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Laurel looked around their bunker. It was all true everything, what Slade told her... Was true. She walked to the mannequin stand that was holding his suit. "It's true." she whispered avoiding any eye contact.

"And we're in deep shit." Felicity said said in a soft whisper but loud enough so Laurel could still hear her.

"Laurel?" Oliver walked up behind her. "Did he hurt you?" He stood behind her but keeping his distance in case if she needed it.

"No." she whispered closing her eyes. Why was this hard for her to get more than a word out. She had to force herself to turn around and face him. They both stared into each other eyes.

"Can you give us some space alone please?" Olive said softly looking over his shoulder. Roy, Thea, and Diggle left but Felicity just stood there refusing to move her body out of the bunker.

"I'm sorry... I don't mean to step over the line but Oliver, you're not the only one at risk here. Roy, John, and Thea and I are at risk too. And we don't know if she'll turn her dad against us or turn us in to the police." She said in a fast paste while fidgeting with her hands.

"I would never do that." Laurel said watching Felicity.

"We don't know that. You did tried to have Oliver taken into jail as the Arrow." Felicity spat out.

"Felicity please." He said softly still looking at Laurel. Felicity stared at them for awhile. She had this look on her face like jealousy and dislike towards Laurel. Did she have something against her? Or was is simply jealous of Laurel because she wanted Oliver but he didn't want her. She finally turned around walking out annoyed.

"Why?" she whispered looking down. "Why didn't you tell me? Did you not trust me? Or did you actually think that I would turn you in?" she said as she finally looked up at him. He took several minutes before speaking.

"I wanted to tell you for a long time. I really did... But everytime I tried to... Something always came in the way or there was a new threat I face that puts everyone I've loved in danger. And of course I trust you Laurel. I trust you with my life." He took a step closer to her laying his hand on her cheek. "Laurel Lance, you once said you knew me like you know your own name. You know who I am, who I always was... Tell me what do you know now?" He laid his head against hers.

"I know..." she said before closing her eyes swallowing a gulp. "I know that you are helping the city, the people in this city. I know you are always who you meant to be since the beginning. I know that you'll do everything in your power to stop Slade and any other threat that comes your way."

"And I can't do all that without you." He kissed her head while holding her close to him like she was gonna disappear any minute.

"I'm not gonna leave you. I promise." she assured him as she looked up into his eyes laying her hand on his cheek.

"I know.. I know." He whispered. "But I can't have you here. I can't have you in this city while he is out to hurt the ones I love." He looked back into her eyes so she could know he meant it.

"If you're asking me to leave... I'm sorry but I'm not gonna leave you." she kept looking into his eyes, pressing her chest against his so she could be as close to him as she can be. They looked into each other eyes like there was nothing around them. Finally he picked her up, holding her legs around his waist. They caught each other breath, taking it in.

"Please, I am begging you, and I never begged you to do anything." He said placing his head against hers holding her closer.

"Ollie, I get that you are scared, I really do. But I'm not leaving you because we're in this together and you can't do this alone and I know... I know you have a team that have your back but what they don't have is our love. Our love is strong, our love is what keeps us sane and together. We can defeat anyone and anything that threatens us." she exclaimed as she wrapped her arms around his neck. He didn't say anything because part of him knew it was true.

Lauriver (Book One) Where stories live. Discover now