Chapter Sixty-Five

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"Watch out," Cassiopeia yelled at Alice as a curse was directed towards the woman, "Stupefy."

Alice turned to smile at Cassiopeia, "Thank you! Expelliarmus!"

The two Aurors were fighting against a couple of death eaters, "They are bloody children," Cassiopeia shouted, "Can you imagine what Moody would say if he was here?"

"I'm glad he isn't. You know what he's like when we have to deal with death eaters," Alice replied, "Spends the whole time moaning about how he's fought tougher opponents."

The two stood over the death eaters and smiled at their work, "Let's get you guys to this lovely place called Azkaban."

"We hope you have a wonderful time there," Alice added before turning to Cassiopeia, "We make a good team!"

Cassiopeia smiled at the woman, "You are stuck with Frank tomorrow I'm afraid. I have the day off."

"I don't know how I'll be able to cope without my work wife," Alice replied causing Cassiopeia to burst out laughing. 

As she arrived home, Cassiopeia stared up at the small house. The house was everything the Black manor had never been. Cassiopeia felt safe and most importantly happy. The door was thrown open to reveal James grinning at her, "How was work?"

"Tiring," Cassiopeia replied as she strode up the path, "We managed to get a couple of death eaters though. They are on their way Azkaban to await trial for murdering a family. I'm not sure there's enough evidence against them though. You know how it goes. Always the same bullshit."

"Let's hope they won't get away with it," James told her, "I've cooked us dinner. It's a muggle dish called Lasagna - now before you start it won't be like last time I cooked, Remus came round and helped me."

Cassiopeia laughed, "It should be good then if Remus helped. Does that mean the boys are all here?"

Her boyfriend looked sheepish as he replied, "Yeah - you know what they are like."

The two walked hand in hand to the kitchen where the three other Marauders were sat patiently. "You took your time, Cassie," Sirius commented as she sat down opposite him. 

"Oh, I love when you come over for dinner, cousin," Cassiopeia replied sarcastically, "It's almost as though you live here. Did I make up the fact you have your own flat? Wasting our dear Uncle Alphard's money. He was probably disowned because of you!"

Sirius stuck his tongue out at her causing Remus to shout at the two, "Children! Can you too please stop being so childish!"

"I've got to say, this looks lovely," Cassiopeia said, "Clearly more of Remus's work."

"Babe!" James whined, "I put so much blood, sweat and tears into this meal."

Cassiopeia grimaced, "Please don't tell me they are ingredients."

The group laughed, "I always forget you have very little experience of muggle life," Remus told her, "You have so much to learn, Cassie!"

"I'm not sure I'm ready."

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