~♪ LVII: The Final Battle ♪~

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~♪ The Final Battle ♪~

There was no sound around Lust and me as we stared each other down. The shimmering ward Lust set down around us blocked out any and all sound that could reach us. We both moved at the same time. Our magik clashed, her red-black power trying its best to absorb my blue wildfire.

"Why do you want to save this pathetic little world?" Lust asked, throwing a gust of her magik towards my head. "It's kinda drab, really."

I quickly dodged, stumbling on my feet at how fast I moved. "Well, I do live here."

I created my flimsy sword of violet lightning. Pretty much useless on my part, but it is good for hitting her without getting close. Lust looked down at the sword and smirked. She held her arm out, a silver blade with red markings materializing in thin air. "Come on, boy," she purred, "at least make it a fair fight."

Ice was spreading over the length of the ward. Jon was trying to destroy the ward with his ice magik. This ward wasn't like his though. It wasn't a mortal one like all of the others we've dealt with; this was an immortal made shield. It would take a tremendous amount of power to destroy it from the outside. But the inside… an image of Liz burning down Jon's ward flashed through my mind. They were weaker on the inside.

"Your family thinks they're so smart, don't they?" Lust asked as she circled the length of the ice covered ward. "You couldn't be more wrong."

She lunged foreword, her sword knocking into mine. Violet sparks shot through the air with the impact. I kicked her back, her sword scraping against the ground. She bared her teeth and growled as she stood up again. "I am so sick of you humans interfering!"

Lust swiped with her sword, the blade just barely touching my face. One cut meant death with a sword like that, and I wasn't about to risk it. The Sin's eyes blazed with insanity as she said, "What's wrong, boy? Afraid of getting a little beat up?"

I scowled, magik welling up inside me. "No, but you should be."

I swiped my sword through the air, lightning flying throughout the ward. Lust let out a little yelp as she was thrown back into the shimmering ice covered dome, her head hitting the wall. She pushed herself up off of the floor and lunged. Our swords clashed and she bared her teeth at me, a small trickle of golden blood running down her temple. Blue wildfire erupted around us as I pushed back against the Sin. Her red-pink eyes darted over to the blue flame before looking back into my hazel eyes. "You're weak," she hissed. "You should have stayed dead, it would have been easier for you that way."

Heat trickled down my spine as I gritted my teeth. She was just trying to throw me off, make me back down. I made my fire beat against the walls of the ward, trying to knock them down. My heartbeat picked up as I concentrated. Lust let out a little laugh. "Getting too hot for you?"

Sweat broke out against my brow as I felt a little twist in my gut. I didn't know why, but a little voice told me that I had to end this. Fast. I poured all of my power into the fire surrounding us, making it blaze hotter. Lust let out a little whimper. I smirked. "Game over."

Fire threw Lust back. The ward collapsed as she flew through it, crashing into an inky black stone pillar. Jon's ice melted before it reached the ground. The fire that covered the entirety of the dome burned out along with my sword that I let clatter to the ground. Lust was slowly crawling towards her sword, golden blood covering her beautiful features. Jon walked over and put one foot on the blade just before she grabbed it. She looked up at the Spectral Warlock with anger and defeat in her red-pink eyes. "Damn it," she breathed.

Jon held out the Shard. The final Sin turned into a soft pink smoke that filtered into the Shard. The fighting quickly stopped. Jon turned to look at me and I gave him a little smile as I put my fist in the air. "We did it."

And then promptly passed out.

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