Chapter 5: In Harmony

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"What the hell happened to you?"
"Who, me?" Fives squinted as he stared into Jesse's eyes. He put on his best acting skills.
"Who else am I lookin' at?" Jesse pushed his shoulder playfully, but with concern in his eyes.
"I ugh, it was just somethin' that happened earlier, that's all. No big deal." Fives shrugged.
"Like what? Looks like you got in a quarrel with someone, man. Look at you hair." Jesse pointed to a strand of Five's hair sticking straight up.
"Oh, oh yeah. That. I was wrestling with some of the boys earlier. Tryin' to see who was strongest."
"Oh, same old?" Jesse laughed.
"Hey, where's the Captain?" Kix piped in, who was beside the two, listening patiently.
"He ugh... I don't know." Fives cleared his throat, looking away.
"I thought I saw him earlier with you, outside by the temple. There was some sort of commotion, but I missed it." Kix tilted his head curiously.
"Oh, um, I was with him, yeah. But he said he had some stuff to do. So I just went back." Fives lied, a little bit timidly. But he tried.
"What was he doing by the temple?" Jesse frowned with deep consideration.
"I don't know." Fives was getting nervous now.
Kix shrugged, "Probably just taking a nice walk alone?" 
"No, probably waiting for his girlfriend Ahsoka." Jesse laughed, but it was more of a sly snort.
"Yeah, that too." Kix chuckled.
They looked collectively at Fives, who was blushing deeply, thinking his lies were so ridiculous.
"Could be..." He smirked with them.
"Let's have a drink. It's our last day before we get back to work. Don't wanna waste it." Jesse always liked the idea of getting a little bit drunk. It was result of being a tireless fighter out on those fields. And Fives... was game for anything adventurous.
"I like the way you think." Fives smiled.

The sunset had collapsed under the wide horizon, leaving Coruscant under a glossy bed of twinkling stars. The shades were drawn though, and the woodsy candle beside Ahsoka's bed illuminated the room into a warm, secure glow. Ahsoka sat on the edge of her bed, waiting eagerly.
"Come on, Captain. I'm getting impatient!" She teased, kicking her feet back and forth. Dressed down into her undergarments, the girl was absolute eye candy for the clone. He never got to see how beautiful Togrutas really were until now. They were either slaves or Jedi, from what he'd seen. 
"You know that I can't stand it when you call me that..." Rex's voice was low, gravely. He felt pressure increasing down below, and it almost hurt him to sit certain ways. He got up from the sofa and walked over to Ahsoka, holding his breath.
"Rex..." Ahsoka whispered playfully as she tossed around a headtail. Her eyes were directly penetrating his chest. 
He gulped, feeling her hungry stare. It only made the pressured feeling between his legs grow stronger.
"Take off that suit. I want to see your chest." Ahsoka bit her lip happily as he obeyed. His complete trust in her from the battlefield was playing a bigger role in their friendship, and now secret relationship.
The zipper went down slowly. So, so slowly. From the start, his thick, tanned muscles were highlighted through his skin-tight black suit. But they were so much larger now that his chest was bare. She could hardly sit still as he presented all his muscles and curves to her. Now, down to his waist, and ahhh... the body of a genetically fit clone was always a treat. But he was toned and refined from every battle- and nobody had been on more battles than Captain Rex. Not even little Ahsoka herself. The thoughts of holding that firm, strong waist in her arms was enough to make the Jedi Order expel her on the spot. And she craved that danger- it was worth it for Rex.
He stopped at his groin, holding his hands over the zipper and an obvious area between his thighs. Face redder than a Seppie blaster bolt, he was downright embarrassed.
"Hey, that's it?" Ahsoka blushed, looking down at his waist and back up to his face. Rex gulped, but couldn't find the words to say.
Without notice, Ahsoka slid her top off her shoulders, and let it fall naturally down, revealing her smaller, but robust, hard breasts. The instant contour of a sexy, provocative young woman hit Rex as fast as he could blink, and that pressure between his legs was on fire. Losing all control, he gripped his crotch quickly, refusing to look down at all costs.
"You okay, Rexy?" Ahsoka blinked seductively, quite obviously toying with her captain to have fun.
"Ahsoka... I-I-I can't do this..." Rex looked off to the side, feeling almost ashamed for not being man enough to make love.
"Yes you can! Isn't this what you wanted?" Ahsoka scooted as close as possible to the edge of the bed, listening intently. But Rex was too hung up about her boobs, and his massive erection, truthfully.
"It's... everything I've ever wanted. I guess I'm... just-"
"No, I'm not scared!" Rex turned over and fumbled with his crotch impatiently.
"Then why so flustered?" Ahsoka smiled, knowing he would have to be a bit braver for their dream to come true.
"Ahsoka... it's just my... my..."
"No- wait, what!?" Rex flipped around and accidentally released the grip on his suit, allowing it to fall to his knees. Standing and staring at Ahsoka fully naked, the little Jedi giggled at her persuasive success.
"Don't act like you don't know. I can sense when you're turned on, y'know. It's just like any other emotion." She grinned ear from ear. To be equal with him, she slipped off the bed and dropped her shorts and panties to the ground as well. There goes Rex's innocence.
"I-I-I" Rex began trembling, never seeing his Jedi commander stripped down to such raw beauty. Never before could he imagine himself naked in front of one, either. 
"Shhhh..." Ahsoka walked up and admired Rex's eyes, looking up into his watery, hazel depths.
"This is the fun part."
She reached up and pulled Rex's neck down to reach her lips. Instinctively, he wrapped his arms around Ahsoka's waist so she did not fall backwards. He had seen enough kisses to know he was being sucked into one. But feeling Ahsoka's tiny, tender hands rub him gently all over his shoulders only added to the intense sex appeal that was growing with every second for her. Rex let out a hefty sigh to release frustration, before he closed his eyes. Finally, Ahsoka's lips met his, and to much of his surprise, he didn't flinch. Her plump, soft lips felt like wet rose petals against his coarser skin, and of course she tasted irresistibly sweet like vanilla icecream. 
In unison, the two let go and gazed at each other longingly. They begged for more love. It was no secret.
"Wow..." Rex shook his head in disbelief.
Ahsoka tilted her head slightly, "Hmm?"
"Just my first time... doing that."
"Kissing?" Ahsoka's eyes lit up.
"Well, get used to it, because you'll be a kissing expect by the end of the night!"
"You make it sound so easy." Rex shook his head again, but Ahsoka touched his shoulder.
"It honestly is. Look, I'm no champ myself, but it's not as scary as it seems. We have all night to get it right!"
Reaching up, Ahsoka wrapped her arms around Rex's neck and kissed him lovingly on the neck, the cheek, the forehead, then back around on his firm, defined lips. Every kiss left a pretty maroon lipstick stain upon his skin, of which he wasn't aware. Ahsoka laughed, seeing his face covered with her little marks, but quickly jumped back up for more sensual kisses to his lips. Rex was passionate when he kissed, and naturally felt protective towards Ahsoka. He loved to hold her close, and kiss her wildly, even though he didn't know what he was doing. He didn't even care anymore that he was naked. Speaking of naked, both of them begun to take notice of how their bare crotches were touching as they kissed, with Rex's huge erection rubbing Ahsoka's thigh continuously.
"I-like-the... way you- kiss me." Rex whispered between their long, delicate make out session.
"And I... like-the way your-c-cock feels." Ahsoka's eye lids flinched as she thought about a big, hunky clone like Rex naked and hard. She felt empowered that she could inflict such feelings on a man who was very difficult to break, near-impossible to strip down his professional attitude. It was this risky passion that so often led Jedi down the path of the dark side.
But Ahsoka... she knew exactly what she was getting into.
Rex, on the other hand, was highly overwhelmed with the dirty language that Ahsoka used. His hands slid down towards her tiny by built, toned butt. He squeezed her closer to his big, pulsing dick until it pressed against her clit.
"See, I knew you would be a natural at this." Ahsoka giggled, but her face looked as if she was going to moan... loudly.
Rex smirked, running his fingers around her cute, smooth butt cheeks, "I just can't get enough of a sweet little Jedi like you getting so filthy!"
They continued to kiss deeply, almost so intensely that that Ahsoka could drool, and the feeling of their naked bodies rubbing so close to each other was making the heat rise like a desert. Ahsoka touched Rex's chest.
"Let's get in bed." She practically squealed, turning around and leaping on the bed, only for Rex to follow. Propping her head on the pillow, she closed her eyes as he scooted next to her. It felt surreal to have another body next to her, who belonged to someone who loved her very dearly.
"Rex." Ahsoka grinned, eyes still closed.
"Yeah, darling?" He whispered, blushing as he gawked over her long, gorgeous eyelashes.
Ahsoka bit her lip, visibly turned on by Rex calling her sweet names, "I want you to do whatever you want to me."
"W-what do you mean?"
"Touch me in any place or way you want. I want this night to be as close to perfect as can be for you."
"Ahsoka, I love you, but I can't-"
"Yes you can, Rex. Trust me."
Rex didn't argue. He wanted this, though he was terrified to actually try it. He never touched a woman's body before, and everything they'd done together was the first time for his virgin self. He wondered how much experience Ahsoka really had with romance to get her so far to be the dominant one in the bedroom tonight. But he knew all along that Ahsoka was probably more braver on the battlefield than him, so it made sense in the bedroom as well.
He slowly climbed over the small girl, careful not to crush her with all his muscle. Her eyes were still gently closed, patiently waiting for Rex to take charge now. He was overcome with his new power to do whatever he wanted. He didn't know where to start, until he looked directly down at the Togruta's tantalizing breasts. Oh yes.
"Be careful..." Rex told himself, "She's so small... I- I can't hurt her."
He lowered himself to her level, and took took his hand and cupped around a breast. He massaged it, played with it, and eventually was tempted to suck on it. Her nipples were the deepest red, practically as hard as his cock by now. But he was more amazed that he finally wasn't shaking as he loved on her, just soaking in all the pleasure.
Ahsoka was trying hard not to moan, but the panting from her breath was getting too hot and heavy. Her heart thumped with a feeling stronger than the Force. The connection she felt when she absorbed all of Rex's passionate energy was something she had never, ever experienced before.
Rex played with both her breasts now, finally closing his eyes and enjoying the fun love. He could feel that Ahsoka wasn't the least bit bothered by the soft approach he was using, and remember that Jedi could withstand a lot more pressure than other beings. He kissed and sucked her harder, sending almost a magnetic pulse through their hearts.
"Mmm..." The tiniest of faint moans escaped Ahsoka.
Rex was genuinely turned on and gripped her breasts a bit harder. Now he just wanted to push all his force into her, in any way he could. 
Her nipples were wet, firm and ready for more action like the rest of her body. Ahsoka squirmed a little to adjust her position, but with Rex towering over her so boldly, it made her feel like she was being sheltered and comforted. And she definetely liked that.
"Ughhh, Rex..." Ahsoka smiled, as their lips soon met for more amorous kisses. She grabbed his hand and squeezed it as his body sank lower and lower into hers. Now, he was laying on top her gently, snuggling. Their hands remained locked, with Ahsoka's hardly covering much of his larger palm.
The nightfall was serene. They lied in tranquility, with Ahsoka's woodsy candle providing a comfy, warm glow to her beige walls. The air was still, and together they could hear each other's hearts beat in sync. 
Rex stared into his sweet Ahsoka's eyes. No longer vibrant blue, they were nearly a shade of moody indigo as the room grew darker with the candle's fading. Taking a deep breath, the captain and the Jedi knew they could only give the night all or nothing. And all is all they could give.
They whispered in unison, squeezing their hands very tightly now.
"Now's the time..." Ahsoka inquired, shyly.
"Are you sure you're ready?" Rex hesitated a final time.
Something about Ahsoka's eyes didn't feel right. They were too deep, too purple. She almost looked as if she was falling ill inside, but masking it over like a drama queen. Eerily enough, she wasn't shaking, nor showing any signs of discomfort beyond her hypnotizing stare.
"Yeah, Rexy. Let's do it." 

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