Chapter 7

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The sun is streaming through my window as my eyelids flutter open, I rub my eyes and look over at the sleeping man beside me. A small smile creeps onto my face, he really is the sweetest person ever and I'm really falling for him. I pick up my phone from my nightstand and try to catch up on some work emails, I internally groan at what is being asked of me. When will I have an album ready? Can I do this interview? Can I work with this person? Can I post this? Be in this ad? It just doesn't stop, even when I want it to. I pretty much give the same reply to each one, that I'm taking a break and will let them know when I'm available again. I get so caught up in these emails that I don't even notice Joe waking up beside me until he spoke. 

"Morning." His voice is groggy from sleeping, I turn to face him and smile

"Good morning!" I say brightly, definitely feeling much better today than I was yesterday, particularly about him. He lazily rubs his fingers up and down my arm as I finish off what I was doing before turning my full attention to him. I lay back down and face him, entwining our fingers which sends sparks shooting up my arm. 

"You're beautiful, you know that?" I feel my cheeks heat up and a boyish grin forms on his face. In a sudden surge of confidence, I compliment him right back.

"Yeah well you're gorgeous." Joe kisses me deeply but I pull back suddenly and sit up. I've just had an idea! The word gorgeous is spinning around my head. 

"Holy shit." I mutter before running downstairs to my makeshift studio and grabbing my guitar. I hit record on my phone and start coming up with lines.

"You're so gorgeous, I can't say anything to your face." I mumble, writing it down as I go and strumming a string of chords. 

"You should...think about the consequence of your magnetic field being a little too strong." The ideas are flowing and I'm so excited to be getting an idea, it hasn't happened in a while.

"Ocean blue eyes...looking in mine." I'm not sure how long it took me but I managed to finish the draft of the song. I wrote my first song about Joe, I feel my heart warm and I get giddy over the fact that I've had an idea. That I've written a song. I wasn't sure if I still had it in me or not. Now that the ideas have started, they usually keep coming. I really hope they do. Feeling a new spring in my step, I exit the room and see Joe cooking us breakfast. I walk over to him and kiss his cheek.

"Sorry about that." He wraps an arm around me

"No worries, all good?" He looks down at me and I grin

"Oh my god yes! I wrote a song!" He seems shocked and I giggle

"What, just then?" I smile and kiss him gently 

"Yes, just then." Joe leans back down to kiss me again, which ends up getting heated. He picks me up and sits me on the counter, I wrap my arms around his neck, kissing him deeply. We're seriously making out like teenagers and I love it. Once we pull back, breathing heavily, I run my hand through his hair and smile. Joe returns to making breakfast and I sit there and watch. 


That evening, we're sitting on the couch, having decided that it's too cold for the roof. I'm laying against Joe while he traces lazy patterns on my hip. I genuinely feel comfortable here with him, he's managed to make me feel better in the past few weeks that we've been living together than I've felt in ages. He doesn't seem to care at all about my reputation, he just likes me for me. I quickly sit up again, grabbing my phone and jotting down a few lyrics.

My reputation has never been worse so you like me for me?

We can't make any promises...

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