Chapter 6

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It's been two weeks since Joe and I moved in here and today, he had to go to a press conference for a movie he's partaken in. So unfortunately, I'm all alone today. Joe left really early this morning, to avoid being seen and he won't be back until later this evening. It's weird how attached I've gotten to him. We haven't even talked about officially dating, or given this situation a title. It's been amazing but I do still have my doubt and insecurities. Despite how much I have told him, there's still so much I've been afraid to tell him. I'm still worried that he'll just decide to leave me one day. I know I wouldn't be able to handle that. I sigh and slowly begin to stretch my arms out over my head, knowing it's time for me to get out of bed. I swing my legs over the edge of the bed and rub my eyes. Yes, it's the middle of the day and I'm just now getting out of bed. 

I make my way slowly downstairs and grab some breakfast, before sitting down in front of the TV and scrolling through Netflix. Olivia jumps up next to me and demands to be pet, which is incredibly cute. I scratch her while watching random things on TV, pretty much for most of the day. 

At around 6 pm I find myself incredibly bored so I pick up my phone and start scrolling. It's such a bad idea but I do it anyway, trying my best to just find fan posts and news. Unfortunately things take a very dark turn when I see a picture of Joe, sitting awfully close to a female co-star with his arm around her shoulders. I stare at the picture for a while, processing what it shows. The rational part of my brain, albeit very small, is telling me that it's just a friendly photo, no need to get upset. Unfortunately for me though, my emotions and anxieties were already running so high that seeing this photo set me off. I can't believe this. Maybe Joe doesn't care about me in the way I thought he did. Maybe he was leading me on. Maybe he is just like the others. These thoughts spiral around my head in an endless loop and I find myself hyperventilating. I pace the living room, tears pouring out of my cheeks. Suddenly I stop. I've got to get out of here. I rush upstairs and begin packing my backs, praying that I can get out of here before he even knows I've left. I throw stuff in, not caring if anything's organised. I quickly call my driver who says he can be there within the hour. Perfect, and hour to pack up all my stuff, and leave. Before I can actually get hurt. 

Half an hour later, my bags are packed and Olivia and Meredith are in their travel crates. They hate it but it's the only way they're coming with me. I sit down on the couch and place my head in my hands. I really thought he was different, I really thought he cared. This is for the best, this way, I won't get hurt by him any more than I already am. This way he can carry on living his life. My tears have stopped and I'm left feeling empty inside. 

Once my driver buzzes that he's in the garage, I let in my security who help me lug all my stuff into the car. I place the cats on the seat next to me and buckle in, resting my head on the window, staring out of the tinted glass. I let myself breathe a sigh of relief knowing that no one can see me from the outside. As  feel the car begin to move and the garage doors open, I feel tears sliding down my cheek again. I keep trying to remind myself that this is for the best, that he was leading me on, that it wasn't worth the heartbreak that was inevitable later on. I've told the driver to take me to the airport. I'm just going to go to Nashville, I can lay low there for a while and be with my family. I should've gone there in the first place. The silent tears are flowing freely down my cheeks, I don't make any effort to stop them. What's the point?

15 minutes into the drive, I feel my phone vibrating in my lap. I lift it up and look at the caller ID. Joe. I squeeze my eyes shut and let it ring out. He calls again, and again, and again. He must know I'm gone. Eventually he gives up calling and starts texting me.

J - Taylor?

J - Where are you?

J - Why is all your stuff and the cats gone?

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