What the hell happened?

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A/n: hi guys, so this is one of the longest chapters I ever wrote. And this chapter goes back and forth between characters. I hope you like it!

"What's going on Dr. Schwartz?" Oliver said running up besides her while looking at a unconscious Laurel, all beaten up.

"Please Oliver, give us some space." Dr. Schwartz tried to push him away while the trama team took Laurel into a trama room.

"No, she needs me!" he said as his voice broke trying getting pass her.

"What she needs is doctors who can help her without their loved ones in the room." She said looking at him. It took me a few seconds to respond but he finally nodded his head.

"Felicity." he said softly turning to face her while walking up to her.

"No, don't" She whispered raising her hand up slightly. "I mean don't say what I think you're gonna say... Just say anything but that."

"Felicity." he whispered in a solf voice while looking at her. "I can't not lie to you even when you're asking me to... It wouldn't be fair for you or to me. And if I would have let us happen then I would be using you." he touched her cheek softly.

"Yeah, right... I'm sorry for umm... Spitting this on you." She said softly pulling away slightly looking away from him.

"Felicity I do love you, and care for you so don't think for a second that I don't but I'm not the one for you." he said as he softly kissed her head.

He looked around lost and desperate to save her. Then he saw Quentin walked through the doors looking so worried. We both walked to each other.

"Wh... What happened?" Oliver stutter his words together.

"I don't know... I was at the station and someone walked in and dropped her." He said while his voice started to break.

"Where is that someone?" Oliver questioned as he tried to stop his anger from rising.

"He killed himself before I could get any answers." He said as he put his hand on his shoulder like it would calm me down.

"Dad!" She came in running into my office. She looked happy than she ever did before.

"Hey baby." Quentin said smiling while closing a case file.

"Busy?" She smiled sitting in a chair across from him.

"Nope." He said looking at her.

"Good, so um... Kendal Merlyn came to me and offer me a job... More like a spy job." She leaned back crossing her arms over her chest.

"Merlyn? You actually trust him?" He questioned suspiciously.

"He's Tommy half brother, why wouldn't I?" She made confused face.

"He's a Merlyn that's why. Look, Tommy was good and I respected him. Malcolm destroyed the glades and this Kendal guy." He said but got interrupted.

"You haven't even met him." She looked at him which he made a guilty expression. "Okay, when did you meet him?"

"I had him... Umm... Arrested." He hesitated to say.

"For what?!" She kept looking at him which cause him form more of a guilty expression. "Don't tell me you had him arrested for nothing?!"

"Guilty." He said softly smiling innocently.

Oliver couldn't get his mind to think about anything but Laurel, so he went into the waiting room where he was meeted by Felicity, John and Thea.

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