Now We Know

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Allie's point of view~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I couldn't believe it. I had just kissed the God of Mischief. Wow.
Another thing you don't get to say everyday. As I teleported out of the cell, I could see Tony and Steve, sitting in silence on the couch.
"What's up?" I asked them. Tony turned around, this stupid huge grin on his face.
"We seen the whole thing." He smirked. I blushed.
"Yes, even the kiss." Said Steve, raising an eyebrow at me. "Don't get to attached. Allie, he will break your heart. After all, he does still have to go back to Asguard, after the whereabouts of the Tesseract is found."
I smiled sheepishly. "Don't worry guys. It was just an act. Y'know, for the mission."
Tony looked up from the security camera, with a sarcastic look on his face. "Sure it was." He said.
"IT WAS!" I practically yelled.
"Whoa calm down, Allie." Said Steve.
I just turned around, and stormed off into my room. I slammed the door shut and screamed into my pillow.
Things were already awkward enough between the Avengers and I. They really didn't need to see that.
After a little bit, I changed into pajamas and curled up in a ball. With that, I fell asleep.
The next morning, I woke up, not in the mood for anyone, but Loki. I wanted to see him so badly, but I just couldn't risk The Avengers seeing me with him again.
I got changed into a black suit, and headed to the cafeteria. I could see all the Agents eating, and I seen Thor was sitting alone at The Avengers table.
Feeling bad for him, I grabbed some food and sat down next to him.
"Hello Lady Allie." Thor said in his deep voice. "I heard you are getting close to my brother."
"You heard about it to?" I asked angrily.
"News travels fast around this place." Said Thor, taking a bite out of a muffin.
Thor glanced at me. "Lady Allie, I was wondering if you would like to come to the training room with me after the morning meal."
"Sure!" I said happily, having something to do.
We finished our breakfast in silence, then we began to walk to the training room.
But instead of the training room door, Thor opened the door to Loki's cell.
"I want to see my brother real quick." Said Thor. "I'm sure you do to."
I blushed, and followed him into the dark room.
"Hello? Thor? Allie?" Came the quiet voice of Loki.
I couldn't see him in the low light room, but as I my eyes adjusted, I realized something was wrong.
Loki looked different. I couldn't put my finger on what it was.
Then I realized it.

**************************************Yet another Authors Note**************************************
What did Allie see?
Find out in the next chapter.
This picture broke my heart.
No song for this chapter. Sorry.

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