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About 3 hours later, Blaine was still sat in the waiting room, the lady at the front desk had given him a shirt to wear while he waited, he was anxious of what was going to happen. The doctor that had taken Kurt came down the hall, Blaine rushed over to him.

"Is he okay?" Blaine asked getting straight to the point.

"Hes perfectly fine, we got blood pumping back round his body, stitched up the cuts on his wrists and fixed his broken nose. We are waiting for him to wake up, we just called his father" Blaine sighed in relief.

"...Do you know what happened?" The Doctor asked.

Blaine frowned as he remembered "His boyfriend" He said "Well ex-boyfriend now" He corrected himself.

The doctor looked at him as if to say carry on.

"At the end of class i hung back for a bit to collect some sheet music" He started "I saw Kurt and his boyfriend sat at the back of the room i left thinking they wanted to be alone

around 10 minutes later i walked into the bathroom and I caught him just before he collapsed

i picked him up and as i was leaving the bathroom i ran into his ex, he looked angry, but when he saw Kurt he just started mumbling im sorry and walked away" Blaine finished, missing out the part were he cried in his car for 10 minutes. The doctor didnt need to know that.

"There were nail marks on his wrist, they were probably made by his ex boyfriend, and his nose was broken, probably punched" The doctor said, God he was so angry, why would someone do that to Kurt.

"Do you know his ex boyfriends name?" Asked the doctor.

"No sorry" Blaine shrugged "Can i go see him?"

The doctor smiled "Yes you can he should be waking up anytime soon, hes in room b112" The doctor smiled and pointed down the hall, Blaine thanked the doctor and headed to Kurts room.

He was happy to see that Kurt was awake and talking to a nurse.

Kurt turned to look at him "Well if it isn't my saviour Blaine Anderson" He laughed. Blaine chuckled.

"That's me" He said in reply, the nurse finished her conversation with Kurt and left.

"But on a serious note, Thank you, Blaine. I might of died if you hadn't taken me here" Kurt smiled at him, Blaine walked over to his bed and rested his hands on the railing surrounding it.

"I couldn't of just left you there" Blaine said giving Kurt a soft smile.

"You could of, you don't know me, All you know is that im a unicorn and im in glee club" Kurt stated. Blaine laughed, His laugh was angelic Kurt thought just like his voice.

"Id like to get to know you, I only have Santana and Brittany right now I could do with a few more friends" Blaine shrugged.

"Britt Britt" Kurt gasped.

Blaine looked at him confused "What?"

"Brit, I promised id call her when I got home and obviously I didn't get to" He said as he huffed and folded his arms over his chest "I wanna go home" He sounded like a child.

It was adorable. "Your adorable" Blaine blurted out. shit. he wasn't supposed to say that out loud.

"So are you" Kurt smirked. Before Blaine could say anything else the door burst open.



"Hey Brit Brit" He smiled. Brittany ran over and launched herself into Kurts bed, landing straight on top of him.

She curled into his side and started drawing pattens on his stomach with her fingers, "How'd you get here." He asked.

"Burt brought me" She smiled then looked up to see Blaine.

"OMG, Kurt whats the other unicorn doing here!" She squealed.

Blaine shuffled around awkwardly but stopped when Kurt reached out and grabbed his hand, smiling softly.

"He brought me here, Brit where's my dad?" Kurt asked.

"Right here" A deep voice came from the door and in walked Kurts dad.

"Hey dad" Kurt said eyes now downcast, looking at Brittany.

"Kurt what happened. When did Sam get like this" Burt, as Brittany called him, asked.

"Its never happened before, hes never done anything like this, ever" Kurt replied eyes looking anywhere but his dads.

"I liked that boy, and now all I wanna do is punch him" 

Burt Hummel, one of the biggest softies known to man, but he can be like a wild bear when his sons in danger.

"Dad calm down" Kurt said softly. Burt immediately relaxed then turned to Blaine.

"So your the boy who saved my sons life" His gaze was strong and powerful, eyes like wild fire.

"y-yes sir" Blaine replied straightening his posture slightly, Burts eyes softened then pulled Blaine into a bone crushing hug whispering "Thank you."

Blaine smiled as Burt let go "No problem, Sir"

"Please call me Burt" He replied.

"Burt" Blaine nodded, then turned back to Kurt who was currently being smothered in kisses from Brittany.

"Brit-" kiss "Brit brit s-" kiss "Brittany!" she pulled back a little scared at the full name.

"Brit Brit I love you but can you stop, iv had enough kisses" Kurt said, voice soft and smooth. Blaine loved it.

"Okay Kurtie" She stopped kissing him and snuggled into his chest in contentment.

Blaine giggled at her antics causing Kurt to look up "What are you giggling at"He said as he pulled Blaine down on top of them.

"Yay Unicorn two is joining the snuggles" Brittany laughed "Now we just need lord tubbington"

Blaine looked at Kurt confused Kurt mothed "Ill explain later" he nodded.

While they all sat there a mess of limbs Burt had left to get something to eat while they were waiting on the doctor to come back with the results of a blood test.

"Brit Brit, why don't you go find my dad" Kurt said, Brittany poked her head out from underneath Blaine and smiled.

"Okay Kurtie, buy Unicorn" She squeezed out from underneath Blaine leaving him with his arms wrapped around Kurt.

Ooooo cliff hanger. not really lmao. how are yall liking it so far?

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