Chapter 2

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A few weeks have passed since that day, since Joe came over. The next morning was pretty awkward until he left, we've exchanged a few messages since then but nothing serious. Tom is due home this evening and I'm trying to figure out what I should do. I genuinely think it's time for us to break up, I'm not in love with him. But he's a good guy, so I don't really want to hurt him. I know that I need to get it out of the way though, because I can't keep living like this. He's only text me a few times while he was gone but he never once asked how I was doing. Joe did, he's checked in with me several times. Social media hasn't calmed down, the world still hates me. I see the odd fan try and defend me but then they get hate and bullied which is worse than what is happening to me. They don't deserve that. The insults at me keep coming, I'm a slut, a whore, a snake. I should just disappear or kill myself. These comments just keep coming at me and I can't help but wonder if they're right. Maybe I should just disappear. 

A few hours later, Tom knocks on the door. I take a deep breath. I'm going to do this. I'm going to end this. I open the door and he tries to kiss me but I turn my head so he gets my cheek instead. 

"Babe. What's wrong?" I sigh.

"Tom, we need to end this. I'm not happy anymore with you, it's not fair for me to keep leading you on." His face very quickly goes from shock to anger, which is understandable. 

"You're breaking up with me?" I nod. The tension in the air is so thick you could cut it with a knife. 

"This is bullshit. You're such a bitch, I hate you!" I visibly recoil at his words. I don't even have the chance to say anything else before he storms off. I shut the door behind him and slide down it, feeling tears coming. I shouldn't be sad. I ended it. The media is going to be all over that which scares me. They went crazy when we started dating so quickly after Adam and I ended things. My head starts to spin with all my fears, I find myself texting Joe again.

T.S - Can I see you?

I don't have to wait long for a reply.

J.A - Of course, do you want me to come over?

T.S - Yeah, if it's no bother?

J.A - No worries, I'll be there in 10. 

I try my best to calm myself down before he gets here. I don't know if I should tell him. I just want that warm feeling, like the one from a few weeks ago. 

True to his word, Joe shows up 10 minutes later. I'm still sitting on the floor so I just call out that it's open. Joe's grin turns into concern the second he sees me sitting on the floor. He rushes over to me.

"Hey, are you okay?" He places his hand on my arm and it feels electric. I hesitate before giving him an answer, I don't really know what to say. Eventually, I just shake my head. Joe looks at me sympathetically before sitting beside me and pulling me into his arms. I feel myself relax as he rubs my back.

"It's going to be okay, whatever it is. I know it will be. You're allowed to be sad Taylor." I feel tears slip out of my eyes, even though I'm trying so hard to not cry. We sit there for a few minutes before Joe picks me up and carries me over to the couch. He leaves me sitting there for a few minutes, when he returns, he has two cups of hot chocolate. He sits beside me, waiting for me to talk. We sit in silence for a few moments, I feel him rubbing my arm softly. I take a deep breath.

"I broke things off with Tom." I say cautiously, as thought I'm testing how the words sound. 

"And I know I don't have the right to be sad because I broke things off." I pause for a moment, trying to get back in control of my thoughts.

"I think that I just wasn't expecting him to be mean. Which is stupid because I hurt him so I deserve it. I think that with everything going on at the moment on social media is just blowing everything out of proportion." I'm just staring off into the distance as I tell Joe this stuff, I don't know why I'm telling  him but I just can't seem to stop.

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