Chapter Nineteen

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Snow fell down around her as Cassiopeia stopped in the middle of the courtyard. It was nearing Christmas time and Cassiopeia was soaking up some peace before she had to return home and deal with her family. 

"Cassiopeia," A loud voice clearly shouted her name, "Cassiopeia Black."

As she turned around she was surprised to find Lucius Malfoy striding towards her, almost as though he was on a mission. "Lucius?" Her shock was evident as she stared up at him. 

"I need your help, Cassiopeia."

She was at a loss for words as she wondered how she could possibly help the seventh year. 

"It's about Narcissa," He began, "I have liked your sister for some time now but I want to ask her out properly. She talks constantly about you so I know you two are close. You know her better than anyone."

Cassiopeia still did not know what to say. Narcissa and herself hadn't spoken properly in nearly a year. The two sisters had suddenly become very close only to fall out immediately. "Surely you know her well too Lucius."

He laughed, before becoming serious once again, "Your sister is still a mystery to me at times. I want this to be perfect. She deserves this to be the best."

"She likes you, Lucius, I highly doubt that any way you were to ask her she wouldn't be happy with," Cassiopeia smiled as she realised not only was Narcissa fulfilling their parents wish but she was also going to be with someone she loved, "Even though everyone seems to think my sister is a snob and loves to be the centre of attention, she doesn't. When you ask her let it be simple and private. We've spent our entire lives being talked about. Let this be just for her."

Lucius nodded as though he was mentally taking notes, "I'll take her somewhere private."

"She's always liked the Black Lake. She finds it soothing."

"Yes, she does go there a lot. Apparently you used to," Lucius informed her, "I think she sometimes goes there hoping you are there too."

"Her favourite flowers are white roses," Cassiopeia told him as she glanced over his shoulder to see her cousin and his friends loitering by the entrance. Sirius was blatantly staring at the two while the rest of his friends looked fed up with him. 

"Thank you, Cassiopeia," Lucius then turned to see what she was looking at, "Is he being a nuisance?"

Cassiopeia scoffed, "My cousin has always been a nuisance. He likes to think he can protect me. I don't know what he's protecting me from though."

"I can help you out with him if you want me to. I'm a prefect so I can give him detention every time he goes near you or even hex him a few times just so he gets the idea to leave you alone."

She stared up at the white-haired boy and tried her best to sound as sincere as possible, "I really am grateful Lucius, that you would even consider helping me but it really isn't needed. You are in your final year so while it may help me out for a few months, he would only be worse once you leave," She smiled, "I can handle my cousin."

Lucius grinned at her, seemingly believing her, "Well, at least let me walk you to the common room."

Cassiopeia nodded, even though she wanted to stay out in the snow for a while longer, and walked beside Lucius to the Slytherin common room. As they went past the four boys, she gave her cousin a pointed look as though she was telling him to leave her alone. Cassiopeia Black didn't need to be looked after. She was perfectly capable of taking care of herself. 

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