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"I've missed you, Rod."
"I've missed you too, Am."
Rodolphus and the mother of his children, Ambrosia, were roughly kissing and hugging each other - in front of everyone in the dining room.
"You can stay here. Right, Narcissa?"
Narcissa gave the man the same look her sister gave to someone she wanted to shut up. She couldn't say no. It was Voldemort's house these days. And Rodolphus was, after all, a member of the inner circle. Narcissa just wasn't sure what would happen when Ambrosia accidentally got in Bellatrix's way in the hallways or in the dining room or in a bigger Death Eater meeting. In such a short time, Narcissa had learned the names of the twins, Caroline and Eleanor, which were very uncommon names among pureblood children. Antonin Dolohov, Bellatrix's good friend, opened his mouth the first time since the argument between Rodolphus and Bellatrix;
"You and your how could make out somewhere else, Rodolphus."
"She's not my hoe!"
"I'm the love of his life!"
Ambrosia was everything Bellatrix wasn't. Ambrosia did everything Rodolphus wanted, Bellatrix didn't. Ambrosia was less magically skilled than Rodolphus, Bellatrix wasn't. Ambrosia was lower in the Dark Lord's ranks than Rodolphus, Bellatrix wasn't. Ambrosia gave him children, Bellatrix didn't. But everyone, who knew Rodolphus, despised him for the fact that he had kept the truth from them for almost two decades.

The following evening, after the scandal with Rodolphus and his children, was actually as calm as it could be. Same couldn't be said about the next morning, when Narcissa had basically lurked Bellatrix to come downstairs. Their conversation had escalated quickly, but had gone back to normal just as fast;
"Bella, you need to come - especially in your condition."
"My conditi-? Who told you?!"
"The Dark Lord."
"He told you-! What? Why?"
"I don't know, I was surprised too, I figured it's supposed to be a secret."
"It is! I - Who else knows?"
"Lucius, and I think He mentioned about telling to Severus -"
"Anyway - Bella, please, just come."

When Narcissa appeared downstairs with her sister, she sent a warning look towards the teenagers and her husband. They - Narcissa and Lucius - had made sure that there was no one who could possibly annoy Bellatrix in the room. Just a few teenagers, Draco, Pansy, Theodore and Blaise, themselves and on top of it all; the Dark Lord. They had scheduled the morning that the Dark Lord was there at the same time with Bellatrix - incase of an incident, Narcissa wasn't sure if she could keep her sister in control by herself. They hadn't told this to him of course, but he knew it, and was still willing to do it. He actually had no better thing to do, because he could as good sit in the Malfoy's kitchen and babysit Bellatrix, than sitting somewhere else. He could do his least important plans anywhere. Narcissa had almost trained the teenagers to handle Bellatrix. Most important rule : No knifes near her. That would surely lead to a disaster. Bellatrix sunk to her usual place on Voldemort's right, and childishly blew a piece of her hair off of her face. Draco was about to sit next to his aunt, but Lucius stopped his son just in time, and moved him, leaving a seat between Draco and Bellatrix. The teenagers soon deepened into a boring conversation about idiotic gossips, and Bellatrix found herself very unamused.
"Lucius, would you hold these for me?"
Narcissa turned to her husband, and gave him a few cutlery. Then she gave him a box, and another. One of the doors to the kitchen opened and Narcissa turned to look at the incomer, who appeared to be one of her maids. Her maids, which she had got back when the Dark Lord returned, were purebloods, but usually squibs or witches with very little magical abilities.
"Mrs. Malfoy, I have a letter - "
Narcissa turned to look at the maid.
" - I'm not sure who it is from."
Narcissa set two plates on Lucius' hands.
"Narcissa, I can't hold all of these - "
Lucius set the cutlery in his hands - a few spoons, two forks and a sharp knife - on the table.
"Let me see the letter."
Narcissa started walking around the table, towards the maid.
"Father, I think you should take the kni-"
Draco wasn't fast enough. No one, not even the Dark Lord, was fast enough. Bellatrix took a firm hold of the knife, violently threw it, and in a second, it perforated the maid's neck. The maid bled out to her death, choking on the stone cold floor. Narcissa sighed;
"Great. Just great."

(A/N: By every chapter I'm just becoming more convinced that Voldemort is Bella's new therapist and that Narcissa works for the FBI.)


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