Chapter 21|' Yes freaking way'|

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Chapter 21|' Yes freaking way'|

  "Did you talk to him?" Sadie asked as I sat down at our lunch table.

  I snorted unattractively, my eyes darting to where he, Roman, and Taylor sat. "No."

  She frowned at my one worded answer, obviously wanting more. "Well," She started. "Why did you say?"


  Her left eye twitched, showing she was getting annoyed. "What did he say?"


  Sadie started tapping her fingers, making me grin. "What did you do?"


  "Jesus Christ! What the hell happened?!"

  My eyes widened in shock as she shrieked. The lunchroom fell silent and stared as Sadie scoffed. "What are you all looking at?"

  Nobody moved until she repeated herself.

  That's when everybody moved.

  Sadie huffed, fixing her shirt and flipping her hair back. "Now where was I?" She asked. "Oh, yeah. What happened?"

  "You're not gonna let this go, are you?" I questioned.

  She giggled. "Of course not."

  "I thought I was getting to him," I admitted. "Until I mentioned something I probably shouldn't have."

  I looked at her, hoping she would get it. We sat there for almost a minute, staring at each other. "What?!" She shrieked.

  I was very aware of my neck heating up, as well as my cheeks. "The Kai incident." I murmured.

  "No way," She said in shock. "No freaking way!"

  "Yes freaking way, okay?"

  "I can't believe you told them."

  "I know," I groaned, sneaking a glance across the cafeteria where Ryder, Roman, and Taylor were. "You know I have a tell!"

  "The blush?"

  "The blush."

  A smile started to appear on her face, but instantly stopped when she saw the face I was making at her. "What?" She said, putting a hand over her mouth. "You know its funny!"

  I sighed and then smiled, holding my thumb and index finger about an inch away. "Maybe a little."

  It was silent for a couple of seconds. We took one glance at each other and started laughing. Laughing in the hilariousness of the fact that the only reason I got hit on was because he thought I was someone else.

  Laughing because what else was there to do? Rely in the past?

  Hey! I am so sorry for not updating last week. I suffered from something I never thought I'd encounter. Writers block.
  Merry Christmas Eve to those who celebrate it! I have to save up for a computer.. And let's be real here for a minute. I am a fourteen year old girl whose mother won't let her work. If I get money, I am going to spend it- not save it.
  So, I am probably going to be updating from my phone for a long time.
  Anyway, comment below what you guys are asking for Christmas!



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