Chapter 3: The Rumor

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"Captain! How're you feelin' today?" A clone jumped up behind Rex as he was making his way outside. Coruscant had special clone building beside the Jedi Temple to serve and protect the Republic, citizens, and Jedi. Rex turned the latch of the door and let the warm rays of sunlight cast over his eyes.
"Fine, Fives. Did you get any sleep?" Rex put his helmet on, not just because it was too bright to see, but it was the professional thing to do.
"Yeah. I don't know how the boys and I did it. We never get this kind of rest." 2 days had passed since they landed on Coruscant, and none of the clones, including Rex, had spoken to Ahsoka. She disappeared in the Jedi temple. A lot of this was on Rex's mind.
"That's good, though. You want to be well rested for when we get our next briefing."
"Any idea what or when that might be?"
"I guess it's tomorrow," Rex sighed, thinking about his tiring life always  on the battle. Yet it was all he knew. Somewhat, anyway. An image of a cute, young Togruta girl abruptly popped into his head, "b-b-but we f-find out when... the... actual... b-battle begins tomorrow..."
Fives immediately noticed that Rex has something else completely on his mind as he tripped over his own feet, falling helmet-first into the cement. Several clones around him flocked over to see what happened.
"Captain!" Fives exclaimed, helping his brother to get back on his feet. Rex was damn happy his helmet was on to help brace that fall... and to hide the deep shame on his face.
"What happened?" Several clones nearby asked Rex.
"Just... lost my balance. Nothing to see here." Rex scoffed, stumbling in the direction of the Jedi Temple.
"Where are you going?" Fives was becoming as curious as he was upset now that he realize there was still something wrong with his brother- and he was trying to hide it.
He didn't answer. As he got closer to the temple, Fives became more and more concerned. 
"Rex, tell me where you're going!" Fives pleaded, contemplating whether he should get on his knees, too.
"Where does it look like I'm going?" Rex snapped as he turned back, scowling at Fives under his helmet.
"The Jedi Temple!?" Fives followed Rex cautiously, "They won't let you in there!"
"I know. I know Fives!!" Rex sighed in deep frustration, turning to face Fives as he caught up with him.
"Then why are you going there?"
"To... just wait for someone to come out." Rex admitted, staring at his feet in dismay.
Fives looked at his Captain with admiration, "You mean Commander Tano?"
"Fives-" Rex barked flatly, putting a firm hand on his brother's shoulder, "What do you know about this?"
"About what??" Fives eye's widened- Rex could see as the sun casted through his visor. 
"Ahsoka and I?"
"Look,  I don't know anything about you two. Other that it seems pretty obvious that you like-"
"I don't like anybody in that way." Rex growled, feeling primitive as he felt the need to protect his emotions and reputation at all costs.
"Rex, Jesse knows too. And now Kix. Hardcase. Actually most of the bros in the 501st know."
"I don't understand. What do they know!?" Rex shook Fives violently to get answers. He had never seen Rex become so upset over such trivial things in his life.
"We all know you like Ahsoka, whether you want to believe it or not!" Fives nudged Rex off of him.
"Fuck this, Fives. How the fuck does everybody in the Grand Army of The Republic know about this!?"
Surprised, Fives was taken aback by Rex swearing. He never swore; his image was as important to him as breathing! This was a matter that was clearly most personal and serious to him.
"S-sir... I didn't say everybody. Just a lot of the 501st. And probably Anakin."
"ANAKIN!!?" Taking his helmet off and forcefully chucking it at the cement, Rex was absolutely infuriated and clenched his fists at Fives, who was almost shaking at Rex's explosive anger. This was a side of his brother that he was definetely not prepared to see.
"ANAKIN KNOWS!? I can't let the JEDI know of this!! They'll KILL me! I don't even want YOU to know! This is absolutely fucking GREAT. Why don't you just get outta here and gossip some more about your Captain, will ya!?" Rex pushed Fives aside and walked over to the doors of the Jedi Temple again. The Coruscant clone guards shot him a dirty look.
"The fuck you lookin' at!?" Rex hissed, raising his middle finger at a guard. The guards were quick and ready for their blasters.
"You wanna fight!? HUH? GIVE IT ALL YOU GOT!" Rex trotted up arrogantly to the guards, prepping for an old-fashioned saloon-style fist fight. Fives darted for him and pulled him backwards.
"No! No! What are you doing, Rex!?" Fives addressed his Captain informally now, trying to understand him, "Why are you making me do this!?"
"Get your hands off me NOW, trooper!" Rex screamed, almost pitifully as he kicked his brother in the gut.
"Aaahh!" Fives yelped, "We're all brothers! No need to act like this!"
Rex stared at Fives longingly, then picked up his helmet. It was dented severely from the blow. Something had definitely been possessing his brain and making him lash out so viciously like this. Thoughts of a tiny, pretty Togruta Jedi crossed his mind once more, and the onset of a mental breakdown was already on its way.
"I-I-I'm sorry, Fives. You're right. I don't know... w-what the fuck's wrong with me. But I need t-t-to be alone... p-please."
Fives understood that Rex had never experienced these types of emotions before for Ahsoka. It's hard when you're told to never form attachments in the first place, and it was all an accident for him. The concept of love is very foreign for all clones, as many of them find it cuts too deep when they lose a special friend. But being in love was a whole new territory of hurting.
"It's totally okay, Rex. You're feelings are justified. I'll leave you alone... and I won't say a word about this."
Rex watched cautiously as Fives walked back slowly, looking sincere in his eyes.
"Trust me." He smiled, the best he could for having an aching gut.
Rex was depressed. He didn't mean to attack Fives or the guards. Something in him just felt different, though. He didn't realize that the hormones in him, specifically testosterone, was racing a mile a minute whenever his favorite little Jedi crossed his mind. It made him feel feral like a  wild animal- a hungry panther losing his senses over mating.
Fives was gone now, and this forced Rex to hide out in a corner where not only the guards wouldn't see him, but everybody else. Terrorized and confused from his own emotions, the brave Captain felt utterly useless and defeated now. He felt tears swell in his eyes.
"Don'y cry you pitiful piece of shit," Rex beat himself up, "She's just another Jedi. Get over yourself!"
However, this thought didn't settle nicely, for he was reminded that Ahsoka actually liked him, too.
"Okay, so she's bending the rules a little bit, too. But that doesn't mean she's gonna give into me! No high expectations, no disappointment."
Rex clutched his helmet in his palm like a stress toy and sighed worriedly.
"Maybe she does really want to love me. Maybe she would have me if she wasn't a Jedi... but that's not reality. I know better than this. I have a duty. My duty is not to fall in love and cheat the Republic!"
Rex was shaking so hard within his muscles that he felt very close to blacking out. Combined with the sun's scorching heat and his accumulating stress of love piled on top of the war, he realized that this was a problem he could not face alone. There was only so much of this pain that this clone veteran could handle. And with that, Rex promptly passed out.

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