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Bellatrix was hysterical. She manically, madly kept repeating a quiet 'No' to herself, trying to figure out what in name of Salazar Slytherin she was going to do.
She hissed to the air, and soon a small, ugly house elf appeared in front of her.
"You called Klasy, mistress Bellatrix."
Klasy was one of old house elves of the Black house, but it had been given to Bellatrix and Rodolphus when they married.
"You are going to get me something, and no one can know, do you understand?"
Klasy slowly nodded, eyes as big as plates, as fear took over the little creature.  Bellatrix was too afraid to say it out loud, refusing to believe the thought. Instead, she gave the house elf a little piece of parchment, and then it disappeared with a loud sound.

   Bellatrix, unsure whetever panic or not, was terrifyingly calm. She was calmer than usually, which made even herself feel weird. There was a loud sound again, and Bellatrix turned to see the house elf again.
"Klasy got mistress Bellatrix what she needed."
Bellatrix roughly took the potion from the elf, and then pointed her wand at it;
"Avada Kedavra!"
She couldn't let anyone or anything know about this, and a house elf most surely wasn't trusted enough. So, as the elf laid unmoving on the floor, Bellatrix opened the vial of the small bottle. It had clear liquid in it, and Bellatrix quickly and easily took a piece of her dark hair, and slowly, hestitating, let it slide in to the bottle. She knew how to do this, it was easy, and she had seen it be done multiple times by her mother, sister and her other relatives. Bellatrix let out a deep breath, and then watched as the liquid chanced color. She was unsure of the comir at first; green, if it's positive, and red, if it's negative. But as the color got more obvious, the bottle slipped out of Bellatrix's hand in shock, and broke into million's of pieces, vanishing the potion. Bellatrix Black was pregnant. Pregnant with the Dark Lord's child.

    If anyone had seen her at the moment, one glance at her way would have made them realise to stay away from her. Far away. She had only one thought in her head, being on the edge of a breakdown; She had to find the Dark Lord.
Bellatrix walked fast, went down the stairs, remembering about some discussions downstairs. She saw Severus Snape and Antonin Dolohov waiting outside the meeting room, and both looked at her like she was a terrifying thundrestorm. Soon, her panicking, high-pitched voice rang in the air;
"Who's there?"
Answered Severus lazily. His loaylties were truly with the Dark Lord, even though he had loved Lily, but the foolish Dumbledore had let a Death Eater, as in himself, hear the prophesy. He blamed Dumbledore for Lily's death and no one could chance that. But Bellatrix didn't care about the two men telling her she had to wait for her turn, as she stormed past them, made her sharp knock on the door, and as soon as she heard Voldemort's voice hissing a powerful;
She opened the door and stepped in.
"I thought I was clear, when I told each and everyone of you, that I do not wish to be interrupted?"
Bellatrix's mind wasn't steady at the moment, so instead of apologing the Dark Lord, she turned to Wormtail, who winced as she spoke to him;
"Get out."
"I - I wa - was in - in t- the mid- middle o - of"
"Get! Out!"
Wormtail almost ran out of the room, Bellatrix had already put him under enough Crucios earlier. Bellatrix shot a silencing spell on the door, but wanted to make sure no one could hear;
"Silence the room."
Voldemort was fustrated. First, he was interrupted and then she acted like she owned the world. But she was acting weird. He could see it, and was too curious and listened instead of placing a painfull curse on her at the very first second. He hissed, with a warning voice;
"Have you forgotten your place, Bellatrix?"
Bellatrix seemed to ignore him - was she finally out of her mind?
"Silence the room!"
He did it, as he realised that Bellatrix knew something. Somehow, she had got information no one else knew. Bellatrix took a short, gasping breath and started explaining;
"I am going to tell you something, which I think as impossible, but I'm almost sure it's very much true. I have a request; when you are going to kill me after this, I do not want a peaceful and painless death. That would be a shame."
Now Voldemort tensed up, what could Bellatrix tell him. Surely she hadn't betrayed him, but what had happened? He motioned her to continue;
"I - I think - No. I am... - I think I -"
"Do not test my patience!"
"I am carrying your child!"


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