Chapter 2-The hunt

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Group 4, the hunter group goes into the forest to hunt some animals for the winter, that is about to come.

Tobi knows that Ace never hunted before and shows him how it works: ''Here take this bow and arrow and try to pull back the bowstring and try to aim. Have one eye closed so it's easier, you know? Do you see the deer next to the big tree there? Try to hit it.'' Ace is nervous but he doesn't want to disappoint Tobi, who chose him as a group member. So he concentrates and tries to keep his breathing low, then after a few second he lets go of the string and hits the deer and screams: ''I did it! Did you all see that?!'' Everyone was amazed that he hit the deer by his first try. Tobi was very proud: ''See I told you that you can do it!'' Ace is happy that he can contribute to the camp.

But when Ace was about to take the deer he heard a not familiar deep voice: ''Hey, hey what are you guys doing with our deer?'' Tobi immediately steps in: ''Camp-10 what are you doing here?'' The man and his friends seem to be from Camp-10 and also not some nice fellows: '' What we are doing here? Isn't that clear, you dumbass? We want our deer. We have been tracking it from our camp to here. So hand it over.'' Ace isn't amused and said: ''Well this is our territory and the deer was killed by me so it's our deer.'', when Ace was about to take the deer he heard a loud shoot. He was shocked and looked slowly up. The guy from Camp-10 has a gun and shoot in the air to stop Ace from taking the deer. He said: ''I won't argue with you. This is our deer and we will take it now or do you guys want any problems with us?'' Tobi steps is: ''Hey guys calm down. What would your leader say to this? What was his name again? Oh right, Taylor! I heard he wants to start a war but when the time is right. Wouldn't he be angry if you guys would kill us? Our leader Myra would want revenge and then all your plans would be cancelled.''The guy from Camp-10 and his friends are angry now and one of them says: ''Is that a threat?! You want to die, blondie?'' Ace has enough: ''What about a game? Let's fight. One of your group member against me. No knives, no guns or any other weapons. Just fists. The one who is on the ground first loses, okay?'' Tobi isn't too happy of this idea but the leader of the group from Camp-10 seems to like this idea: ''Okay, I agree''. The guy from Camp-10 has the same body shape as Ace but is a little bit taller than him, so it would be a fair fight. Tobi starts counting: ''1...2...3 and start!'' Immediately both of them try to push and punch each other on the ground. This goes for like 10 minutes. Both of them are exhausted and covered with blood. Ace takes his last energy and punches the opponent with a right hook and the guy from Camp-10 was about to fall.

At this moment one of the members from Camp-10 pulls out a gun and screams: ''We won't lose against you guys from Camp-19!" But before he is able to shoot, there runs a silhouette out of the corner of the eye, that slices his hand off. Without him realising his hand was cut off and blood splashes everywhere. Myra was it! She and some other members of Camp-19 came to help the others. Myra is pissed and says: ''What is happening here? Camp-10 if you don't explain yourself immediately then I will cut your throates, you f*ucking a*sholes! How dare you to try to kill my people!'', she screames in a voice that would scare everyone. Her eyes are threatening. On her face is written that she is about to kill everyone. The leader from the enemy group is scared and answers: ''I am s-s-sorry, we just argued and it got out of control.'' Myra looked at her people and Tobi says: ''It's all right, nothing happened.'' She nods and says: ''Camp-10 I don't want to see your ugly faces here ever again. Do you understand or do I have to get really angry?''

The members of Camp-10 understood and went back to their camp. Tobi laughs and says: ''Man this was close. How did you know we had problems?'' Myra says: '' Because of the sound of the gun shoot, you idiot. You guys are hunting with no guns and you just use them for the enemy, so this was suspicious.'' Ace is exhausted from the earlier fight and sits down: ''That was troublesome for one deer that I killed.'' Myra is amazed: ''What? You killed the deer? Well, it seems you are a good hunter. Good work! Now let's go back! By the way, the letter from Camp-8 came if they are okay with you to stay with us.'' Ace is excited and says: ''And? What is written?'' Myra smiles and says: ''You will see when we are back.''

After 15 minutes of walking, they are finally back in Camp-19 but Ace can't believe what he sees...

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