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   "You are pregnant."
The terror was clear in Bellatrix's eyes. She had never been good in controlling her emotions, and now she shot up from her chair. She was trying to decide whetever to lie or not, but before she could decide, both of the sisters's eyes shot up, as a mechanigic voice rang from the magical speakers;
"A member of the house Black has come inside the barriers. A member of the house Black has come inside the barriers."
When it got quiet, Narcissa and Bellatrix looked at each other, eyes flaming in the fear of danger. The barriers were enchanted to only let members of a few chosen families to enter, excluding the disowned members. These families were the most trusted Death Eaters, and the others needed to ask for access through the speakers. Bellatrix started walking towards the door, Narcissa quickly following as Bellatrix spoke;
"We need to confirm it wasn't Draco."
The said woman stopped walking and turned, as her sister grabbed her arm;
"We will speak about this later."

    Draco and his friends came across the two sisters in one of the halls. Narcissa and Draco asked at the same time;
"It wasn't you?"
"It wasn't you?"
Bellatrix turned to the front door, but there appeared to be no movement. Yet.
"Could you have an unborn child, Draco?"
"Bellatrix, my son would never - !"
"I'm not sure."
Narcissa sighed disappointed, and Pansy Parkinson turned to Draco with an angry voice;
"You've cheated on me?!"
Everyone turned and bowed their heads as they heard the Dark Lord.
"Who could it be?"
"My Lord, I do not know.", Bellatrix turned to Narcissa, "Why would Walburga or our parents come here?"
And then the magical speakers let out a strong voice again;
"A member of the House Black wishes to speak with you, at the frontdoor."
Narcissa and the teenagers drew out their wands, Bellatrix already had her own ready. The Dark Lord was watching from a distance, but without others knowing it, he was ready to duel too. Bellatrix pushed Draco towards the door, as a command to open it. He took a hold of the doorknob, pressed it down and slowly, it opened.

     At first, they couldn't see anything as the terrible storm, wind and rain, crashed inside, but then there was a silhouette of a woman. She stepped in and came into the light, water from the rain sliding down from her hair and clothes. She had long dark brown hair, which was most like Bellatrix's, except it was straight. She wasn't tall, around 5'4 feet. She appeared to be young, not past her twenties yet. She was beautiful, allthough weirdly familiar to them. They just didn't realise why this woman looked so familiar, where they knew her or how she was related to the Black family. The woman took a look of the many wands aimed at her, then looked at the ground, lifted her hands next to her head and dropped her wand. And when the woman started speaking, with her powerful but light voice, Narcissa and Bellatrix knew exactly who she was;
"I did not come here to harm anyone and I do not wish any harm to any of you. I am..."

I'm sorry for not updating in a few days and for the short, trashy chapter! My summer holiday will start in a week (Allthough I'm not looking up for it, I like school and studying)! But, then I'll have much more time to write new chapters, so be ready for a spam! And, you probably already know who this mysterious woman is? ; )


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