~♪ XLV: Exist Only in Memory Now ♪~

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~♪ Exist Only in Memory Now ♪~

The trek down the hill was just as bad as up. Liz managed to burn us a path so we could get down faster, which was kinda helpful, but now we had to deal with a horrid smell. I had no idea what it was (possibly the slimy grass). On the plus side though, I wasn't slipping as much now that the grass was charred. There was a few patches here and there, yes, but not a lot.

"In about ten more paces," the lazy Sin said, "we'll be inside the wall."

Scot narrowed his eyes. "That seems too easy."

Sloth scoffed, a smirk appearing on his face. "It does, doesn't it? That's where you're wrong. Wandering Ghouls patrol all of the gates, and Winged Ghouls patrol the sky. Even if you do manage to get past them, there'll be a couple of Razorfangs wandering around inside."

Ghouls. They used to be humans until they were cursed long ago by a group of Witches to forever wander the night. Wandering Ghouls were bad, but Winged Ghouls were worse. They silently fly the sky, swooping down on unsuspecting people and carrying them who knows where. Then you have Razorfangs. They were a large, red beasts with no eyes, but a keen sense of hearing and smell. They had long claws, and extremely sharp teeth. They kinda looked like a giant lizard. Well, a giant lizard that could kill you instantly.

Jon looked over at the Sin, his ice blue eyes full of confusion. "But they won't attack you, right?"

Sloth raised his shoulders. "I don't know. She might have told them to see me as a threat now. I don't really want to find out."

Will gripped his bow tightly as he looked around. "Well, let's go get this over with."

We slowly and cautiously made our way foreword, keeping a close eye out for anything that was prepared to attack. The sun was almost down now, so we would have some cover in the darkness. I could barely see it, but a shimmering invisible wall stood in front of us. The entrance to the hideout. Everything changed as soon as we passed the wall. The trees and hills were replaced by a large castle with spindly trees all around it. The temperature seemed to have dropped to a Leaf's Change degree almost as soon as we entered.

Jon covered his hands in purple lightning, his frozen blue eyes scanning his surroundings. "Keep your guard up. You don't want to end up as Ghoul chow."

Music was softly playing, but not loud enough to say that there was something close by. It was more on the level of saying, "Dude, there's something bad around. Let's scram." Well no thank you music, I don't want to.

"Wait," I whispered suddenly. The music was getting louder. "Take cover."

We all quickly rushed to a large bush, crawling inside it as far as we could go. Not a few seconds later, red-white legs appeared in front of where we were. One was larger than the other, covered in bumps. A low growling sounded around us as the Wandering Ghoul looked around, trying to find us. Liz and Dracula's eyes were red, their Vampyric powers ready for a fight if need be. The Ghoul gently tapped its clawed foot against the grass floor before continuing its patrol. I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding. The music faded back to playing softly. I nodded before saying, "We're good."

We crawled back out from underneath the bush, the Vampyre siblings eyes back to gold. Scot brushed his blue-black hair out of his eyes. "That was a close one."

We all nodded in agreement before continuing onward. We had to take cover a few more times before we managed to get into the castle. Sloth looked down the torch lit corridors.

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