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( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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Eli and Aesop share a few secrets - glances that linger a little too long when they're together, smiles slightly softer when the other spoke, hands barely brushing against one another when they walk, kisses peppering each other's neck when they're hidden in darkest of corners, and even more.

This time wasn't any different. Before they parted ways after dinner, Aesop had slipped a small note into the diviner's falconry glove. Eli grasped the paper tightly, now all crumpled up in his palm.

11 pm. Your room. I miss you.

"What are you planning for tonight, little dove?" He hummed.

Still, the brunet had more than enough time on hand, it's better if he used those hours to change into something more comfortable and report on his matches before he forgot.

· · ─────── · ·

Eli was finishing up on his daily journal when he heard a quiet knock. 11 pm, as expected. But before the seer could welcome his guest, he whispered through the oak door.


Three more knocks replied back. Assured, Eli greeted the waiting figure into his quarters.

"Good evening, Clark." Aesop voiced out first, he now made his way to rest on the other's bed, " I'm sorry for bothering you at such a late time."

The diviner chuckled, he locked the door and went towards Carl; his tone dark yet honeyed.

"Are you sure you're sorry, dove?"

"Are you sure you want to be seen like that?" The embalmer murmured, frail fingers pointing to curtains not yet drawn.

Eli groaned. He let go of Aesop and lumbered to the window, hastily covering it with dark drapes.

Two porcelain arms suddenly hugged him. They pulled down the diviner's blind-fold and slowly trailed down to feel his broad chest. He turned to see those cold silver irises now clouded with desire.

"Eli, I..." Aesop stuttered, "I miss-"

The seer pulled his partner in for a passionate kiss. He pushed Carl back onto the bed, pinning his smaller frame down harshly. Their lips joined and parted with each hoarse gasp. Any sliver of coherent thought Eli had had was now muddled in a pool of rapture, all he could think of was the scene playing out in front of his eyes: Aesop's fair locks messed astray, his pale body hidden inside the gray uniform flushed with crimson love marks, and his chest heaving up and down from their moment - this must be a dream. He rested his head on top of the boy.

"Do you..." Gods, he's too horny to even form a sentence, "Do you want to?"

"Only if you want it too." Carl breathed. He freed his hand from underneath to stroke his lover's cheek, reassuring him with a soft smile.

"Tell me if it hurts, alright?"

"I promise."

Eli anxiously repositioned the young male back up the sheets. Though Aesop's shirt was already unbuttoned enough, the seer completely undressed him, leaving only his bulging boxers on the poor boy. He then pulled away his own sweater and trousers, both thrown away somewhere he'll deal later.

"You ready, dove?"

A gentle yet sly smile flashed at Carl. One crude, callous hand palmed his groin while the other squeezed his inner thigh.

"M-mhm..." Aesop contained his whines. It felt good having Eli tease and coax him. Yet, a burning impatience grew deep inside the embalmer's stomach, he needed more than just intimate touches. Carl begged, "Quickly...please."

With that, Eli's last strand of composure was gone. He quickly tore the tight fabric and began stretching Aesop with his digits. The boy underneath arched back, breathless moans spilled from his mouth with each motion.

The brunet grinned from ear to ear. He pulled down his boxers; jerking off at the filthy scene in front of him. Those once kind cerulean eyes turned crazed and sadistic, they explored every tiniest change on Aesop's expression, staring at him like a predator hungry for prey.

Eli pulled out abruptly. But before Carl could complain, he felt a warmer, much bigger member against his entrance. Those glossy irises widened as he heard his lover whisper.

"Call my name, Aesop." The seer plunged into Aesop. His tip was barely in when the opening tightened - perhaps he should have loosened it more before ravishing the boy.

Carl shifted in between the other's clenched hands, "Eli!" He choked on his cries, "P-please... please."

Eli leaned down, trying to decipher what Aesop was saying. He felt as if his ears were filled with candle wax, burning and clogging him from any sounds outside. Even so, the seer didn't need to worry much, he was pulled into another kiss to drown out their moans. Both would be damned if someone were to know about this secret; even worse if that came to the manor owner's attention. Eli continued to thrust into Carl, his movements rough and hurried while both of them clung onto one another.

A sudden hit sent the embalmer into shivers. Aesop bucked back, every nerve inside his brain intensified, feeling the immense pleasure throughout his body. He couldn't help but broke out a moan. Fuck, someone must have heard that.

"Close, little dove?" Eli heaved, stroking his lover's sore lips, "Can you hold it for me just a little bit?"

"Y-yes, Eli." Aesop nodded obediently.

The seer tugged the other's hips upward and picked up his pace. He railed Aesop without mercy, constantly uttering praises and coaxing the mewling male as Eli chased for their high.

Finally, the couple came. They laid exhausted on top of disarrayed bed sheets, both sore and dirtied with each other's seed.

"Aesop..." The diviner whispered, "Aesop, Aesop, Aesop."

"Mhm?" Aesop hummed, he now adjusted himself to rest on top of his lover's chest, "What is it?"

"Stay for the night." Eli sighed. His arms wrapped around the male, gently drawing circles behind his small.

Carl formed a sheepish smile upon his tired face. He couldn't really make a convenient leave this time anyways; not to mention his legs felt like putty. Aesop accepted the offer and fell into slumber soundly.

Eli tucked his lover in the warm blankets, kissing those ashy locks before going to bed himself.

"Sleep tight, Aesop."

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