scent he'd become used to over time. At the moment, a lack of the scent felt unnatural. He shrugged it off and headed towards the kitchen.

Zak dropped the knife into the sink. Noticing it still had dishes in it, Skeppy began to run some water to clean them. While he was sick, he had ignored his jobs around the house. 'I'm really a lousy roommate when I'm sick.' He thought.

After an hour, Zak had cleaned the dishes. Some were easier than others. Zak dried off the dishes and sighed. "Something up?" Asked a baguette. "Oh hey Vincent. I just did the dishes." Replied Skeppy. "Oh. Thanks! While you were... in love, I took care of that. It's good to see you're feeling good enough to work!" "Well maybe now I don't wanna work." Argued the raven haired boy.

A6D shook his head. "I'd have to make you eat nothing but takeout then." Sighed Vincent. Zak let out a light laugh in response. "Oh nooo. I'd have to eat Chick-fil-A forever then. How would I ever survive?" Joked Zak. The two of them giggled for a while.

"In all seriousness though, I'm glad to see you're doing better." Said Vincent. "Yeah. It was scary being sick." Replied Zak, "I did some dumb shit because of that." "Did you get rid of the knife?" Asked A6D. "Yeah. I cleaned it up. It wasn't gonna help me."

Vincent nodded. While he didn't outwardly express it often, he loved his friends. It was hard to make many given his status on the internet. He was in the limbo of 'do they like me for my channel and fame?' and 'I'm not popular enough to attract the titans.'. It made it rough to find genuine friends.

"Zak. Just know, Darryl and I are here if you need anything." Informed Vincent. He watched the smaller carefully. "We both care deeply for you." He said. His accent making the soft words more comforting. "Thanks Vince. I'll let you know if I need help with anything." Replied Zak.

The duo embraced each other. Two good friends just having a moment with each other. All is as it should be.

Well aside from Darryl trying to fuck Zak. That's still not fulfilled.

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