Chapter 7: It's Forever

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"Don't stop yet, please?" Ahsoka begged Rex, who seemed quite upset that he had just cummed inside an innocent little padawan. But he could not help his body's reactions. He continued to thrust for her, holding on to his arousal.
Finally, Ahsoka could feel a rush of butterflies swarm in her chest as her finger tips began shaking. Rex was still very warm, hot actually, and sweating down his tensed abs and shoulders. She rubbed his arm, feeling his skin between her fingertips as she took in the intensifying moment. His dick was so far down, he had already pushed much of his cum forever inside her. Ahsoka trembled, suddenly unable to hold him inside of her for much longer, and yet it was all feeling so, so good.
"Uh, uh Rex..." She stuttered, opening her eyes for a moment as she feared he was just too much for her.
"Ughhh..." Rex moaned lowly, in his own trance.
"Rexy..." Ahsoka whimpered, feeling lightheaded for a moment as her body suddenly tingled all over. His dick hit that sweet spot again, and she was beside herself with all sorts of love, bliss, pleasure and joy. She squeezed his arm and dug her fingers into his skin passionately. Rex could hardly breathe he was pushing so excitedly.
At last, Ahsoka felt herself on the brink of a massive, unreal orgasm. She bit her lip, but it was useless. Thinking about how she was inside the Jedi Temple right now worried her a bit.
"Rex. Cover my mouth. NOW." Ahsoka was feeling numb all over, holding off the orgasm as best she could. Rex was too lazy to question why, he just craved when she gave her orders that made her sound so sexy. He took his other hand and quickly covered her mouth, where she began excessively moaning... loudly.
"Uuuuhhh, mmmmm..." She whined, panting completely out of breath, "Ughhhhhhhhh!!"
Rex pressed her cheeks in a little further, trying to mask her screams without actually suffocating her. But doing all this on top of thrusting was becoming too tiring and painful on his joints, despite all that muscle he harbored. He stopped thrusting, slowly slid his dick out, and used his free hand to scoot down and lay more beside her, rather than on top.
"Ughhh... Rex... that... uuughhh.... ehhhh..." She was finally settling down.
"Beautiful." Rex snuggled as close as he could to her perfect little tanned body.
Ahsoka was trying to catch all of her breath now, as she turned and faced he"I... I can't believe we... actually did it."
"Yeah, me neither." He couldn't stop smiling as Ahsoka laid her head down on his chest. It made him feel wanted. And Ahsoka felt secure.
Rex leaned his head over beside Ahsoka and gazed at the walls, which were now deep grey. The candle was quite dim now, and they felt complete inside. Together in silence they laid together, legs intertwined and arms caressed around their bodies. Ahsoka used the Force to lift the blanket up and over them.
"Ahsoka?" Rex looked at her with raw, love in his hazel eyes. Ahsoka beamed at him, although she was already looking quite exhausted.
"I love you." He kissed her forehead tenderly.
His love fulfilled her heart. How could a clone... who had no idea what true love really was... come so far so soon and prove her wrong? Of all the people in the galaxy, how did the Force foresee her and Rex together? And how come it felt so good?
She didn't like questioning things. They had done enough of that today. Ahsoka lifted her little head up and gently kissed Rex on his soft lips. Not too long after, the candle burned out and they couldn't see very much of each other. 
"I love you too... Re-"
"Rexy, right?" He teased, feeling a yawn coming on.
"Awe, no... I was actually gonna call you Rexster this time." Ahsoka giggled, quietly.
"Sure you were." Rex smiled to himself, closing his eyes for the night.
"Rex Rex?"
"Ahh no..."
"How about T. Rex?"
"Ahsoka I swear-"
"What the?"
"Rex The Great?"
"Ahsoka Tano!" Rex was trying to sound firm, especially by using her full name, but was just becoming too tired to carry on. Fortunately for him, it wasn't long before the two lovers had fallen into a deep, calm slumber well into the night.

Clones and Jedi walked in and out of the hallways, some saluting each other and others on a mission to head somewhere important. The briefing for the mission was over, and Rex and Ahsoka were relieved that they were finished with the hardest part of their day.
"You don't think General Skywalker sensed anything different about us, do you?" Rex pondered as he walked down the hallways with Ahsoka.
"Forget about him, I'm more worried if Windu or Mundi notice. They're the first to tattle-tale." She rolled her eyes.
"Really? Are they that bad?" Rex didn't encounter the two Jedi as much as Ahsoka did.
"They can be." Ahsoka sighed.
There was a door ahead. As soon as they approached it, it opened with Anakin standing alone on the other side.
"Rex, Ahsoka. Just the two I wanted to see."
They turned their heads and looked at each other, blushing sheepishly. It was even more obvious given that Rex had his helmet off as well.
"You two seemed... off today during the meeting. Is everything alright?" He was worried, but an underlying smile was creeping up on his face. He definetely knew.
"We're quite fine, Master. Thank you for inquiring." Ahsoka attempted to look into his eyes, but couldn't do it.
"Ahsoka, I can't sense something is different. We all could." Anakin shook his head, "But unlike them I had to know if you were okay."
Ahsoka paused, and sighed with frustration. How could she give a few details away without spilling the whole secret? But he spoke again before she could even think.
"I mean, we know you both are in love. I guess I just wanted to know if everything went alright last night?" He smirked, looking at the sweat pouring down Rex's temples.
"Anakin!?" Ahsoka jumped, "H-how do you know?"
"Well Rex wasn't with his brothers last night and surveillance showed you two going up into your apartment..."
"Everyone bothered to look THAT deep?" Ahsoka panicked, and Rex held his breath.
"Well, just me." Anakin blushed.
Anger pent up deep inside. Ahsoka never felt so violated in her life, "Seriously!?"
"Ahsoka... it's okay. Nobody else knows that part. I just wanted to know where you were. And besides,  as long as you remain my Commander and Captain, you can love each other any way you want."
Rex raised an eyebrow and shot a look at Ahsoka whose face completely froze.
"I never believed in the harsh ways of the Jedi when it comes to attachments. I think the ones who can handle it should be able to love freely... but don't tell anybody I said that, you hear me Snips? You also, Rex."
Ahsoka's face lit up, "I've felt the exact same way, master."
"I can tell." Anakin put an arm on Rex's shoulder. He was a bit too silent during their talk.
"Feeling better now, Captain?"
"Yes sir." Rex wasn't sure if the situation called for professionalism or not, but he addressed everyone automatically as sir for respect.
"The only thing I ask from you two is not to show of any kind of PDA-"
"Of course we won't. That's the least we want to do." Ahsoka chipped in, now on the same page as Anakin.
"I know there's rumors out that you love each other. Let's just keep it as that." He turned and motioned for the two to follow him throw the door. They continued chatting down the hallways.
"Anakin, I have one question, though." The thought of her potentially becoming pregnant now deeply bothered and irked at Ahsoka's brain.
"I know this is far-fetched and probably won't happen given I'm a Jedi and all, but what... what would the Jedi Council do if I became pregnant or something? It's just a thought..."
Anakin sensed her uneasiness and figured from all the clues they gave off that she and Rex likely had sex and was worried about this possible reality. It's wasn't that hard for The Chose One to figure out mind tricks. Still, he shot her a confused look.
"What if you became pregnant?" He repeated.
Ahsoka nodded her head nervously.
"I... I don't know, Ahsoka. But what I do know is that I'm not going to let anyone hurt or take away your baby. I'd imagine the father wouldn't either." He glanced at Rex very obviously, hinting that he understood the whole situation.
There was an inevitable awkward silence, but the 3 of them also felt deeply relieved that they shared the same feelings and were safe around each other. They walked for awhile down the hallways in silence until Anakin couldn't hold his thoughts again much longer.
"So you don't think this is just a phase?" He teased.
Ahsoka turned and looked at Rex, who seemed like he had the proper words to say and was eager to spill them.
"It's forever, sir." Rex smiled kindly, throwing off Anakin who expected a silly answer from Ahsoka. The two lovers stared longingly into their adoring eyes, feeling indefinitely whole and united as one.
"It's forever." They repeated together.

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