Chapter Fifty-Two

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Cassiopeia grinned as she watched Modesty and Bertie bicker over everything and nothing. She was glad things between the three friends still resembled normality. She constantly reminded herself how lucky she had been to befriend the two. Neither were pureblood fanatics - even if Bertie's brother was. 

"I think I might dye my hair purple," Modesty said out of the blue. 

Bertie wrinkled his nose, "Why would you want to do that? It is fine as it is."

"Because I don't want people to just look at me and think fine."

Bertie laughed, "They don't mean oh she's fine I guess, they mean it as damn she's fine."

Modesty stared at the boy in confusion, "I swear every word you say is absolute rubbish. Cassie, do you think I would look good with purple hair?"

"Yeah, it would definitely suit you."

The girl stuck her tongue out at Bertie, "Really mature, Mod," Bertie told her causing Modesty to elbow him in the ribs, "One of these days I'm going to leave because of you doing that and you'll regret ever hurting me."

"Oh please, you love us," Modesty told him, "It's us three against the world."

Cassiopeia sighed suddenly, "It's strange isn't it, that soon we will hardly see each other. We might even become strangers."

"Don't say that," Modesty replied, "We will always be friends. No matter what happens. No matter how little we see each other. If we need each other, we'll be there."

High pitch giggling caused the three to glance down the table. A huddle of first years was whispering quickly as they looked over at Cassiopeia in awe. It was something that had happened several times to Cassiopeia and she was growing used to having a small group follow her about. She guessed it was what happened to the head boy and girl. 

"It's as though you are famous, Cassie," Bertie quietly told her, "It's very weird."

"They are young, they are yet to realise who they are. It's normal for people their age to idealise someone."

As the three walked out of the Great Hall, Modesty burst into laughter, "You know, the first years are the only people who don't cower away from you."

"They haven't seen Cassiopeia on a bad day yet!" A loud smack was heard and then Bertie called out, "Come on! Where is the lie? I love you but you are bloody scary."

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