Chapter 14. Party Time

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Chapter 14.

( Keirsten's P.O.V )

After getting ready, we all piled into Jackel's SUV, and drove to their club.

Walking into the club 15 minutes later, I feel eyes on me like in my vision. When I turn around to see if I could find the culprits, I see 9 tall men. Though for some reason, they looked familiar. Even though I don't think I had met them before. The feeling of knowing them was strong though, like I could never truly forget about them.

When I cocked my head to the side with a confused expression, they all looked disappointed. Like they wanted me to remember them. Though none of them came up to me, I could still feel them watching me, wanting to approach, yet not wanting to scare me.

And as weird as it sounds, I felt safe with them watching me. Like they would never let anything preventable happen to me.

The first half of the night, was spent dancing and having fun. But when I spotted the Vampire from my vision, following a young human girl towards the bathroom, looking thirsty.

Knowing he was going to attack her, and that he would kill her. I didn't give it a second thought, I followed him. Which really wasn't that smart, that was my first mistake. My second mistake, was not making sure Vallander and the other Vampires, actually knew where I was going. After all, I had just been heading to get a drink. And this wasn't just a human thief this time, it was a Vampire. A Vampire who, despite my being able to know what he was going to do, was still a hell of a lot stronger and faster than little old me.

Though none of this had occurred to me at the time. I watch as he pins her to the wall, in the bathroom. Putting his hand over her mouth to prevent the screams building in her lungs, from escaping.

" Leave her alone, Vampy boy! " I exclaim in a strong voice without fear.

He turns around slowly, glaring at me with glowing red eyes. " Only if you want to be my meal, in her place, Little girl. " He said, taking a step towards me.

I shiver a little at that. With the tone he was using, I could tell he ment as more than just food. And I was NOT going to lose my V-card to this grease ball.

' Scream for help. ' Whispers a man's voice in my mind.

My gut tells me to trust the voice, and since when do I not trust my gut?

I walk a little closer to the vampire, but to the side, hoping to distract him. And buy the girl some time to escape.

His head follows my movement, and I use that to my advantage. " If you think you can catch me, then bring it on, Vampy boy. " I taunt him, trying to get him farther away from the girl, who was whining, shaking, and crying, against the wall.

" Oh, a spit fire, huh. You're going to be a lot more fun than, whiny bitch over here. " He says, throwing her towards the door. Giving me his full attention, he didn't even glance at the girl, when she ran out of the room sobbing.

' Call us. Scream for help. ' The mans voice again sounded in my mind.

He takes a step closer to me, then using his Vampire speed, he tries to grab me.

' Call for us. We can not come until you call. Scream for help. ' The man's voice whispered, as I dodge the Vampire. " HELP! " I scream out as loud as I could, dodging another attempt to grab me.

The door crashes open to reveal the eight men, that had been watching me earlier that night.

One of the men pick the Vampire up by the neck, and another one came to stand beside me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2015 ⏰

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