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Bellatrix was currently being examined by Severus Snape, who was turning her head from side to another to see her beaten cheekbone.
"It's broken."
Bellatrix frowned and sighed, as she jerked her head of his hands.
"Your blood pressure is high, have you experienced any dizziness or discomfort?"
Bellatrix shot a fustrated glare at him and groaned;
"What kind of an interrogation is this?"
The Dark Lord started speaking from an armchair in the other side of the room, while Narcissa took Severus' place and examined her sister's cheekbone too;
"I simply ordered Severus to check you fully, as he's the closest thing to a healer in the higher, trustful ranks."
Bellatrix didn't reply, and Severus didn't seem to enjoy this anymore than she did, but asked once again;
"Let's just get this over with; Have you felt dizzy?"
Bellatrix hesitated for a small part of a second and then firmly nodded;
"Alright. Like I said, your blood pressure is a little high. If it doesn't rise anymore, it's fine, but do not lose your temper in any case or -"
"How do you think I can manage to do that?"
"Otherwise there's a risk of miscarriage. Other than that, everything's fine. Take the potion I gave you twice a day to heal that cheekbone. And I suggest you to stop wearing that corset right away. I may leave now, if you don't require my precense anymore, My Lord?"
Narcissa left the room at the same time with Severus, after they both had bowed to the Dark Lord. Bellatrix turned to the mirror, her back facing the Dark Lord.
"My sister is hosting some kind of a ball tomorrow."
"I know. Lucius informed me a week ago. I'll be there."
Bellatrix started to untie her corset, but she struggled as the strings were on the back.
"My father is a fool, isn't he?"
"I would say he's more than just a fool, Bella. He tried to hurt something that's mine."
Voldemort stood from the chair, walked over to Bellatrix and effortlessly took the strings from her hands and started to elegantly untie her corset.

As it got closer to the ball on the saturday evening, everything was a chaos. Bellatrix had spent most of the time in her room. At the morning, she bathed in Unicorn's blood, as a recommendation from Narcissa, who said she had read that it fades the effects on her body and face from Azkaban and Dementors and that it had worked with the male escapees too. And it did. The rough features on her face faded a little, her waist was thin like it had always been but her hips were perfectly full again and her hair was the most noticiable difference of all. It was like satin, like it once had been. Her curls weren't a terrible mess anymore, they were smooth and beautiful. Bellatrix looked absolutely gorgeous. She looked just like she did fifteen years ago, only older, and by then, she had been outstanding. And Bellatrix knew, that today when she went downstairs to that ball, every man in the room would stare at her. Just like they had once before.

The ball had started a minute ago, and the guests were probably arriving at the moment. The music had started playing and Narcissa, along with her husband and the teenagers, had went downstairs half an hour ago to make sure everything was ready. The teenagers were to leave to Hogwarts in a week, to start their sixth year. Bellatrix, unsurprisingly, wore a black dress. The strapless dress, made of silk, was tight at her upper stomach and above it, but the bottom of it was loose. Her dark curls were freely hanging down and her heels banged to the ground at her every step. In a second, she was already at the door leading to the hall. She stepped inside and felt many pairs of eyes on her skin. Before anyone could say anything to Bellatrix or even take a step towards her, she felt someone on her right. The Dark Lord. He offered her his hand, and she looked at him, clearly confused.
"Dance with me, Bella."

And they danced. They danced for three long songs, and they knew, that everyone was staring. Voldemort didn't usually dance with anyone. They got both confused and guessing looks. The Dark Lord knew, that this wouldn't last long, because tomorrow he would need to be stricter than ever because of this dancing. And as soon as they stopped dancing, Voldemort went to greet his most devoted Death Eaters, but after that, he went back to Bellatrix and told her to come with him.
"Where are we going, My Lord?"
Soon they reached his private chambers. Bellatrix had been there before, multiple times. But now it was different, since he sat himself on a chair and motioned Bellatrix to sit across him. She obeyed, and crossed her feet. Voldemort didn't say anything for a while, he stared out of his huge window and then whispered;
"No, look."
Bellatrix turned to look out of the window, and there, at the dark sky, was her star. It shined the most of all the white dots near it, and Bellatrix replied to him in a second.
"I was named after that star."
"The star was named after you."

Is anyone even reading this anymore? I'm just kind of losing motivation, or I don't know...


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