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Oliver was here laying in bed after Laurel and him just slept together. He closed his eyes while she laid on his bare chest. He thought to himself, he did it again. He slept with Laurel and now he might hurt her once again. He didn't want that. He looked over at he phone that was ringing. Who could that be?

He grabbed his phone looking at who was calling before answering. "Hello?"

"Oliver! I have been calling you and calling you! You had me sick and worried! For all I know you could be dead or seriously hurt!" A girl kept on babbling before he interrupt her.

"Felicity, I am fine." He whispered softly so he wouldn't wake up Laurel.

"Good!" She said with a snark. "Where the hell are you!?" She demanded to know.

"I'm at Laurel's." He closed his eyes saying it calmly.

"You're... You're at Laurel's, great." She accidentally said it out loud realizing what she said. "I mean great as in you're not in serious trouble, not to confused you that I'm mad. I am mad but not at you being at Laurel's, why would I be mad I shouldn't... Yeah I'm gonna stop talking in 3...2...1." She quickly shut up.

"Is there something you need Felicity?" He slightly stood up as he made sure he didn't wake Laurel up.

"Yes. Dig and I need you back at the bunker. We think we have a lead on Slade." She said using her fast voice.

"Okay. I'm on my way." He said as he hung up the phone before putting it down on the night stand.

He got up carefully laying Laurel on her stomach. He didn't want to leave her but he had no other choice. Slade needed to be stopped, Slade was too dangerous. But he didn't want her to think he was leaving her again. He covered her before getting dressed and grabbing his phone and walking out.

~20 minutes later~

"So what lead do you got on him?" He walked in startling them. He always walk in on the perfect moments.

"You sure know how to make an entrance. Anyways, we don't know exactly where he is but we do know he has a meeting with a lawyer at twelve pm today." Felicity smiled proudly.

"Good, what about?" He asked as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"That part I cannot figure out." She frowned biting her lip.

"Okay. Umm.. Which lawyer is he meeting with?" He said as he looked at her.

"It didn't say the name." She said as she looked back.

"Welp I'll be at the lawyers office tomorrow then." He said as he walked to the training area.

Felicity realized Oliver will always love Laurel but she just thought he would see she was always there for him, she was the one who stitched him up when he was injured, not Laurel. She was in love with Oliver, everyone knew it but Oliver. She couldn't help it but love him.

She looked over at diggle who was watching her. He was the first to know how she felt about Oliver. She didn't tell him anything, he just put the pieces together. She kept trying to deny him everytime he brought it up but he wouldn't budge, she just finally gave up.

"You okay?" He walked over looking at her.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" She said as she didn't look back instead she went to hacking into anything to could get her hands into.

"You know what I'm talking about." He frowned while she was denying once again.

"No, no I don't." She said as she made a confused face.

"Felicity." He pleaded.

"What do you want me to say John?! That I love him and it hurts to see that he loves someone else but me." She said whispering so Oliver wouldn't hear as she looked away from him while trying to control her emotions but she failed miserably wiping my tears away.

"Is that the truth?" He say by her as he grabbed her hands.

"Yes." She whispered softly as she looked at his hands over hers.

"Then tell him the truth. That may make you feel better." He said as he watched her expression.

"And make things worse. No!" She said as she accidentally raised her voice a little.

"You won't know until you try." He said encouraging her. Diggle hated seeing Felicity this way.

"Fine but what if he doesn't?" She said as her voice started to break. "What if he doesn't love me in return? What if he says something terrible, or he kicks me out of the bunker." She softly said.

"Oliver would never do that to you. He may not love you like you want him to but you aren't telling him to see how he feels, you are telling him so he knows how you feel so you can have closure of some sorts." He patted her back hinting to do it now.

She signed getting up. She shouldn't let this affect her but she couldn't help it. Diggle is right, it's for her to feel better not for Oliver to love her in return. She walked over to him while he was hitting the dummy. It took him a minute to realize she was standing there.

"Hi." She whispered as she wiped the dust off the shelf.

"Hey." He said while going back to hitting the dummy.

She watched him as she tried to find the right words. Knowing herself she'll make a fool out of herself like always. "Can we talk?"

"Sure." He said as he stopped hitting the dummy putting his shirt back on. "What's up?"

"So we've known each other for like almost two years." She said nervously.

"That we do." He said as he turned to look at her while leaning against the wall.

"And we are friends who tell each other the truth right? No matter what?." She hesitate just to get the sentence out.

"Well most of it I hope." He looked around awkwardly.

"Right. Anyways, I wanna be honest on about how..." She looked over at Thea who interrupted.

"Hey, did I interrupt something?" She frowned crossing her arms over her chest.

I was about to say something but Oliver beat me to it. Saying the wrong answer. "No you didn't speedy." He smiled slightly.

"Actually, you kinda did." She blurted out by accident.

"Well I'm sorry." Thea signed looking away from her facing Oliver. "Laurel is here Ollie."

"What?!" He asked out of shock.

"Yeah, what?! She's not supposed to be in the bunker." She said in a loud voice.

"Relax Felicity, she's not in the bunker as you can see. She's upstairs in my club." She said said as she rolled her eyes walking upstairs.

"I gotta go Felicity. Try to find out who is Slade meeting with." He started to walk upstairs.

"Wait! We're not done talking!" She raised her voice.

"Can't it wait?!" He said annoyed as he kept walking. "Laurel is waiting for me."

"Yeah I guess." She rolled her eyes while she walked back to her computers sitting down. She can't believe Oliver just blew her off like that. He seemed like he didn't even care. It always Laurel. Everyone else be damned she thought.

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