Amortentia VS. Secrets (Logicality+Prinxiety)

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Patton stretched out his body as he crawled out of bed with a satisfying yawn. When he entered the shared living quarters-living room area- his eyes sparked "Why hello there!"

"Greetings morality," A distracted experimenter replied.

"A wonderful morning to you Patton" the fanciful side interjected as he resumed making his breakfast.

Someone didn't reply, Patton's eyes scanned the room for his strange dark son, it was not unusual for him to avoid greeting the others but to not greet Patton was even more unusual.

Virgil was curled up into himself at the far end of the couch opposed to the closer one, Logan. Concern took over Patton's face as he pondered what he could do to- "As I was saying, if this goes as intended, a multitude of data could be collected" Logan said as he fiddled with a bowl of... something? "What are we trying to learn about?" Patton questioned. The fanciful side was uncharacteristically still for a moment before resuming his usual dramatics, "This intellectual creature is attempting to create a potion of the gods!" "Gonna have to be a little more specific sonny," Parton chuckled. "Well what I mean is" the prince continued before Logan cut him off, "Morality do you notice anything unusual about this room?" "Not exactly, why? "Bare with me here, focus on all of your senses-what do you see" "the kitchen, your funny mixture, the couch, you, Roman, and Virgil?" "Okay now what do you hear?" "A plastic bag opening and silverware scraping against a bowl." The intellectual side seemed to be making mental notes, "Very good. Now what do you smell?" Patton breathed in deeply the room smelled very nice it was a mixture of vanilla, books, pizza, cinnamon, and Logan's cologne. Patton recited that information to the others only to be met with the strangest responses. Virgil confused Patton through strange gestures as Patton recited the information, Roman choked on his bagel, and Logan was-for once- at a loss for words. "Kiddos," Patton gave an uneasy chuckle that came across as forced, "what's going on..?" No one replied.

The sides shifted uneasily pretending to be extremely interested in mundane things. At this point it was impossible to tell who had the most anxiety in the room. Virgil got up to leave as quickly as possible but as he tried walking past Patton he was gently but forcefully dragged back to the couch. "What's going on?!" Patton demanded to all of them. It was meant to come across as strong but his worry was apparent. He had done something wrong. Something wonderful had come along, he'd grown so close with the other three but of course he'd ruined it. He didn't deserve them. They were amazing at their jobs and had the cutest little quirks. I mean sure Patton was great as being silly and kind..but that wasn't a real talent. He couldn't keep Thomas safe like Virgil or create marvelous ideas like Roman..much less analyze the mysteries of the world like Logan or light up the world like Logan. He always stated that he was void of emotion and that crushed Patton so. Many. Times. Over. Not only did Patton have feelings for someone entirely out of his league.. but he had feelings for someone completely incapable of even feeling those emotions. He always hoped that fact would change but it's long? Nothing was going to change. He was just there to cheer on the other sides to do their jobs since he couldn't do anything that important himself. And now they wouldn't even talk to him. They wouldn't even look at him let alone help him through these feelings. Patton was all too aware of the tears taking form in his eyes as he was overcome with heat, his sweaty hands burned from clenching them "SHUT UP" the entire room jumped. No one had made a noise.

The overwhelming anxiety Patton was experiencing overwhelmed Virgil as his self destructive thoughts seeped into Virgils mind. Shakily, Virgil stood up from the couch and grabbed Patton's arms "Never ever think that Patton. Please, we couldn't be here without you and NONE of us think about you that way."

The intelligent side puzzled with soft voice "Wait what way?" The gentle emo boy continued, "Who takes care of Logan when he gets sick from over working? You. Who helps Roman put nearly all of his plans into action? You. Who assures me that I belong here no matter how much I worry that I don't? You. Without you, this team would fall apart and Thomas needs you, not only to keep us together and okay, but to keep him a good person. You care so much about other that sometimes you forget to put yourself first, but we are ALL here for you if you EVER need to talk. After all, you have ALWAYS been there for us." Virgil held Patton tightly in a hug, at this point, with tears overflowing his eyes, Patton clung to his best friend.

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