Chapter 1: No Harm

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"I need a drink..."
Passing by all the clone troopers decorated in white and blue armor, the tiny Togruta Jedi made her way for the cafeteria. As she passed by, a great many of the troopers saluted her, especially the ones in dented, scuffed plating, indicating they had fought countless battles with her.
"My mouth is so dry..."
She panted, approaching a giant door with a code system beside it. After typing in some numbers, the Jedi was granted access to the cafeteria. Her eyes were greeted with many clones conversing, laughing, and feeling good about their recent victory.
Quickly, she sprinted for the water machines and poured herself a glass of purified water. As she drank, it cooled her throat and cleared her senses from the literal debris of warfare. 
"Ahhh, much better." The little Jedi sighed, taking her glass and looking arounf the cafeteria for any clones she personally knew. As she scanned the area, she spotted ARC Troopers Fives and Jesse in the corner, talking privately.
"Let's see what they're up to." She smiled, trotting over.

"Honestly, I don't even see why they have tactical droids. If they want a droid to be so smart, why don't they just use a human instead?" Fives shook his head.
"That's what'll make us clones far superior than those... tinnies." Jesse snorted a laugh.
Their conversation was brought to a halt as a pretty Togruta approached their side, braids jiggling beside her head tails and all.
"Oh, hey there Ahsoka. What's going on?" Fives smiled, pleased.
"Just grabbin' a drink. The battlefield's got me all worn out this time."
"Tell me about it." Jesse shot a friendly look at Fives, who nodded in agreement, "We just ate a big meal."
Ahsoka grinned back, "And I also just wanted to commend you on how well you've both done today. Good job, men."
"Thank you, Ahsoka!" Fives beamed, always appreciating a compliment. Jesse bowed down, a little less enthusiastic, but still very grateful. The Republic had just won a battle against the Separatists, this time up in the endless stars of space. The 501st was in charge of the victory. Now they enjoyed an usually long time of peace and rest... before the next battle, of course.
"Tell me, what'cha guys talking about?" Ahsoka moved in a little closer to the clones, noting the giant Republic tattoo on Jesse's face, and the 5 symbol engraved on Five's temple. They were very proud of who they were and what they believed in.
Jesse laughed, "Well, we were just talking about tactical droids, and how stupid they are."
"The Seppies make them seem so much more intelligent that regular droids. But they are no match for a human. Why don't they use humans instead?" Fives ran his fingers through his short, black hair.
"That's a question I've asked since the day I became a padawan. I guess what they lack in brains is made up in numbers." Ahsoka sighed.
Suddenly, a bold, blue and white figure approached the group from behind. As it walked, it carried dignity and bravery with each step.
"Anyone could feel your presence in a room with the way you walk like that." Ahsoka turned around and blushed, sensing the Captain through the force before his clone brothers.
"What makes you think that?" The Captain raised his eyebrows. By now, Fives and Jesse were standing at full attention, as if they were anticipating to take action for war.
"The way you stand... is so much like a Captain. Always assertive and attentive, Rex." Ahsoka placed her hands in Rex's- and as her smile grew, so did his.
"Ahsoka... relax. I think that drink's given you a buzz." Rex closed his eyes and tried to hide his smile, failing.
Fives glanced over at Jesse with a single eyebrow raised.
"Maybe. But it's always nice to see you again... when we're not fighting for our lives." Ahsoka sighed, removing her hands from Rex's and tried to calm her emotions.
"Yes, it is." Rex ended the conversation and turned towards his brothers.
"You did a fine job out there on the front lines, boys." Rex honored the troopers.
Fives was practically glowing with the compliments as they saluted Rex.
"Just make sure to follow my orders somewhat..." Rex chuckled at Fives, who was always improvising on missions to find a new plan of success. 
"But sir, you hardly follow orders yourself!" He looked at Rex, then back at Ahsoka, rapidly. The hint was clearly made.
"Fives, don't get under my boot. That was a compliment." Rex's tone became slightly protective at the mere insinuation of Ahsoka.
Fives looked in Rex's eye with utmost respect, "I'm sorry, Captain. Thank you."
Jesse and Fives appeared greatly smaller compared to Rex, who looked like a literal warrior in his beat up, modify armor. With Jaig Eyes painted on his helmet as a Mandalorian sign of respect, and tally marks on each and every corner of his armor for a battle fought and won, Rex was a war veteran and a force to be feared. But only those close to him understood his gentleness that laid beneath the suit.
"Ahsoka, could I have a moment with you alone? I've been looking for you." Rex returned to Ahsoka and stared in her eyes longingly.
"Yes. Pardon us." Ahsoka nodded to the clones as she followed Rex to a nearby table.

"What's up with them?" Jesse put an arm on Five's shoulder, watching the Captain and Jedi sit down alone.
"Isn't it obvious, they're in love!?" Fives exclaimed.
Biting his cheek in uncertainty, Jesse shook his head, "Honestly, I thought it was forbidden for Jedi to form attachments."
"Yeah, and for clones, too. At least to a degree."
"Do you think they're... breaking the code?" Jesse's jaw gaped at the thought, staring at Fives.
"I honestly don't know. But it's none of our business."
"But you don't think we should do something about it? It doesn't take a droid to know that they love each other."
Fives scratched his forehead and looked at the floor, lost in thought, "Y'know, I'm not sure what's right or wrong anymore. But Captain Rex is our brother. He wouldn't invade in our personal space, and he wouldn't expect us to invade in his, either."
"As for Ahsoka?"
"That's like walking on eggshells. We know little to nothing about the Jedi code. But so far, it doesn't seem like any harm is coming out of this."

"Rex... you shouldn't have come searching all the way across the ship just to tell me I did good on the battlefield. I know there's something else on your mind." Ahsoka's eyes melted into Rex's as she moved closer to her favorite clone's body. With his helmet removed, she loved looking upon the Captain's sweet face. His hair shaved and dyed a dirty blonde, he was always adventurous like her... and her master. 
"No, there's really nothing else." Rex gulped.
Feeling his emotions through the force, Ahsoka closed her eyes and felt a sudden rush of romantic energy generating through Rex. Was he in love with her? Or fighting typical sex hormones of clones his age? Wait- did clones even have these hormones?
"You can't hide your feelings from me, Rex. You know I'm a Jedi." Ahsoka smiled like a child, as if to beg him to confess.
Rex's face said it all, "Fuck it, Ahsoka. It's hard to keep control." He squeezed his eyes shut and placed his hands on his forehead in despair.
Tilting her head, trying as hard as she could to keep calm around the loyal clone's sudden profanity, Ahsoka closed her eyes for a moment, "W-what do you mean? Can't keep control around... me?"
"Ahsokaaa..." Rex's voice drowned out as he buried his head into the table now, "I can't tell you."
"But I outrank you now-"
"Please. Please Ahsoka, I don't wanna talk about it... yet." Rex lifted his head up from the table and looked off to the side, seemingly ashamed.
Ahsoka felt instantly bad for using her higher status as a way for  Rex to confess. He had a right to keep his own secrets, too. She placed her hand over Rex's, which was laying motionless on the table.
"I'm sorry..." Her voice was as gentle as could be, "I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable."
Lifting his head up further, Rex looked into Ahsoka's rich, ocean blue eyes. She was the prettiest little thing he had ever seen, but what made her so attractive was the maturity that laid behind her few years. It had only been almost 3 years since they've met, but Rex had always harbored a deeper respect for the tiny Jedi after she saved his life from the CIS leader General Grievous earlier on.
"It's my fault..." Rex looked away from the Jedi once more, still feeling guilty.
"How come?" Ahsoka started squeezing his hand to keep him secure, but it only made him appear more uncomfortable.
"I've been giving off a strange feeling, haven't I?" Rex closed his eyes, praying that what he wanted to say wouldn't expel him form the Republic, or even bring him to his death. He was the most faithful trooper of not only the 501st, but the entire Grand Army of The Republic. He greatly feared anything that could rupture his status.
Ahsoka let go of his hand and observed his face- the discomfort was overbearing at this point, given by what looked like he was trebling under his armor, but it hard to tell. His face however, showed a soldier in deep thought, as if he was battling his own war in his mind.
"Rex; are you sure you don't want to take this talk... someplace private?" The commotion of clones around them was getting extremely loud as more and more piled in the cafeteria. It didn't help that it felt like all eyes were on the Captain and Jedi Commander... curious clones with wandering eyes never insured privacy.
Rex looked back up at Ahsoka as he stood up, shrugging, "Well, that would be most appreciated."
Rex popped on his helmet again. Together they walked out of the cafeteria, heading for the only lounge room on the ship.

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