Chapter 6: Love Wins

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Rex lowered himself as close as possible to Ahsoka's tiny body, then slipped a hand down south to adjust his sturdy cock. He gently pressed it along her labia, surprised to find she was extremely wet down there. He looked up, and Ahsoka's eyes were nearly cold, stone black.
"What's wrong?" His eyes widened, unable to figured out if she was scared, or the dim room casted heavy shadows on things.
"Nothing's wrong, Rex. It feels great."
Rex could sense a different tone in her voice. Frigid and standoffish, this was not the Ahsoka he was just kissing.
"You're eyes... they look black!" Rex worried aloud.
"... they are?" Ahsoka looked around the room timidly, then rubbed her eyes to no avail. They remained very dark and melancholic. 
"Yeah, see?" Rex let go of his cock and pointed at her eyes. He was beginning to feel terrified as she ceased talking to think for quite some time.
"Is everything okay?" Rex whispered.
"Rex... I think I should tell you."
"Tell me what? I thought we already confessed everything." He raised his eyebrows in question.
Out of nowhere, Ahsoka bursted into tears. Covering her face was absolutely useless as the tears already streamed down her neck and into the sheets. She attempted to sit up, but was too weak from her overbearing emotions to move. Sinking her head far into the pillow, she surrounded herself with bitter tears and looked away from Rex in humility.
"Tell me, Ahsoka! Please!" Rex panicked and hugged her adorable body in his muscular, hot arms. He wasn't letting go, either. Not when she cried like this.
"My visions... my dreams... I had a dream one night that..." Ahsoka stopped and weeped further.
"That?" Rex insisted, knowing that if he didn't get an answer from her now, she may never feel strong enough to confess.
"That.. we... you- I..."
"Ahsoka, breathe." Rex squeezed her now-shaking hand again, which reminded her of her inner strength. He always brought out the best in her, and she obeyed, taking a deep, slow breath.
"I... had a dream one night that we had sex... for the first time... like this." Ahsoka wiped a tear.
"And... I became pregnant." Before he could speak, Ahsoka took another deep breath and pushed on,  hardly able to grasp the words she was speaking.
"And it wasn't just one time. After that, it was re-occurring. Night after night, I was constantly reminded of myself... getting pregnant with you."
Rex looked up at her dreamy eyes again. Still dark, but a blue shade was returning. It was always a relief to release trapped emotions, although this was a delicate situation for the two. Rex clenched his jaw in uneasiness, thinking thoroughly for the right words to say. But he just couldn't find them.
"I-I-I don't know what to say. Should we stop?"
Ahsoka shook her head, still crying, "But that's exactly what I don't want to do."
"I don't understand, then." Rex pondered, "Wouldn't it be very bad if you got pregnant?"
"I honestly don't know what the Jedi Council would do with me, but as for you..."
"The Kaminoans don't share the same warmth as the Jedi do. They would probably kill me." Rex shuttered, close to tears himself.
"This is extremely risky Rex, we knew this from the start." Ahsoka's pillow was drenched with tears as she failed to find a spot that was dry, "But I want you.... really deep inside of me. More than anything in this galaxy."
She closed her eyes and pictured a perfect world where she could give birth in harmony with Rex by her side.
"I need you." Ahsoka whispered.
"But what if you get pregnant?" Rex frowned.
"Rex... the Force is foreseeing this. It's going to happen. I think it was meant to be." Ahsoka trembled, but was able to find enough strength to rise and kiss his sweet, precious lips. Life was too much to understand for the two sometimes.
Rex smooched her back, only half-heartedly. He was truly mortified, "But Ahsoka, you're saying I'm going to get you pregnant anyway? Does that mean I'm going to die? Or our baby? Will our baby be alright? Ahsoka please..."
They were absolutely petrified, no doubt about it, as they embraced each other and cried in their frail, cold arms. But together, their love was alive as ever. Their compassion for each other fueled the love. And love wins, no matter what.
"I can only give you what you want, beautiful girl. I can't tell you no." Rex admitted, still hugging Ahsoka with all his might. He actually hugged the little one as if it was the last time he'd ever see her.
"But please just let me know if you and the baby will be alright."
"We will be." Ahsoka promised, "And you will be, too." Ahsoka let go, to look in Rex's watery eyes. Her's had returned to their normal shade of blue, which was a fine invitation for Rex.
"How are you certain?" He worried.
"I... have a strong feeling. I don't really know what the future holds. Sometimes Force visions are wrong. But I am convinced these dreams are true, that I'll become pregnant. But something inside tells me that you and I will be safe, too. And our baby will be in good hands, should we not be allowed to care for it."
"So we're just gonna risk our lives and our baby's for a moment of pleasure?" Tears filled Rex's eyes now as he thought about the harshest outcomes of their actions.
"This... is more than pleasure to us. I'm sure you've felt it." Ahsoka insisted, wiping tears from his eyes gently despite her own clogging her vision, "It's the deepest connection two could have. Every living being has the Force running through them, and ours is about to intertwine, and gel into one. It may be the only time we ever experience love in it's purest form. It's about the substance we build after, not the pleasure gains."
"You're saying we're essentially meant to do this?" 
"The Force is guiding me to this outcome, yes. I wouldn't think too deeply about it. I know it's scary to think about our fate, or if I really did become pregnant. But do you believe everything will work itself out in the end?"
Rex paused and thought for a long moment, "Yes."
"Then we'll be okay. I wasn't trying to startle you, Rex. I just got over-emotional thinking about us. 'Cause... having sex with you has been my biggest dream literally, and I hoped you'd share the same vision."
"Oh I do." Rex plainly admitted, "For awhile now... I'm constantly thinking of us getting close like this. I just didn't think about... a baby."
"It's a reality no matter what." Ahsoka accepted.
"True... so... you wanna do it?" Rex's eyes darted to the floor nervously. He still felt hard, and vigorously turned on, but he wasn't going to last much longer if he kept thinking about their uncertain future.
"Yes. And I'm ready this time."She prepared herself as the last of her tears faded away, "Are you?"
"I am." Rex faintly smiled. He just needed to relax and let life work itself out.
There was a sudden pause in their little talk that grabbed Rex's attention right away. Ahsoka was thinking very meticulously to the point that it looked like it hurt.
"Rex, I'm sorry."
He looked into her eyes, his heart melting.
"I'm sorry I made you nervous. We should start over and take a deep breath... and do this the right way." Ahsoka's hands slid down to her labia, where Rex's dick still was.
"I would've rather you told me the truth beforehand then us find out later." Rex's faint smile grew as Ahsoka's hand brushed against his dick. Things were starting to feel real good again. 
Suddenly, Ahsoka reached over her bed and opened up a drawer from her night stand. She grabbed a bottle of a clear liquid.
"What's that?" Rex questioned.
"It's um... it's called lube. Can you trust me?" Ahsoka blushed, glancing at Rex's ranging cock beneath her. 
"I always did." Rex blushed with her as she unscrewed the cap. Within seconds, Ahsoka had spread the liquid onto her hands and was reaching for his cock. Holding his breath and closing his eyes, he felt every second of her smooth, tiny hands massage his cock, as the cool liquid warmed up with each rub. He already felt like a million credits.
"There." Ahsoka finished, screwing the cap back on and putting the bottle away. She positioned herself back underneath Rex's body.
"W-what was that!?" Rex opened his eyes with a wild gaze.
"You never heard of lube?"
"If that's something sexual, then you know I'm too busy doing my duty to pay attention to sex."
"You never masturbated before?" Ahsoka squinted, but chuckled.
"....." Rex didn't like admitting his deep personal life to people. He was a private man, who only shared his life with those whom he respected. But Ahsoka was his girl. Sometimes it was still weird admitting these things, but she was the only one he respected enough to tell, anyway.
"I have." His face scrunched with embarrassment, and Ahsoka sensed it.
"Well... lube makes it easier to do sexual things." She smiled knowingly, hoping her warm heart would ease his discomfort.
"How do you know so much about... sex?" Rex's eyes widened.
"I don't. But if we keep questioning everything, we're never going to actually do it." Ahsoka giggled, punching him softly in the chest. This immediately got a playful reaction out of Rex, who started to tickle her deliberately until she screamed.
"Aaahh, Rexy stop! Heheh, please!"
"Shhhhh..." Rex warned, laughing.
She kicked the bed profusely and grabbed onto his strong, big arms. She could barely fit her arms around his forearm, but eventually she used a little bit of strength with the Force to hold him off.
"Ahhh now you're just cheating!" Rex shook his head, still laughing and loving the unexpected fun.
"You know I won, and now you're gonna pay, mister!" Ahsoka scooted herself a little bit further down the bed and began to stroke his cock. Every muscle in his body flinched and flexed at the feeling of his favorite Jedi in the world doing all the dirty work. He couldn't close his eyes just yet- this sudden, new feeling of pleasure was too damn good to hold still for. 
The lube made every stroke glide with ease, over every vein and curve. As she moved upward toward the head, Rex felt some increasing pressure as more blood circulated through his body. Masturbating never felt like this. This was paradise. A gift from heaven. Ahsoka carefully massaged every area of the head until Rec was practically flush red in color all over.
"What the fuck, Ahsoka..." Rex stared off at the beige walls, in a love trance.
She just smiled to herself, gently guiding his cock towards her vagina. She spread her legs, then looked up at Rex for assistance.
He was more than ready to slide in, and he did with as much gentleness as he could. She was so incredibly tiny after all, he seriously wondered if she could fit all of him inside of her without any trouble.
Ahsoka didn't comment, she just immersed herself in the feeling of the sexiest captain in the galaxy and her true love filling her up deep down inside. He was really big, leaving no room for much movement. But one thing for certain was that it didn't hurt as bad as she imagined. For both being virgins, their bodies handled the first half quite nicely.
Rex pushed in further, feeling his heavy dick squeeze through her tightest spots.
"She's bigger than I thought..." Rex said to himself, realizing he was still sliding down into her. Eventually though, he could go no further, and then they closed their eyes to fully feel one another.
 He didn't really know how to thrust, but he gave it his most humble try. Immediately, with each thrust, the bed shook and Ahsoka looked like jello. He felt bad, realizing the size difference between the two was insane. He shook her almost like a rag doll, but the smile on her face showed she was quite alright with that.
"Mmmmm..." She moaned, now with confidence.
Rex blushed again, only so much so it was hurting his cheeks. He was so turned on, he could feel his dick literally pulsating inside of her along to his heart beat. Together, they reached out and touched their arms. They were both sweaty and hot, and the bed was still shaking recklessly beneath them.
Suddenly, Ahsoka could feel the head of his dick rubbing a very distinct part inside her. She never in her life felt that kind of pleasure in her life, but whatever this spot was, it throbbing with utter satisfaction and bliss. Something was about to happen and she knew she was going to scream.
"Uuuugghh! Rex... " Moaning louder, Ahsoka panted like a dog in heat and squeezed his arm as tight sd she could, without the Force this time.
Rex felt the different fluctuations and contractions inside her vagina and knew he was about to achieve something wonderful. With Ahsoka gripping one arm and his dick pressing deep down for maximum pleasure, the more he thrusted, the more the pressure inside the two was ready to burst.
The feeling came headstrong and without warning.
"Ahsoka..." Rex's voice was low and manly as he took a deep breath.
He was going to tell her he felt like he was ready to cum, but Ahsoka already sensed it was going to happen, feeling his excitement grow. The pressure built up and he couldn't hold on any more. For some reason, Rex couldn't pull out. He couldn't stop, it just... unfolded naturally. He moaned great deal as he cummed straight down into her vagina, leaving her filled with a warm, sticky gel-like feeling all over inside. Panting with desperation, he realized he'd just experienced the greatest feeling of his life, bu he was still unsettled.
"Shit..." Rex growled.

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