Slade Wilson

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After Laurel left, Oliver walked back to the bunker. He was happy she said yes to being his girlfriend but he had to make sure he didn't mess it up like he always do. Mostly with his secrets and shutting people out. He needed to get out of that habbit, it was defintely not healthy.

"So how did it go with Laurel?" Thea looked at him.

"It went good." He said trying to hide his smile but failing miserably.

"Does that smile mean something?" She raised her eyebrows.

"Maybe." He said as he smiled innocently.

"Spill." She demanded to know.

"I ask her to be my girlfriend." He said proudly.

"Really?!" She said in excitement as Felicity hitted her knee on the desk. "You okay Felicity?" She looked over at her.

"Yeah, just perfect." Felicity said with sass in her voice while typing as Thea made a weird confused expression on her face.

"Well good. And what did she say Ollie?" Thea looked at her while leaning against the wall.

"She said yes." He said as he smiled while getting his suit on.

"Yayy!" She smiled excitedly.

"Oh very." He smiled watching her. "I swear you are more excited than I am. And I should be more excited." He said as he laughed a little putting his mask and hood on.

"Oh I am." She smiled innocently. "I always knew you and Laurel would get back together. You guys were made for each other."

"I wouldn't have it any other way." He smiled lookig at the time. "Well I gotta go." He said as he grabbed his bow and arrows.

"Be safe." She smiled watching.

"Always." He smiled walking out.

He drove to the lawyers office as fast as he can. Once he got there he thought how is he gonna find him when there's a lot of windows.

"Hey, Oliver?" Felicity said over the ear piece.

"Yes?!" He said as he looked through every window.

"I know who Slade is meeting with and you're not gonna like it." She hesitate to say.

He paused for a minute walking to a widow seeing them. "It's Laurel. It always gotta be her." He said annoyed. He should have known Slade would make an appearance to Laurel, Slade wanted to know everything there is about Laurel. Oliver was hoping that he would just leave her out of it.

"Yeah." She whispered.

"Thanks." He said as he stood there thinking for a minute then he went somewhere private changing into his regular clothes.

"So Mr. Wilson, what exactly can I for for you?" Laurel said as she sat on her chair.

"Please call me Slade, and I'm opening up a business." He said as he looked at her.

"What kind of business?"she asked curiously.

"Umm.. It's a business that will help people in need and help out the Glades from the undertaking." He said smiling proudly.

"Wow." She said grabbing some forms.

"I hope that's a good wow." He frowned a little leaning back.

"It's more than a good wow. It's impressive happy wow." She said as she smiled signing the forms where it needs to be signed. "You're the first man that I ever seen wanting to help people and the glades."

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