∘₊✧ 🖤 : Part I ✧₊∘

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Eli wants to spend more time alone with Aesop

If y'know what I mean. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Request from @s0u3per since I'm thirsty for Elisop smut.

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"Hold still…" Aesop hushed low. He raised his lover's chin higher, beholding it up to himself.

The seer fussed. Those covered cerulean shades gazed down at cloudy irises. An array of cosmetics laid neatly on the umber dining table. He squinted his bushy brows, trying in vain to name at least a handful of them. Blush. Lipstick. Various colored tubes. Even more powder trays…

It was clear this wasn't the brunet's strong suit. But Carl? He was engrossed. Those nimble hands, almost with a mind of their own, danced through, picked a makeup brush, and dipped it in ink. Its soft bristles tickled Eli's skin as bright pigment trailed from his lower lip to neck.

But a makeover wasn't the only thing the brunet got, he even had a full brand new outfit: an intricate mask fixed in its center with a gleaming sapphire blue gem, a white silk robe decorated and rimmed with gold leaf, sharp metal claws, and a pair of high quality sandals to match.

"Why are we doing this again?" He whined

"Because…" The gray-headed boy explained, "Rosie decided to sleep in the kitchen's flour pantry and now she refuses to let either of us clean her."


"And you two would look great in a white and gold palette."

Just at that moment, the mentioned culprit appeared herself to them. Brook flew over then landed on Carl's frail shoulders, nuzzling against him like a needy cat.

Eli formed a soft smile,"Well, at least she looks pretty."

"Don't say so, Clark." Aesop responded. Yet little by little, his calm, even demeanor broke into clumsy stammers with each word he spoke, "You're… you're really handsome."

Those two cheeks flushed with color, they tucked up to flash a wide, playful grin, "What did you say?" The brunet teased. He pulled him closer, letting them both be veiled by the ivory hood. Through the slits of his golden mask, Eli could see those two gray irises all so flustered and surprised.

"Tell me, dove. What did you say?"


The gray-headed boy's cheeks flushed in color. His eyes widened, reflecting the sapphire tint of Eli's.

He whispered nervously, "I-I… I said you were handsome."

Eli edged in. One of his hands rested on the other's tinted face while the other stroked his thighs, ever so slightly inching nearer to that waistband. Their lips barely an inch away from meeting and Brooke moments away from taking off to avoid her two owners' lip smacking.

When suddenly, the sound of footsteps echoed near. They quickly pushed each other away, with Eli putting hands back to himself and Aesop covering his mask up higher to hide his blushes.

"Eli! Aesop! 'Morning!" Emma cheered. Her agile legs picked up a chair then squeezed in between them. Two wide hazel eyes peeked in, gazing curiously at them.

"Are you giving Mr. Clark a new makeover, Soapy?" She awed, "He looks great!"

The embalmer froze still. He tried to think of something to respond to her. Yet, his mind was racing in all directions.

Eli quickly returned the compliment, that warm laughter snuck into his voice, "Thank you, Ms. Woods. Aesop even gave Ms. Rose here a brand new look." He pointed to the owl.

She turned her tawny head then gasped in glee. Emma outstretched those dainty fingers, stroking Brooke's ruffled white feathers.

"Why did you even sleep in the flour pantry, silly? Such a rascal," a big smile spread from ear to ear as the brunette joked.

Though his lips were covered, Carl's pearly eyes squinted up slightly - he was smiling.

He mouthed her words, "Silly little bird." Which then made Brooke let out a clear hoot and nuzzled against his gray locks, acting more huffy and bratty than ever.

They all snickered, laughter filling the Manor's dining room.

"I almost forgot!" The seer called out, "Ms. Woods, can you and Ms. Reznik cover for our 9:30 morning match today?"

"Oh? Why so?"

"We're bringing Brooke to Ms. Dyer for a check-up appointment. Just in case she also swallowed anything strange last night."

Aesop sat behind, utterly confused to what Eli was saying. What did he mean by 'check-up'? They didn't even meet the doctor today, how could they already have set up an appointment with her? And if the brunet was going to take Brooke Rose for a check-up, why would he need to come along? The boy sat dumbfounded.

"But we haven't-" he got cut off by the gardener.

"Of course!" Emma contained her giggles, "I bet Brooke might have swallowed a whole ladle inside!"

"Thank you so much, Ms. Woods. We'll be going now!"

The seer let out another chuckle. And just like that, the two men ran off. Eli held Aesop's hand tight, leading him through arrays of doors and hallways - none of which are even close to the Survivors' medbay.

"Clark, stop! Where are we even going?" The embalmer called out, his other arm holding Brooke; but she ultimately broke out, flying away to wherever an owl like her would want to fly away.

It wasn't until they reached Eli's room that Carl realized what exactly his diviner was planning.

The brunet swung the door open, pushed him inside, then trapped Aesop between his strong arms, pinning him against its wooden surface. He tore off that blue mask to reveal that devilish smile.

"Excited?" Eli cooed.


To be continued 💕

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