∘₊✧ 🖤 : Part II ✧₊∘

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Surprise ~~✨ I'm back with some smut for the people. And by "the people" I mean me. This one is a long boi tho so scroll down if you want to get to the fun parts.

Anyways, let's go ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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It wasn't until they had reached Eli's room that Carl realized what his diviner was planning.

The brunet swung the door open, pushed him inside, then trapped Aesop between his strong arms, pinning him against its wooden surface. He tore off that blue mask to reveal a devilish smile.

"Excited?" Eli cooed.


Just after his reply, the seer swiftly leaned in. He gazed at the face in front of him. Soft, powdery gray locks covering two pearl-like irises. Subtle pink hues flushing all over his pale face. Almost everything about Carl made Eli want to protect.

Yet… what a smug grin. The corners of those lips tucked up, showing rows of sharp teeth and the single dimple he bore on his left. So delighted. So excited. So… bratty. Perhaps the seer had been pampering this little dove too much.

And though he knew too well how Carl would react if he questioned his attitude, Eli relished in the thought of hearing that male say so himself. A single palm shifted, resting so snuggly around Aesop's neck. He hummed low, "Tell me, dearest. What is making you so eager?" Those striking blue eyes pierced through the other as he took off his golden mask.

Aesop stood silent, but then quickly bounced back with even greater excitement. The thin frame rocked back and forth. He smiled from cheek to cheek.

"Can't you guess? I thought you already knew."

The embalmer buried himself deeper into his lover's palm. He took in the soothing, familiar scent of sage and giggled, "I want you to figure it out yourself."

"Hmmm….. No," the burnet voiced. His hand slid down to hold that pretty chin up. A smile tucked up from those thin lips as he saw the other's flustered expression, "I want you to tell me, dove. What are you smiling about?"

The embalmer stared up at him, cold gray irises reflected against Eli's brightest blues like two pearls lost in the ocean waves. They widened and focused. His soft lips opened and closed hesitantly. But when Clark thought he had caught him off guard, his brows knitted into a scowled appearance. Carl pushed him aside, arms crossed together as he huffed, "Well, if you dragged me all the way to your room just to talk then I'm leaving."

Gods, if Aesop couldn't be even more stubborn. He gave in. Eli used all his might to pick the younger up. Strong arms carried him over to his study desk, placed him on top of its surface, then held him down with his own body.

Carl let out a breathless gasp. He gazed at the male on top, struggling to let out the words stuck inside, "E-Eli… Eli!" Still, his smile was eager - albeit a little feral.

"Hm?" The seer looked down. He smirked at the sight beneath, starting to grind himself against the other roughly. They bulged out, almost begging to be freed from the fabric. Quiet groans leaving both men's mouths, "Am I guessing this right, Aesop? Is this what you want?"

Nothing near to a reply spoke back. Aesop squirmed around. His back arched and lied flat. He turned his face away to hide the blushes, but failed to cover the red on his ears that scorched from those gray locks. Tugging on Eli's sleeves, Carl begged.

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