Chapter 4: A Rebirth

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"Rex? Are you okay? Rex??"
A disembodied voice begged for Rex as he felt his body being shook back and forth, gently like an ocean wave. The hands on him were soft, so small. Suddenly, the voice was becoming more mother-like, more soothing.
"Rex... I know you're there. It's Ahsoka."
"Ahsoka!?" Rex lifted up his head and came to his senses, although not gracefully.
"Oh, I'm so relieved to see you're okay." Ahsoka sighed, holding the half-conscious man in her arms with great care. She managed to carry his much stockier body into the shade behind the Jedi temple.
"Ahsoka, you are just the person I wanted to see." Rex almost whimpered as he rubbed his eyes, recovering from his black out. Holding his hand, she helped Rex sit up to look her more comfortably.
"I'm surprised you even remember my name!" Ahsoka giggled, but was still very concerned for her dear friend, "You were deeply unconscious. I think you had a heatstroke. Here, I brought you some water."
Ahsoka reached aside and grabbed a small mug filled with fresh water. Rex took it and drank in like he'd just ran a race. 
"But what were you doing over by the Jedi Temple, anyway?" Ahsoka tilted her head in curiosity, gazing into Rex's eyes passionately for answers.
Rex finished the last of the water and took a hearty, deep breath.
"Y'know... I... I was looking... for you." Rex cowered, quite ashamed for giving into his reckless emotions.
"Seriously? Rex, you know you could've just sent someone to get me. I would've been so happy to see you!" Overwhelmed with Rex's sweetness, she leaned in closer to Rex just to make the moment a little more memorable. 
Rex took note of the faint blush on the gorgeous girl's face, lighting up the fire inside him.
"I-I-I didn't want to disturb you. This was y-your break." Rex stuttered, totally transparent with his nerves, "But I-I also t-t-thought you were m-mad at me. When I confessed my... feelings for y-you. You hadn't t-talked to me since that."
"No... don't think that way... at all! I was just catching up with all my friends. It wasn't anything direly important. And honestly, I would've rather seen you, anyway. A week spent with one of my friends isn't nearly as special as a minute spent with you."
Rex wanted to pull Ahsoka in for a loving, tender hug, but he felt pressured being out in the open where anyone could see. Instead, he bit his lip and blushed deeper than Ahsoka, unable to control his impulses.
"Ahsoka... t-there's so much I want to tell you. And ask you. And... give you. I-I want to do it all but there's just not enough time in the day..."
Grinning, Ahsoka could feel the undying, loyal love of this clone pour over her like a waterfall, showering her with happiness like never felt before. Yes, if there was something in life that she absolutely knew she should pursuit, it was loving this man. 
"You're... sweet, Rex..." Ahsoka took his hand and motioned for him to get up, "I think you and I should at least have some of this talk inside."
Rex got up from his knees and grabbed his helmet beside him, "But... won't people suspect what we're doing?"
"You've been in the temple many times before." Ahsoka reminded him as they walked towards the main door.
"Yes, but I mean like... we were on duty. Now we're just loitering, basically."
Ahsoka laughed, "Rex, it's okay! We're going straight to my room. They won't suspect anything. That's not loitering."
At last, they reached the doors, meeting with the two guards that Rex almost fought earlier. Naturally, they declined Rex access to the temple, but Ahsoka overrided it. Once inside, they headed for the elevators. Rex shuttered at the thoughts of the Coruscant guards.
"What's wrong?" Ahsoka sensed his discomfort.
"Its' just... those guards. I-I almost fought them for you."
"For me? What do you mean?" Ahsoka raised an eyebrow at Rex.
"Well I don't really know. All I know is that I can't think straight... because I'm so..." looking around, the paranoid clone made sure no one else was near before finishing his sentence.
"I'm just so in love with you." He whispered.
Ahsoka looked longingly down the hallways, entranced with Rex's adorable innocence and unbelievable honesty.
"And... I don't feel like myself because of this, " He continued, "I feel short-tempered. Angry. Frustrated. I feel like I want something I've never had before, and I can't get it."
Ahsoka already knew what he was referring to long before he'd even spoke of it. Love was an emotion that brought out the best and worst of everybody- including those that bring out the sexual aspect. 
"We can talk all about this upstairs." Ahsoka smiled endearingly as they approached the elevator. A couple Jedi were inside and nodded at Ahsoka as they made their way out. Punching in the floor number, the two gazed off into the dreamy, cotton-candy like Coruscant sunset in harmony. At last, Rex felt a little bit of peace in him as he inched a bit closer to his beloved Ahsoka. The hot sun wasn't so harsh now, and instead infused a deep, orange glow on their faces like a perfect, pretty painting.
It wasn't long before Rex gave in and finally hugged the lovely lady in his arms. All he could think about was giving her every ounce of his body, affection and love that he could muster. Although he loved fighting for justice and the Republic, if he had to chose one thing in his life, it would be to give this girl the entire world. Ahsoka felt his compassion flowing through his body directly into her heart as they hugged intensely- a powerful energy fueling an emotional rebirth in the two. This was the first time either of them really knew what love felt like.
"I... I love you so much." Rex suddenly squeezed harder, and Ahsoka could further sense that he was fully giving into his heart now. For someone who had never known what the concept of love was even like, she realized that he was doing a damn fine job giving that love, anyway.
"He's probably blessed to be a natural romantic." Ahsoka chuckled to herself,  allowing the handsome clone to smother her in his plentiful affection. 
At last, the elevator reached the 87th floor, where the only commotion you were gonna find was the occasional Jedi passing through, or a speeder casually floating by outside. Otherwise, the 87th floor of the Jedi Temple was as quiet as a ghost town.
"Ahhh, you've got it made up here." Rex said with almost a tint of jealousy sparking. They walked out of the elevator and took in the tranquil atmosphere.
"Yeah, but it's a shame I don't get to hang out up here more often."
"I know what you mean." Rex sighed as he followed Ahsoka around the halls toward her room.
After some twists and turns, Ahsoka finally found her room and used her force-print to unlock the door. Inviting Rex inside, that's when a playful smile took on her face.
"Alright, Rexster. You can take off your shoes at my place!"
"W-what?" Rex looked down at his boots, perplexed.
"Hehe... I'm just tryin' to get you to relax. Ya don't have to wear all that bulky armor around here." She winked, leaving Rex to melt in pieces at her cuteness.
"Ahhh... all of it?" Rex questioned, although he was already listening to her orders anyway.
"All of it." Ahsoka repeated with a giggle. 
Rex took off a boot and shook his head with more confusion, "But don't you think this is kinda... shady? I mean what if someone knocks on the door and finds out a clone is in your room without his armor-"
"Rex, listen to me." Ahsoka's voice dropped nearly an octave, and instantly Rex gave her his full, undivided attention.
"I know you are deeply worried about a world of things. You said yourself that so much is on your mind. You're going through a wide range of emotions because of your love for me, which I know you can't help. But we are living through a long, time consuming war. We don't get days to relax together like this very often. I don't want to put us under any more pressure or pain,  but should anything happen to us, I wouldn't want one of our only special days together to be spent worrying about trivial things. You're safe in my little apartment with me, and I can promise you that." Her eyes glistening in harmony with the sunset, Rex absorbed every word she spoke as he became completely hypnotized.
"Let's just focus on making tonight the best night of our lives- with no worries and no regrets." Ahsoka watched as Rex took off his armor in silence, clearly reflecting hard on her words. He was down to his legs now, removing each part very carefully as if she was critiquing him on the way he did it.
"Y'know I'm not mad at you, right? I'm sorry if I came across harsh." She apologized, fearing she dismissed his feelings too quickly.
"No, not at all, "Rex looked up and smirked, "I was just thinking about how lovely your eyes and skin look in this beautiful sunset." He was, after all, telling the truth.
With her heart swarming with adoration, Ahsoka leaned over and looked straight into Rex's eyes, just to see his clear, earthy hazels reflect that golden sunset, too.
"Could you say that again? I think I'm lost in your eyes." She teased- but before she knew it, Rex had removed all his armor already and picked up the teeny Togruta in his arms.
"I hope you don't mind..." He spoke with a low, but friendly growl, "But I cannot help myself when I'm around you." He gently placed her down on the sofa and cuddled up beside her, embracing her like it was going out of style. He certainly had gotten used to the concept of passionate hugs thanks to her encouragement.
"But while I got you here beside me..." It looked as if Rex was going to lean in to kiss her, but his head turned away the last minuted, "All this deep talk as got me thinking about one thing. It's something that I can't imagine you wouldn't worried about either, especially as a Jedi. I cannot continue this night without addressing it."
Ahsoka stroked his back in circles calmly, "Well what is it?"
"T-t-the Jedi council. They don't... allow attachments. Technically clones are forbidden from it, also. It's not a secret anymore that... we're in love. I even found out that... Anakin knows. But I guess the bigger deal is... for you. Ahsoka, I don't want the whole council to find out you... love me? I fear that this attachment could lure you to the dark side... and I cannot bear in my heart to lose you. This kind of love is so dangerous, I know it's not wise to chase. Yet something in my heart is telling me... I need this. I need you. I really can't face this fear alone. Ahsoka please..."
And just like that, Rex was in tears. Broken down and bruised from the inside out, this man was ready for anything that could save him from the nightmare of these possibilities. Trembling fiercely, Ahsoka cupped his cheeks in her hands and kissed his cheek tenderly, soothing his shaking within seconds. He touched his cheek with a blush. She hated to see him suffer like this, but she too held the same fears.
"I'm going to tell you something you may not want to hear." Ahsoka finally confessed, knowing it was neccesary to break all the ice, "But I've considered many times leaving the Jedi Order."
Rex made a small gasp, still rubbing his cheek where Ahsoka kissed him, "Why?"
"Some of the rules I've found are just... unfair. And they are very outdated. Many of them need updates, but a lot of the High Council is just plain arrogant. I believe in the goodness of the Jedi, but not all of their rules. So I've been thinking lately about what my life would look like if I left. I don't necessarily want to or plan to leave... but there have been many instances that I've encountered that don't make sense to me. The biggest one is being... love. My master, Anakin, is is love with Senator Amidala. Padme. And he seems to be completely capable of love during war. Some of us are strong enough to not fall deep into the harmful aspects of attachments, and I believe those individuals should be allowed to have them."
Rex stared at the floor, then his legs, then out the window at the rapidly sinking moody sunset. There was a lot to process, a lot to take into consideration here. Ahsoka watched as he thought deeply about the whole meaning of this war. With a heavy sigh, Rex closed his eyes.
"I... had no clue you felt this way about the Council." He began slowly, "This puts everything into a whole new perspective. I never really realized that Jedi fell in love so commonly. I always knew Skywalker admired Senator Amidala as a friend, but I never really paid attention to the closer details."
"Rex, I don't think you'd know what flirting is even if I did it." Ahsoka giggled.
"Huh, what makes you think that?" Rex frowned.
"Because I'd already done it in the past. You were quite oblivious."
"Hey, I just... have a lot of pressure from the war in my head. Taking care of my men... the usual captain duties... and-"
"Rexy, you know I'm just messin' with you." She blushed, taking his hands and pulling him closer to her on the sofa. How he craved when she took control like that...
"Oh, yeah..." Rex released a tense sigh, feeling much lighter and free sitting so close to Ahsoka's gentle body. She always had this calming, soothing aura about her that made a lot of the clones she fought with more relaxed. But for Rex, this just made him hornier.
"Ahsoka?" Looking into that soft, precious gaze of hers, Rex truly felt like he belonged.
"I just wanted to say that... I support you. No matter if you leave the council or not, I will always be your friend. As your Captain, I will always fight for you. Believe in you. I will trust you 'til the end. But as your man, there's nothing else in the world that could stop these feelings for you." Gulping, Rex felt another random tear trickle down his cheek, but he was too invested in his words to care, "Look. I am so lucky to have a beautiful girl like you- a young woman, actually. But you'll always have that youthful charm in your heart to me."
His heart was racing, muscles pounding with a force so strong to hold his love so close, there wasn't much he could do to hide his anxiousness. But Ahsoka was deeply moved by his compassion. The love in this man was practically pouring all over them like a rain shower now.  She almost felt like she didn't deserve this level of selfless romance.
"Come here, Rex." Ahsoka smiled faintly, for she was still in awe by his emotions. Pressing his cheeks together gently and pulling him nearer, she whispered desperately into his ear, "My love is never going to leave you. Never.

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