Chapter 1

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I woke up to my phone blowing up with notifications and messages from my team, instantly my stomach drops. What could it be this time? I open my phone and the headlines glare angrily in my face. 'Calvin Harris bashes Taylor Swift on Twitter.' My heart completely drops and I don't know what to do, I read his tweets and I can't help but feel hurt. God, could people not just leave me alone. I am so grateful for my career and for the fans that stand by me everyday but sometimes I wonder what it would be like if I were a normal person that didn't seem to be hated by so many people. I don't even know who to talk to. My heart seems to be tugging at me, telling me that Joe is the one I really want to be with, and talk to. I know that this is impossible, who would willingly jump into this mess with me? Besides, I'm with Tom. He's who I should want to talk to, but he isn't. I don't know how much longer I can pretend he is. 

I notice that Joe has actually already messaged me about this drama.

J.A - Are you okay?

My heart leaps in my chest, maybe he does care about me. I also notice that Tom hasn't said anything. I really do need to break up with him, I'm just scared. The media would be all over that. And then there's Joe. I take a deep breath and message him back.

T.S - I'm alright. Thanks. 

I sigh and run my hands through my hair, forcing myself to get out of bed. I jump into the shower before throwing on some clothes, getting ready to face the day and put on my best 'I don't give a fuck face.' 

Flash-forward to five days later.

I woke up to a call from my publicist, Tree, which I quickly answered. 

"Hello?" I say groggily into the phone.

"Taylor, I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news..." Oh no. What happened this time? My breath hitches in anticipation of what her next words will be.. 

"Kim Kardashian has leaked a snapchat video of a conversation between you and West." I sit up very quickly as she continues,

"It was just a short clip, but it makes you look like you were lying when you said he did not ask permission to take credit for your fame." My heart is pounding, I feel as though the walls are closing in around me. I try pull myself together to finish this phone call.

"Where can I find the clip?" Tree sighs

"Taylor, it's all over the internet. It would be impossible to not find it." I feel tears well in my eyes,  I've got to stay strong. No crying. 

"What I would suggest, is that you release a statement very quickly, opposing what was said in the video. Do you think you can do that?" Her voice is soft and kind. 

"I can do that. Should I send it to you first?"

"Yes. Text it through to me, try and do it quickly."

"I will." I let out a sigh.

"Taylor, I'm so sorry." I don't even know what to say to this, I just hang up the phone. I quickly open twitter and she's right. This video is everywhere. The video I wasn't aware of. I watch the clip and it becomes apparent very quickly that Kim has only posted the parts of the conversation that fits their narrative. Picking up that phone call was the worst mistake of my life, when the song was released, I thought that was bad enough. Now, seeing all these snakes everywhere is killing me. People hate me. I crawl out of bed and make my way down to the kitchen, for some reason, I can't stop looking. I feel tears drop out of my eyes. First Calvin, and now this. As I sit at the table, I begin writing up my statement. Once I'm happy with it, I send it off to Tree. I set my phone on the table, trying to calm myself down. I hear my phone vibrate, thinking it's Tree I pick it up. It's not Tree, it's Joe.

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