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We've been living here for a month now and I've really settled in. Heather has started being super nice to us, as she's been seeing her Dad once a week. So Rodrick has stopped coming to my caravan and it's helped me get my mind off him. Tonight, Dad has organised a nice picnic dinner for us all, and Heather actually agrees to come. We all walk to the park, it's next to the beach so we can watch the sunset as we eat. We're all talking and laughing, even Heather which is unusual seeing her like this. Suddenly, Dad gets down on one knee and Tiffany looks confused. In a shaky voice, Dad begins.

"Tiffany, even since we met you have had my heart. You are the most beautiful, strongest woman and make my life perfect. I know we haven't lived together for long, but I would be honoured to call you my fiancé."
"Oh, Jason, of course!" Tiffany exclaims. He puts the ring on her, it's sparkling and gorgeous. They embrace in a big hug and he twirls her around. I glance over at Heather and her face is mortified. She gets up and kicks all the food. "You're not serious, are you Mum? You're going to marry a low-life like him? It's obvious he's your rebound from Dad! And now him and his freak daughter are just using you for free rent!" she exclaims. She picks up her bag and runs off.

"Oh gosh, I am so sorry Jason," Tiffany says, tears brimming in her eyes. "No, I'm sorry. I thought she was getting used to us but I should've have proposed so early," Dad says. "No! I want to marry you! I love you!" she says. Holly goes over and hugs her Mum. "Well I can't wait for the wedding," she says. We pick up the food Heather kicked. Dad and Tiffany sit and drink some champagne while watching the sunset. Holly and I go down to the water to dip our feet in.

When we get home, Heather isn't there. She's obviously at Rodrick's. I get into bed and realise how tired I am, until I hear the taps on my window. Is it...? I open the door and it is Rodrick. He climbs in. "I just walked Heather home as we aren't allowed sleepovers yet. She told me everything so I just wanted to see it you're okay," he says. "I'm fine, I just feel bad for Dad," I say. "He's a great guy. Her Dad is an asshole, I can't stand him," he says. "You better get out of here," I say. "We haven't talked for a while. Did you like my mixtape?" he asks. "I loved it, it was perfect," I say. He smiles. "Well, if Heather does anything to upset you just tell me. She usually listens to me," he says. I nod. "Goodnight," he says, then gets up and leaves.

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