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Rodrick and I have agreed to still see eachother, but on the down low. We text all day, call every night, and some nights he still sneaks in. Heather has been staying with her Dad so she isn't around much. The summer break is almost over as school starts in one week which means I'll be there with both Heather and Rodrick.

The first day of school finally arrives. Rodrick texts me to say he's picking me up. "Have a great day, y/n. Don't let Heather give you a hard time," Dad says. I'm a little nervous because I haven't seen her since the party. I don't know if she'll avoid me OR make my life a living hell. Rodrick is waiting out the front for me and I hop in his van. "Good morning," he says, giving me a kiss. We arrive at school and he says he'll show me around. As we walk around, I see Heather and her group of friends. Heather is twirling her hair around a typical blonde Jock, until she notices Rodrick and I. Her eyes look at us blanky, with no expression at all, then she turns back to her friends.

"Already off to a good start," Rodrick says, putting his arm around me. I notice people staring at us, obviously as I'm the new girl who's walking through the halls with bad boy Rodrick. My first class isn't with Rodrick, but we agree to meet at breaks. I have Art class first period, and I sit next to a pretty but quiet girl who's already sketching a drawing. She looks up at me. "Hi, I'm Jenny," she says. "I'm y/n," I say. We get along straight away.

On break, I walk with Jenny and Rodrick appears. He straight away kisses me infront of her. "Wait, you two are dating?" she asks, looking amazed, "How did you already know eachother?" I laugh. "That's a roller coaster of a story to tell," I say. We all sit together with Rodrick's friends and Jenny's friends, I tell Jenny the story and she is enjoying every second of it, as Heather used to make fun of her all throughout her highschool years.

After school, I go over to Rodrick's to finally meet his family, and I realise that life just seems to be working out just fine.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10 ⏰

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