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Am I writing slow-burn fanfic just to eventually plug in Epic III from Hadestown?
I'm a theater gay, of course I am.

Fantasy AU, Hastur says Elisop rights

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It was early morning when Night Owl received his Lord's message. Dark, burning ink swirled and scorched on Eli's wooden door, taking shape into an intricately drawn serpent coiling its body around a singular eye. Beneath the symbol were texts that walked on earth soil long before man had set path, they danced along to the rhythm of the flame, each beat revealed their mysteries more to the diviner.

"Trust is earned, respect is given, and loyalty is demonstrated. Betrayal of any of those is to lose all three."

Though not told, Eli knew well he must present himself to the deity. The male quickly cast a spell to erase the engravings. He gathered his feathered cloak and headed out, leaving silence behind to fill the emptiness of his cottage.

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The diviner ventured through the dense forest. Dried, shriveled leaves and twigs groaned under his footsteps while he scanned his surroundings. Time seemed to have stopped in this place; no birdsong, no wind, no light, nothing for Eli to know how long he had spent in this darkness. And as his perception obscured, his mind drowned in suspicion. Why did He call for him? Has Eli done something to wrong the god? He had sworn and devoted this entire mortal life to the Lord if the diviner had dirtied that sacred oath, how severe would his punishment be? Those thoughts hung heavily down the seer's head, tiring his figure into a lumbering silhouette, wandering aimlessly with no rest.

Suddenly, his eyes caught a familiar sight - an emerald serpent wrapped around the callous tree bark, its head pointing away from the beaten path he took.

"I must be close." Eli figured. He picked up and followed that creature's guide.

The further he strayed, the further delusion covered. Visions blurred and smeared as if they were seen through a liquor bottle, the ground slicked as if they were drenched in oil, and the clash of sage and tar overwhelmed his nostrils. The diviner shook his head, struggling to comprehend what was in front of him.

Serpents covered a whole patch of land. Their bodies slithered and rode one another in a thick web of green. That wafting scent Eli had breathed in earlier now seared throughout him, sending his lungs choking on the air. He didn't dare step any closer. Yet, Night Owl couldn't turn back - the vipers have locked him tight to the wilted ground.

Soon, in the midst of that chaos, a large figure emerged. Hastur the Necromancer, his Lord, his All-Powerful, was resting on a throne made from stone and emeralds. His eyes mused at Eli, "We meet again, child of man."

"My Lord!" The young male gasped, he tugged out the words from his exhausted body, " it's...it's an honor to be called upon." Eli tried to bow down, yet his restrained situation could only let him make out a less-than-graceful half-kneel position.

"Where are my manners?" Hastur grimaced. As quickly as the deity raised his arm, the world around them fell back into place. No longer were there vipers flooding beneath Eli's feet, or the oiled ground that he couldn't bear walking, or the scent of tar burning his lungs - just a plain clearing in the forest where they stood.

"I am forever grateful, my Lord." Night Owl breathed out. He then kneeled in front of Hastur, pronouncing his presence again, "I, Eli Clark, have received the great honor to be called upon by the most powerful Necromancer. How may I be at your service, my Lord?"

A sigh replied back to Eli. It didn't sound annoyed, or tired, but rather quite gentle, "Rise up, child." Those claws motioned their disciple, and the other complied. The god explained, "I summoned you here to show you my gratitude."

Night owl stayed silent. His eyes widened in disbelief from what he had heard.

"You have proven me your loyalty on countless occasions and shown me the greatest reverence a mortal could to his God," The Necromancer paused, "and for that you will receive a blessing in return."

Following his decree, a small, much smaller figure appeared from behind the dark throne. A thick white veil draped over them from head to two when they stepped out and bowed at Eli. Hastur hummed, "From now on, he will be your devoted servant."

"Wha-" The young male spluttered. His once gallant image was completely thrown away until it got picked up again; Night Owl corrected, "My Lord! I am simply not worthy of this generous gift, please reconsider your decision."

"I have contemplated my mind enough to know you are deserving, my child." The deity regarded, his claws intertwined one another as Hastur continued with his reasoning, "I have foreseen his significance in your life."

Seeing no hope in changing the other's mind, Eli begrudgingly accepted the servant. Just before they could leave, however, a cold voice called out again, "And, my child," the Necromancer grumbled, "do not lose faith in my vision. You know very well what its consequences will be."

Cold sweat dripped from Eli's brow, "Yes, my Lord..." He swiftly took off - not dared to look or think about that deathly threat.

The diviner was rushing back to his cottage. He should have never come here in the first place! What did he think the Necromancer would have for him this time? More unnecessary work Eli must do if he wants to keep his head, that's it! Even worse, he has another mouth to feed this upcoming winter! Gods, isn't that just swell?

Eli was so consumed with rage that he hardly noticed that same mouth-to-feed was following behind him; almost sprinting to catch up with the other. A soft, breathless voice gasped, "Master... Master, wait!"

"What!?" The seer barked. He then halted his tread, those night-filled eyes sneered at the cloaked male.

"You're walking too fast," he muttered, the thick fabric shifted along with him as he bowed. Though still covered, Eli could glimpse a part of the other's lips; they opened, closed, and frowned, as if to think of what words they should say to quell his anger. They finally whispered, only enough for Night Owl to pick up, "I couldn't keep up..."

Eli sighed. His face loosened from its tensed state, guilt weaved into the seer's low tone, "I'm sorry..."

Silence continued to fill their journey through the forest, every so often a dried leaf or twig would try and break that still atmosphere, yet things would quickly fall back to before - silence. It was deafening. "Just call me Eli," he muttered, "what's yours?"

"It's Aesop." The other spoke out.

Aesop... Aesop... Aesop... Night Owl didn't know why but those words rang in his head. He never knew or heard anyone with that name before. Yet, Eli couldn't shake the strange familiarity that name gave to him. It was soft, comforting, and rolled through his mouth with ease; like a song he had forgotten for so long he suddenly remembered, or a childhood toy he had loved now found again in his various crates of knick-knacks.

He tried digging into his mind but it came to no avail. Perhaps it was just himself finding reason for this strange man's presence?

With a new topic to ponder, Eli's once raging anger for the deity seemingly vanished away. That was one good thing to come up from Aesop, he guessed. "Well," the corners of his lips formed a tired smile, "let's go home, Aesop."

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More gay times in the next update.
I need to figure out a better format for these chapters Qwq.

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