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Req from @lawlitch


Great minds think alike uwu.

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The seer had grown used to Aesop's special ways of communicating. Whether they were notes slipped in his gloves or hood, or just simple taps on his shoulder, Eli all found those small acts endearing. Each note his lover sent were kept in a small bedside drawer that the diviner would reread from time to time. Just the sight of those careful cursive strokes made him blush red and pink, imagining the day Carl would finally say them to his face.

And perhaps that day was today.

Just as Eli was about to enter the waiting hall for his next match, Aesop had pulled him back. The embalmer closed up, his throat drawing small breaths against Eli; tone honeyed with such lust,"Visit me tonight, monsieur Clark?"

Before the diviner could think of any reply, however, Aesop walked away, leaving him behind with that taunt. His partner's ashy silhouette shrinking into a mere spot when Eli finally mouthed, "Of course."

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From then time stretched out inexplicably long, matches that once took only minutes felt like hours, and hours free in the afternoon felt like days; all spent hopelessly waiting. Eli paced back and forth in his bedroom, his eyes glued to the grandfather clock's brass hands that ticked away.

"Such a tease" the young embalmer's words replayed inside his head like a broken record, Eli muttered, "Such a tease, indeed." He wanted to see Carl now. He wanted to touch him; to nip his soft pinkish neck; to stroke his pale body; to make him all his; yet now wasn't the time, others were still awake and consequences would be high if either of them were to be noticed. Eli let out a frustrated sigh, his desire burned into a pit inside his body.

The clock struck 11 when the outside noise had died down. The diviner stuck his head out - no one was in sight. He quickly took off to Aesop's quarters, not forgetting to keep his footsteps as quiet as possible.

Eli's heart quickened each step further down the dark hallways. He didn't know if it was due to the cold surrounding atmosphere or it was a strange sense of warmth burning inside that made his body shiver violently. What was Aesop planning tonight? They've done this so many times that it could be considered a daily schedule; yet, what was Eli nervous about? The diviner shook those thoughts away, if anything, he was just overthinking again. He turned a sharp left into another set of corridors and went to the middle door on his right-hand side. A sliver of light shone through the mahogany door - it wasn't locked.

"Aesop?", Eli called out as he stepped inside the other's lit room, his eyes searching around for his lover.

"Eli," a soft utter echoed from the old armchair beside Aesop's study, its host completely covered behind it, "Lock the door."

The diviner complied. He turned and shut the entrance tight, Eli then checked the knob again before heading towards the hiding male. "You gave me quite a scare there, dove." One of his arms wrapped around Carl's shoulder while the other stroked that frail torso.

The embalmer chuckled, "Really." He held Eli's wrists; leading them through his opened shirt to caress the bare body. Aesop teased, "May I make up for that, dearest?"

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