Chapter ten: Hitachi

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Chapter ten: Hitachi

Hitachi POV:

I entered my lab and locked the door behind me. I stood for a moment staring at the graveyard that is currently my lab. The underlings of my boss had managed to capture some third-rank heros that I could use for my experiments. They’re all dead, floating lifelessly in chambers of green, oxygenated formaldehyde. Each chamber is illuminated by a large LED light situated under each specimen. I had a computer and a large vial of collagen hooked up to each chamber. 

Right now, I’m working on extracting these quirks from these heros then condensing it into an injection that the boss can use to transfer the quirk to a new vessel. (Haven't read this far in the manga yet so I made something up.) I’m almost finished with the extraction of the current specimens. Once that’s finished I’ll have to ‘light a bonfire.’ Sure it’s cruel but so is the rest of the world. In order to make it, you have to kill your emotions.

Sighing heavily, I walked over to my desk, nearly tripping on the wires that littered the floor. I sat down and opened the file, Subsequence Omega-37512, the file that held the instructions for quirk extraction method 07624/bdd. I opened the code and sent it to each computer. As soon as the code was processed, the chambers holding the bodies began to heat up and the liquid inside turned white. I could hear bubbling and then silence. Everything returned to normal except one thing. The vials of collagen now held liquids of different colours. Quirks. Now to finish altering them before I send them to the boss.

No One’s POV: 

Hitachi pressed a few buttons on his keyboard before stopping. His breathing became heavy and large salty tears made their way down his face. His wife. Inushi, what would she say about him now? He was alone in this world with no one to comfort him. The lights in his lab flickered as the man fell apart, silently. The pain of losing his beloved had slowly been driving him insane for years. He missed her dearly but he never blamed Vii for what happened. He was hard on her because he didn’t want the world to hurt her and he wanted to keep her all to himself. So in his mind, if she was scared of him, he would have control over her. He thought what he was doing was helping her, making her stronger but in reality he had destroyed her. His loss, his actions, his thoughts, everything he had done over the past 15 years had been slowly killing him and his daughter. He couldn’t bear the pain anymore. He snapped. 

In a fit of absolute hysteria he grabbed a wrench from the floor and swung it at the nearest chamber, shattering it. The fluid inside it came rushing out , the smell of formaldehyde growing ever stronger, the mangled body inside fell in a heap on the ground. So did Hitachi. Little did he now that all the noise had made had woken up Vii…

Vii POV:

A scream and a loud crash woke me up. It was terrifying. I took in a sharp breath only to gag on the strong smell of formaldehyde that had filled the house. I had to know what happened so I created a spear with my crystals and went to investigate.

Holding my nose, I slowly descended the stairs and continued toward the smell of formaldehyde… 

My dad’s lab. I heard sobbing and became even more panicked. What had he done this time? Without hesitation, I kicked open the door holding my spear in a rather threatening manner. What I saw next shook me to the core…

Bodies, mangled bodies. Four in some kind of liquid, one laid in a pile on the floor next to my father. There was broken glass and what I assume was formaldehyde everywhere. Sparking wires littered the floor and there were several vials of a glowing substance next to each glass chamber.

I dropped my weapon. I tried to scream but I couldn’t. I ran, horrified by what I had just seen. I could feel bile rising up my throat so I made a shape turn toward the bathroom. I made it just in time…

Well there goes my dinner but I NEED to call the police. I could hear my father shrieking in his lab, he’s insane! I reached for my phone but remembered that I had left it upstairs. I got up and dashed upstairs to my bedroom. I looked around, frantically searching for my phone. Then I saw it, on my nightstand. I literally dove head-first toward my phone. Sure, my arm crashed into the wall but I didn’t feel any pain. My adrenalin was through the roof! I pushed the emergency button and tried to dial 119 but my hands were shaky and thus, fumbled clumsily with the buttons. Finally, I managed to get through.

Dispatcher: 119 what’s your emergency?

Vii: My d-d-dad had g-gone cr-crazy! He has a room full of bodies, the hero’s who went missing. He has all of them!

Dispatcher: Ok I’m going to need your location, are you hurt at all as well?

Vii: xxx East Mochi Rd, Matsufasu and I hurt my arm while trying to contact you.

Dispatcher: Ok, I’m sending the police and an ambulance, they’ll be there shortly. Please stay on the line and find a place to hide.

Vii: Ok…


The police as well as a few pros and an ambulance arrived shortly after I made the call. One of the officers found me hiding in the bathroom, trembling. He helped get to an ambulance where I was examined. My shoulder was dislocated so I had to get it reset which hurt. 

Once that was done, I noticed that there were reporters here as well. A few came over and tried to get an interview with me but I was still in too much shock to even understand half of what they were saying. I could barely move out of fear. Pathetic, I’m in the hero course. I need to learn to handle myself in situations like these.


The rest of the night  was a blur. My house was searched and my dad was arrested. I was taken to the police station so they could ask me some questions before I was turned over to a social worker to discuss what will happen next.

Wait, what will happen next?

I’m scared.

Someone, save me from myself.

Tell me it’s all just a dream.


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