~♪ XL: Blood on the Ice ♪~

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~♪ Blood on the Ice ♪~

Nehala looked around wildly. "They're here."

I whirled around to her. "You know who they are?"

She nodded. "Yeah. The Seven Deadly Sins. This is their music."

Sloth stumbled out of one of the rooms, his grey hair disheveled even more than what it originally was. Nehala jumped up and let out a yelp. I quickly held my hands out in front of her. "No, no, no, it's okay. That's Sloth. He's on our side now."

"Hey, uh, ghosty guy!" Sloth exclaimed. "The other three are here."

Sloth is never going to get Jon's name right. He does from time to time, but then he just forgets again. Sometimes he forgets everyone else's name too. He claims that it is because of who he is, but it seems like he is doing it on purpose sometimes. Jon stood up, his blue eyes becoming cold as ice. "Liz, go get Dracula. Tell him to get the Shard."

Liz nodded from where she was standing, letting go of Castle's ear before running outside. Castle rubbed his ear, complaining about how he was just trying to be friendly before following behind her. I unsheathed my dagger. Nehala looked at it in surprise as if she was expecting me to bring out something else. Scot unsheathed his moonstone rapier. "Come on, kid!"

I nodded, turning to follow him. Before I got to reach the door, Jon threw an arm out in front of me. "No. You're staying here."

"W-what? Why?" I asked. I didn't understand.

The Warlock narrowed his icy blue eyes. "Because you're just a kid."

I scoffed, throwing my arms out. "I can take care of myself."

Jon shook his head stiffly. A hard, clear sign that he didn't care. "Stay here."

He turned around and went out the door, his hands becoming writhed in frost. Will walked past me, his bow drawn. "Sorry, Marc," he said apologetically before following after Jon. I huffed, gripping the hilt of my dagger tightly. "Great," I grumbled to myself. "Just like old times."

Nehala shook her head, looking around. "No. They need us. Come on, let's go!"

She charged out the door, disappearing into the darkness. Without a weapon. Completely unsafe. I shook my head, letting out a groan of frustration before charging out behind her.

"Nehala!" I called out, looking around. A few minutes inside and this is what happens. The buildings were covered in fire, people running and screaming, being chased by exposed. I gripped my dagger tighter. "Nehala!"

A man fell in front of me, startling me. He wasn't dead, but seeming to be paralyzed. I nudged him with my boot, but he didn't even blink.

"Saved you!"

I jumped, raising my dagger. Nehala was standing in front of me, her hands dancing in a blue light. "Come on!" She exclaimed, turning around. "We have to help your friends!"

We took off running down the street towards the source of the music, keeping clear of any exposed who got near us. "So," Nehala said, pushing an exposed woman away from her, "how is your friends supposed to find the Sins without your help?"

I shook me head. "I have no idea. I was helping until Jon came back. He's overprotective."

Nehala smirked, raising her ragged hood over her curly brown hair. Her hands lit up in the blue light again when she raised them up towards an exposed person. A ball of light shot away from her hands, hitting the woman in the chest. The woman instantly froze up, falling over. So it was a paralysis spell.

"Hey!" Sloth raised his hands in the air, putting many people around him to sleep. "I thought you were supposed to be in the inn."

I shook my head as we went past. "More useful out here."

We slowed down when we reached the morgue where the music was loudest. Lust, Wrath and Gluttony were standing on the roof, watching the chaos take place. When Lust seen us, she smirked.

"Look, boys. The one who is going to seal us away is here."

Wrath scowled, his red eyes shining menacingly. Gluttony crossed his arms, his eyes shining with amusement. Lust waived her hand at the chaos going on around us. "Do you like what we did to the place? I call it remodeling."

Nehala snorted. "And I call it war."

"Oh, who is this?" The female Sin crossed her arms. "Ugh, another one?"

I didn't know what she meant by "another one", but I didn't care. I readied my dagger. I didn't know if this heartless beast could bleed, but I was hoping so. I tossed the dagger straight towards her heart. Instead of hitting the target, it simply went through her, causing her to seem to ripple. Lust tipped her had back and laughed. "Did you really expect us to actually show up? You complete morons!"

I growled. Nehala shook her head, the blue glow disappearing from her hands. Lust glanced at the two Sins beside her. "Okay, we've left our mark for today. We're done here."

She snapped her fingers, their fake forms disappearing into thin air. I balled my fists up. "Damn it!"

Nehala huffed. "Well. That was sucky."

I shook my head. "We'll get them. We just have three left." I looked over at the girl beside me. "How did you learn how to use magik?"

Nehala furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. "I was born with it. You should have been too, of course. You're just like me, a–"

She gasped. The end of a sword coated with blood shone through her stomach before being pulled away. Nehala collapsed to the ground, a red light drawing away from her. Everyone else was already released, but this man was left. He dropped the sword, which instantly disintegrated upon contact with the ground. He was breathing heavily, a dark smile on his face. Suddenly, he gasped, falling down. Nobody else was around, but a wound appeared on his stomach. He was instantly dead. I didn't care though. I crouched down beside Nehala. Blood was bubbling up between her lips as she gasped for breath.

"Nehala," I breathed. "No, no, no, no!"

Crimson blood leaked out onto the cobblestone street, staining my hands as I pressed on the wound. Nehala let out a weak laugh. "And I thought I'd go out by doing something stupid."

I scowled. "You will. You'll be fine."

Her face was pale, drained of blood. She weakly shook her head. She slowly reached into her pocket, pulling something out. "Here. Take it."

I held out my hand as she placed the object in it. It was a pendant with a black crescent moon pointing upwards and a white one facing downwards with a transparent full moon in the center clasped on a fine gold chain.

"Just promise me one thing," she said between breaths. "Kill the bitch for me, will ya?"

I nodded. "Yeah. I promise."

Nehala closed her eyes. "Thank you."

Her chest stopped moving, her last breath escaping her body.

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