Chapter 2: Don't Leave

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Punching in a code, the doors opened to the lounge where Rex and Ahsoka were greeted with much needed silence.
"There you go. Peace and quiet." Ahsoka comforted Rex with her words as they sat down together on a couch.  But something about the mood in the air suggested serious turmoil within Rex.
"Look, I'm not sure I can tell you." Rex could barely look her in the eyes, but he knew he needed to take off his helmet to be sincere. So he did, reluctantly setting it on the floor beside him. When his eyes did meet Ahsoka's, he realized how vulnerable all his feelings really were.
"You don't have to tell me anything you don't want to, Rex. But you weren't looking for me for nothing, were you?"
"No... I wasn't. I wanted to speak with you. I thought I was ready. But... I don't think... I am." Looking away, Ahsoka was well aware now that Rex was unable to sustain eye contact with her lately. This was highly unusual for a confident, professional man like him.
"And that's perfectly okay..." Ahsoka watched as Rex became increasingly uncomfortable with his own thoughts, "But tell me, are you okay?"
Rex genuinely tried to look at Ahsoka, but by now his hands were trembling fiercely- this was not the mighty clone veteran she know. He stared at his trembling hands and hated himself for being unable to stop it. Ahsoka could feel all his fears flowing vehemently through her. 
There was a long pause, a moment of deathly silence that felt like hours.
"Do I have to answer?" Rex finally sighed.
"No." Ahsoka reached out for Rex's hand, offering to hold it. He accepted, submissively. 
"I can tell you're quite upset. Do you want me to leave you alone?"
"Anything but-" Rex swallowed, feeling as if he was going to cry, but he was strong enough- for now- to hold the tears back, "I just want you to stay here with me until I can think of what words to say."
"Rex, you know I would never think badly of you-"
"Are you sure? Because you're a Jedi. You don't think the way we clones do!" Rex was suddenly becoming hostile in his tone; his anger in himself fully present. His arms now shook with anger, and it made Ahsoka weak as he clenched her palm tightly.
"But we can feel you. I can feel your anger flowing into me, Rex!" Ahsoka clenched her jaw in stress, feeling as vulnerable as he was with his intense emotions inside her.
"No, no!" Rex shook his head violently, "You can't possibly understand what I'm going throu-"
"Hey... guys?"
Another voice appeared from the side, clear and surprised as he entered the room. 
"D-did I miss something?"
Anakin Skywalker, Ahsoka's master and Rex's general made an abrupt appearance. His gaped jaw said it all as he witnessed his Captain nearly in tears. They quickly released their hands from each other's grasp and looked up at the bewildered Jedi.
Ahsoka started, "Uuughh, no, Master. W-we were just..."
"Remembering all the troopers we lost in battles." Rex lied, praying it was an adequate cover up.
Anakin crossed his arms with an understanding sigh, "Yeah, it's never easy losing good soldiers. You seem especially distressed, Rex."
"Yeah. I just need time to rest." Rex implied flatly.
"Well you've got yourself plenty of time for that."
Anakin looked around the still room and took in the atmosphere, which was completely overrided by Rex's anger and Ahsoka's discomfort about the situation. Anakin wasn't a fool to be completed blinded by Rex's  lies. Whatever they were talking about, it had to've been deeply intense and personal.
"N-now I don't mean to interrupt you two, but I was just going to have a check in on Ahsoka."
"You're alright, general." Rex stood up and began walking out of the room quickly- something clearly deep on his mind.
"What's his problem?" Anakin squinted at Ahsoka, "It seems I should be consulting him."
Ahsoka chuckled quietly at first, but her smiled were quickly replaced with a serious frown, "I think there's something he's been trying to tell me. But whatever it is, he doesn't feel strong enough to say it."
"Sounds personal."
"Yeah, you think-"
"No, I mean it's something you two ought to discuss alone. Sorry for interrupting you."
There was an awkward silence as the Jedi made eye contact with each other. Rex's angered presence still lingered in the room, throwing them off through the Force.
"I just wanted to check in on you after the battle. I feel like I don't really get to do that often." Anakin's voice suddenly became very paternal and low.
"Anakin... I'm fine. Trust me." She looked into her Master's eyes calmly, "But I think Rex needs you more."
He became immediately insecure, "Are you sure?" 
"Yes. I appreciate you checking in on me. But don't forget to check in on the clones, too. Their minds seem to be racing a lot lately." Ahsoka reassured.
Anakin began backing out of the room very slowly, "Do you know where he's headed?"
Ahsoka stood up, "No, I don't. But it seems as though he was going someplace else for alone time."
"Where else on this ship is a place for alone time?"
"...the toilets?" Ahsoka cocked her head to the side, unable to come up with any other answer.
"Well... you're not wrong. I'll check there first."
"Anakin..." Ahsoka  called out as he was turning to leave, "Please be gentle when you talk to him. I feel like his emotions are really clouding him today.
With a polite nod, he acknowledged his padawan's observation and went along to find the irritated clone.

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