Chapter Fifty-Three

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Modesty and Cassiopeia sat beside each other in Defence Against the Dark Arts, neither paying close attention to the lesson - Cassiopeia doodled on her parchment paper while Modesty twiddled her hair as she hummed quietly under her breath. 

As the class became louder, Modesty nudged her friend to gain her attention, "What is it?"

"You need to be careful, Cassie," Modesty told her, "Rabastan and his new gang are out to get you. I overheard him yesterday talking about you. He's angry. Like really angry."

Cassiopeia sighed, "I was worried about how he would react. He hasn't been as bad as I thought he would be so far."

Modesty looked at her friend in worry, "He's plotting revenge. Not only did you reject him but you made him look like a fool."

"I told him I wasn't going to marry him. It is his fault for not believing me."

"I am so glad you did reject him," Modesty whispered, "He used to be attractive but he's always so sour-looking, it really isn't a good look."

Cassiopeia chuckled, "He's only going to get worse."

"I'll keep an ear out in case I can hear anymore and I'll tell you," Modesty told her, "Just keep your guard up, Cassie. Be wary of him."

She thanked her friend before looking over to where Rabastan was sat. James caught her as she did and raised his eyebrow at him but she simply shook her head, telling him it wasn't important.

As the class ended, Modesty and Cassiopeia walked out of the classroom in search of Bertie. "At least he isn't following that Huff-"

"Cassiopeia," James shouted as he pushed through the crowd, but upon seeing their classmates give him curious looks he added, "It's head boy girl duty things."

She swivelled around and saw everyone had gone back to what they were doing before. "I'll find Bertie and you can meet us in the Great Hall," Modesty whispered to her friend as she smirked at the two. 

Cassiopeia stared at James, waiting in anticipation to what he was going to say, "Is everything okay? I saw how you looked at Lestrange."

"Yeah, don't worry about it, I can handle him," She smiled reassuringly at him, "Just be wary of him and his goons."


She stopped him, her hand squeezing his bicep before she wandered off down the hall to meet up with her friends, "Don't worry about it, James."

"I always worry!"

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