Chapter 11

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My eyes flutter open as the morning sun streams through the blinds, I squint, trying to adjust to the light. I roll over and am met with the sight of my boyfriend staring back at me, grinning. His smile in infectious and I can't help but smile back at him.

"Happy Birthday!" Joe says softly, brushing stray hair off of my face.

"Thanks!" I giggle and press a gently kiss to his lips. We'd flown to London two weeks ago, both of us deciding that it'd be easier for us to be undercover there, less paps. I still haven't really left the house, but Joe is slowly easing me into the idea. 

"How does it feel to be 27?" He says teasingly and I groan,

"I have no idea." Joe smiles and kisses me again, I move my body closer to his, wrapping my arms around his neck and deepening the kiss. Joe happily complies and he climbs on top of me, our lips and bodies moving in total sync. I feel Joe trying to pull off my shirt so I quickly yank it off for him before pulling Joe back down to my lips.


We both lay back, tangled up in each others arms. Joe kisses my forehead and I sigh happily. 

"Well, that was a good start to my birthday!" I say happily, looking up at him and smiling. 

"That's just the beginning! I have plans for you." He boops my nose and I grin. 

"Oh yeah? What would those plans be?" Joe leans down and kisses me softly, my eyes flutter closed and then open again as I look into his ocean blue eyes, getting lost in their depths. 

"You'll just have to wait and see, won't you?" I grin, it warms my heart that he's made plans for us today, because it's my birthday. The fact that he remembered makes me so happy, and that he cares enough to make it special. Joe lets me out of his arms as he jumps out of bed, tugging on a t-shirt and shorts. 

"I'm going to go get started on breakfast, get up whenever you're ready babe." He kisses me softly one more time before leaving the room. I'm left with a stupid grin on my face, already knowing that this is going to be an awesome birthday. I pick up my phone and scroll through my texts, my family's texted, a few of my friends and Tree. It's nice to know who actually cares about me, who still do despite everything going on in my life at the moment. I text them all back quickly before throwing Joe's t-shirt on over my body and walking downstairs to see what Joe's up to.

We both sit down casually on the couch to eat breakfast, Joe had made us both breakfast sandwiches and they were so good! God, I appreciate this man. Once we've finished breakfast, Joe pulls my legs across his lap puts his arm around my waist. 

"So...I need you to get dressed for me because we're going out!" I feel the colour drain out of my face.

"Joe...I can't" Joe looks at me sympathetically,

"Trust me love, where we're going, no one will recognise you." I bite my lip and look down.

"You can't know that for sure..." I don't want to look at him. This is something I'm insecure about, that I'll keep refusing to go out and he'll get bored of me. But I'm also terrified of going out, people seeing us and then what we have will be gone. Things will change because the privacy is gone, the spotlight always ruins everything and unfortunately, I live in it. I feel Joe tighten his grip on me, rubbing my back gently. 

"Look, there's a really private, secluded park that's a five minute walk from here. You can wear a wig or something if you want. But, I'm leaving it totally up to you. I'm not here to make you feel uncomfortable, I want you to have a good day so I'm okay with whatever you decide." I rest my forehead against his shoulder and Joe plays gently with the ends of my hair. I close my eyes for a moment. Should I go? London is way safer than New York or LA, and if it's just a secluded park. Plus I can wear a wig I suppose. I breathe in deeply, knowing that I could very well regret this. 

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