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"Do not test my patience!"
"I am carrying your child!"
Everything freezed. For a second. Or a minute. Or an hour. They didn't really know. It felt like eternity. Bellatrix could almost hear Voldemort's thoughts running in his head. She waited for a curse, standing still, bowing her head. He moved first, beginning to circle around her. As for Bellatrix's guess, he was trying to decide which curse was the best to finish his most loyal. He began to mutter something, more to himself, because Bellatrix couldn't hear what he was saying. After a few more painfully quiet minutes, Voldemort finally spoke to the frightened woman;
"You are sure?"
He didn't need to say anything else. Bellatrix knew that the Dark Lord didn't mean, that was she sure about being pregnant. He meant, that was she sure about the child's father.
And then the silence went on. Bellatrix was like a time bomb, which could burst any minute, as she was so frightened, fustrated, and a little afraid too. She wasn't afraid of death or punishment, in fact she would've glad if she would die serving Voldemort. She was afraid of the fact, that there was, indeed someone growing inside of her.

    Voldemort stopped right in front of Bellatrix, sighed, and started speaking;
"When did you find out?"
"Not many minutes before I came to tell you."
Bellatrix was just getting her senses back, and the feeling of regret lurked in her mind. She had acted foolishly, by defying her master's orders. Voldemort's eyes went from Bellatrix to the floor, and then at the ceiling, and then to Bellatrix again. He was thinking, figuring out something.
"Well... I do not need an heir..."
"I know, My Lord-"
"Do not interrupt me, Bella. I live forever, and do not need an heir, and neither do you. Homewer, someone, my own flesh and blood, with the loyalty of yours, could be extremetly usefull. There will be a war. And it will be soon, and by the time of that, the child doesn't have use yet. But in the future... I can teach it..."
"... And then send it out to kill?"
"Exactly, Bella."
And in a second, an evil grin spreaded on the Dark Lord's face, and at the same time a confused one spreaded one Bellatrix's. A piece of parchment flew to Voldemort's hand, with a wandless spell. He read it fast, like he was making sure of something to be true, and then it burnt away. He started explaining, clearly seeing Bellatrix's unawarness.
"This... offspring will make all the plans complete. It fits perfectly."
Bellatrix wasn't usually slow, but this was a shock. His reaction was a shock.
"So, this is a good thing, My Lord?"
"This is a thing above all my other inventions, Bellatrix!"

    After a week, Bellatrix and Voldemort had somewhat normalised and accepted the idea of a child. Voldemort more than Bellatrix, as it was a great help for Beatles all of his plans. Bellatrix had put a glamour charm on the family tree on one of the manor's walls. That was, because there was a small branch appearing next to Bellatrix's name. It needed to be hided.
The woman woke up from her thoughts as her younger sister called her name.
Narcissa walked into the library Bellatrix was in at the moment, gently closed the door, and walked to an an armchair opposite from Bellatrix.
"I need to ask you a question. I thought you and Rodolphus weren't... Anyway, I noticed something today."
This got Bellatrix's attention. What could it possibly be?
"Why there's a glamour charm on the family tree, Bella?"
"I have no idea, Cissy."
"I think you do."
"I don't - "
"You are pregnant."

Sorry for the short chapter... Anyway, I have two questions; Should Umbridge join the Death Eaters? Should Nymphadora turn to the dark side? In my opinion, it's yes for both, but I want to know what you think!


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