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chapter four


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The subway door closed before the Breyers get to me, I sigh and sit down, hoping Audrey will come home safely. The lights start to flicker, the train goes faster, the frost covers every subway windows, and the subway signs change into some weird symbols, and all the passengers disappear.

"Hello?" I called.

The subway stops as I stand up and wait for the door to open, it opens to some weird cave-like in the movies I watched. I looked at the destination map and apparently, there isn't a stop for a cave. I started to walk out and start to wonder where am i.

"Hello, w-who's doing this?" I said as I saw an old man that has a lightning bolt sign on his chest. Strange, I thought. "Hi, um, I was supposed to get off at 30th," I explain to him, he looks like a wizard from the movies I saw, and it's very creepy.

"Billy Batson," The wizard said, calling me.

"How'd you know my name?" I asked and give him a little shocked expression, of course, I'm shocked, how this wizard knows my name?!

" I am the last consul of wizards, keeper of the Rock of Eternity." He said.

Yeah, what the hell are you talking about?!

"Listen, I don't have any money."

"Don't patronize me, boy! You are standing in the source of all magic, the Rock of Eternity." He said as the gold light comes out and beginning to form images as he began to tell the story, "Seven foes, seven wizards, but a long time ago, we chose a champion, and we chose recklessly. He used his power for revenge. Releasing the seven deadly sins into the world. Millions of lives were lost, entire civilizations erased from existence. That is why I vowed that I'll never pass my magic until I find a truly good person, strong in spirit, pure in heart." 

"Look, man, i-i don't know, but, the people you're looking for, good, pure people.. I'm not one of them, i-i don't know if anyone is, really." 

"You, Billy Batson, are all I have. All the world has, Lay your hand on my staff," He commands to me. "And say my name so my powers may flow through you, I open my heart to you, Billy Batson, and in so doing, choose you as a champion."

"Thanks... Don't scream at me, mister, but I really gotta get going."

"My brothers and sisters were slain by the sins, Their thrones lie empty! My magic must be passed on. Now, speak my name!"

"I-I don't know your name, sir, you know we just met, right?"

"My name is... Shazam."

I snickered, "Are you for real?"

"Say it!" he burst.

"Okay! Jeez." I say as we hold the staff, "I just say it? Like, Shazam?" 

"Carry my name with it, you carry all of my powers! The Wisdom of Solomon! The strength of Hercules! The stamina of Atlas! The power of Zeus! The courage of Achilles! And the speed of Mercury!" he exclaims.

A lightning strike hits me as I suddenly become taller, and I'm wearing an absurd red overall superhero costume and a lightning bolt in the middle of my chest.

"What happened to me? Why am I..? W.. W-What did you do to me? What did you do to me?" I ask, frightened cover my voice.

"You have been transformed to your full potential, Billy Batson, with your heart, unlock your greatest power. The thrones of our brothers and sisters await!" he said as he turned into dust and disappeared.

"Get me out of here!"



"Audrey, Gosh, Are you okay?" Rosa worriedly asks as she soon opened the door.

"Are they here yet?" I ask, still worried about my brother.

"Yes, they're upstairs, what happened to you?" she asked again as we walk to the living room, she supports me to sit and she got up and goes to the bathroom to take a first aid kit.

"It's a long story, actually." I decided not to tell her about it, only me and my siblings know that Freddy and I are bullied.

"Where is Billy? They said you're with Billy, " she asks.

"Oh, Billy, he kind of, um, runaway, he takes a subway." I just looked down and she just sighs.

"We'll take care of that, don't worry about it, sweetie," she reassured me but I still think that she's worried about Billy, we all are.

"Rosa, um, can I ask you a question?"

"Of course, what is it, mi amor?"

"um, earlier, um, this boy is talking to this girl, and, um, you know, I just feel upset to that boy, i-i don't know why "I explained.

"You must like that boy, Audrey, and he's talking to the girl, you feel jealousy, " she said as she grinned to me.

"W-What? No, I mean, that's impossible." I really can't believe it! I do not like Billy and I'm not jealous of that girl!

"Well, you know, denial is the first sign that you like him," she teases. " And I bet Freddy and the others would like to know that you're crushing on someone," she added and I blushed.

"No! um, d-don't tell them, please? Especially, Freddy, he's gonna teased me all the time!" I exclaimed, I'm sure the others are okay with that, but Freddy, he's gonna ask and ask all the time and gonna spy!

"I'm just kidding, dear. Now, rest that pretty head of yours, I'll just wake you up when it's dinner time," she said and I just rest and take a nap on the couch.

First, Billy runaway, and Second, the feeling I felt earlier is jealousy?! What is really happening to me? 

Billy Batson, you make me insane.

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